The wedding

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Everyone was at the burrow. Amongst them Jean, Harry, Hermione, Tonks, Remus, the Weasleys and Fleur. The occasion was a rather special one, actually. Bill, Ron’s eldest brother and Fleur were getting married. Even though, it was supposed to be a happy event, the mood was saddened. Last night, in the battle of the seven Potters, Mad-eye Moody was murdered due to Mundungus Fletcher disapparating when the death eaters appeared.
Jean sat on her bed, braiding her hair. She was wearing a long-sleeved blue dress, which matched her eye colour very well. Even though she was happy for Bill and Fleur and grateful for the invitation, she couldn’t help but feel like they were wasting time. Maybe it was the fact that Bill had invited Jacob as well, because he knew Newt and Tina and wanted Jacob to come, but Jean felt very nervous.
If she had it her way, they would’ve left just last night and she knew that Harry actually made an attempt to do so, but was stopped by Ron. Other than that, the golden quartet had inherited a few things from Dumbledore. Hermione had gotten a copy of ‘the tales of Beedle the bard’, Ron inherited something called a Deluminator, Harry his first golden snitch that he ever caught and the sword of Gryffindor and Jean was given Dumbledore’s collection of memories. Jean found this quite ironic, given the fact that she was investigating the first wizarding war with the help of memories.
Sighing, she ran her hands over her face, frustrated with herself and the word around her. She loathed Voldemort for so many things. Abducting and murdering her mum, tearing families apart, torturing and murdering loads of innocent people, being the reason why her dad went to Azkaban and so many more things. Before she could stop herself, she let out a scream of frustration. Jean slapped her hand to her mouth, once she closed it. Praying that no one heard, she resumed getting ready.
A few minutes later she was disturbed by a knock on the door. ,,Yea, come in”, Jean just granted, not paying attention to her visitor. It was only when she heard a certain someone clear their throat, that made her look up. ,,Jacob”, she breathed, swallowing hard. The dark blonde haired boy smiled awkwardly. ,,Hey”, he greeted her, fidgeting with his undone tie. Jean ran her hand through her hair, nervous and awkwardly trying to avoid any kind of eye contact. She knew that if she looked him in the eye, she would get weak. It felt just like the day the two of them met, attracting tension surrounding them. ,,What is it, Jacob”, Jean asked, knowing the answer already. Her question was met with silence, resulting in her turning to the mirror to put on a necklace. ,,Can you-, I was wondering if you could, you know, help me with my tie?”, Jacob finally asked, avoiding eye contact as well. Jean looked at him in the mirror, debating with herself if she should. Her heart was longing for Jacob’s affection, his familiar smell, his arms around her. But her conscious knew that if she caved, she’d make Jacob an easy target for Voldemort. In the end, she couldn’t resist though, as she heard herself asking: ,,Can you help me with the necklace first?” Jacob nodded, stepping closer to her. Jean moved her curls to make if easier for Jacob to put the necklace around her neck.
What he hadn’t noticed was, she was wearing the necklace he’d given her for her birthday. Jean just noticed, as she was holding her breath when she sensed Jacobs presence close behind her. In that moment she missed him more than ever. His lips, his hands, his body, his everything. She missed every single moment they ever had together. Jacob exhaled, as he lowered the hanger of the necklace onto Jeans skin. As her breathing got heavier, she buried her head in her hands. Jacob looked at her concerned, apparently not knowing what he should do either.
,,I’ll help you with that tie now”, Jean muttered, pulling herself together. Jacob gave her a grateful smile, as she turned to him. The task turned out to be harder than she thought. It wasn’t the same as when she did his tie for the Christmas party, the valentines ball, his dinner with Slughorn or so many other occasions. This time she felt as though she was about to cry from just looking at the blue tie, which coincidentally matched the exact colour of her eyes and dress. Everything she missed so much about Jacob came creeping to the surface. His smell, his warmth, his gentleness, everything that Jean loved about him made her want to break her own rules. With trembling hands, she finished her job. ,,There, you’re all done”, Jean smiled, forcing all her emotions down. Jacob looked at her, before he answered: ,,Thanks.”
A very painful silence broke over them. ,,Can’t believe you’re seventeen and still can’t do your own tie”, Jean finally joked, not wanting to stay in this silence. Jacob chuckled, before he breathed: ,,Never had to. I’ve always had you do it for me.” As Jean looked into his bright green eyes, she saw that they were very red and watery. Had he been crying?
Her mind stopped working after that. She decided as much as she needed to protect him, she couldn’t stand seeing him like that. Jacob tucked a piece of hair behind Jean’s ear. The both of their faces were now mere centimetres away from each other. A tear ran down Jacobs cheek, as he stared into her eyes. The distance grew more narrow, to the point where Jean could just make a move forward and their lips would connect. She placed a hand on Jacobs cheek, wiping the tear away with her finger. ,,Don’t cry, I’m here. Right here, I’m not leaving...yet”, she cooed in a whisper, stating intensely into his eyes. ,,I love you”, Jacob breathed, his voice breaking half way through the sentence. Jean’s heart was aching and beating hard at the same time. Never had she thought that these three words out of her loves mouth could be so soothing but this heart-breaking at the same time. She put her forehead against his, before she whispered: ,,You know I love you too, but we can’t. Not now and you know that. I need to protect you.” Jacob was cupping her neck, resisting: ,,But what if I decide that you don’t need to? Jean, this is killing me.” While she held on to his hands, she sighed. ,,I know, I know,  do you think this is any easier for me...”, Jean admitted, before their lips met.
Neither of them could resist any longer. Jean couldn’t help but smile, as she finally got to do what she had been longing for. Jacob broke their embrace, looking at Jean affectionately, but yet guilty. ,,What?”, she asked, not regretting anything. Jacobs hands were clutching her waist firmly, like he was scared of loosing her. ,,Sorry”, he muttered, as if he’d done anything wrong. Jean closed her eyes forcefully, before opening them again. ,,No, no please don’t be sorry. I’ve missed you so much, my love”, she uttered, cupping his face. Jacob smiled, hiding his face in the crook of her neck. ,,Don’t you dare die out there, you hear me?!”, he breathed, holding her tight. With her hands on the back of his head, she responded: ,,You know I can’t promise that. And you know that we can’t continue our relationship right now. Still, I love you and I’ll do my best to stay alive.” Jacob let out a groan of frustration. He knew as well as Jean did that it was too dangerous to continue what they had at those times.
With a sigh, Jean suggested: ,,Let’s go to this wedding together. Spend some more time before we split up.” She saw that Jacob considered it. Finally, he nodded, a tiny smile creeping on his face. ,,Let’s go then. We’ll at least have some fun”, he added, extending his arm for her. Grinning slightly, Jean took his arm.
Later, the golden quartet sat at a table in the beautifully decorated wedding tent. The ceremony earlier that day made both Hermione and Jean cry, leaving the boys quite puzzled on how someone could cry on a blissful day like this. They got a few weird looks from Bill’s curse breaker co-workers, given the fact that the four of them weren’t exactly innocent. Even though Harry had taken polyjuice potion, to look like Ron’s imaginary cousin Barney, none of the four dared to talk about their upcoming mission.
,,Jacob and I made up”, Jean broke the silence that was lingering in the air. Harry looked up, quite surprised. Hermione broke into a smile, whilst Ron just gave a thumbs up. ,,I thought you wanted to protect him?”, Harry inquired, raising an eyebrow. Jean scratched her neck, before answering: ,,We agreed to spend some time together today and then split for the time being. I had to tie his tie for him earlier and we both got weak.” Ron glanced at Harry. Something seemed to have happened that pissed Ron off earlier. Hermione looked at Jean, inquiring if she knew anything. When she shook her head, she asked: ,,What went down earlier? Ron, you seem tense.” With another glare, Ron elaborated: ,,Caught Harry and Ginny snogging in her room in the morning.” Harry cracked a slight grin, before defending himself: ,,Mate, she kissed me. I broke up with her because I want her to be safe. I’m not playing with her feelings and you know that.” Ron grumbled something inaudible before holding his hand out to Hermione. ,,Care to dance?”, he asked, smirking slightly. She took his hand, leaving only Harry and Jean behind.
Harry soon started talking to a friend of the Weasleys, leaving Jean alone with her thoughts. Before she could drift off too deep, she was pulled back to reality by a hand appearing in front of her. As she looked up, she saw that it was Fred. ,,Wanna dance?”, he asked, smiling warmly. It has certainly been a while since the two of then had held eye contact, but it felt good having a dear friend back. ,,Sure”, Jean smiled, not seeing Jacob anywhere around. Not that she needed his approval, but she didn’t want him to get jealous.
As Jean rested her arms on Fred’s shoulders, she asked: ,,So, you and Angelina? How are things going?” His cheeks changed colour into a very bright red. ,,Yea, its been great honestly. She’s perfect. Think I’ll marry her one day. How about you? You and Jacob have things going good, I saw.” It was now Jeans turn to get red. ,,I love him a lot. Needed to break up with him though, because of our, you know, mission. But, when I come back we’ll be happy again. I think he really is the one for me. No offence”, she explained, giving Fred a playful smirk at the last sentence. He smirked back, looking at her in adoration. ,,Thanks, for, for everything. You know we never really got to talk after we broke up, but I think it was better for the both of us. I have and always will love you, but more as a sister than anything else”, he admitted, still grinning. All Jean could do was nod. She had long accepted that the two of them weren’t meant to be a couple, but rather very close friends, almost family. ,,Fred?”, she asked, having a very hypothetical but yet important question. ,,Hmmm”, he answered, looking into her eyes. ,,If I get married to Jacob, will you, will you be there?”, she asked, in her mind already regretting that she asked such a stupid question.
Before he could answer, a loud noise rang through the tent. A very bright bulb of light had taken all the attention. Everyone was quiet, most of them looking horrified as it began talking. ,,The minister of magic is dead. Allies of the dark lord are coming”, it spoke, before the great commotion started. Death eaters were apparating into the venue, shooting killing curses everywhere. Jean panicked, her eyes scanning for Harry. They needed to get out of there. Aimlessly, she ran though the crowd, wand drawn and dodging spells. Before she could find Harry, she bumped into Jacob. ,,Get out of here”, he yelled, as he cupped her face. ,,I love you”, Jean yelled back, pressing a kiss to his lips before taking off again.
Not long after she saw Hermione’s bushy brown hair in the crowd, next to Ron’s bright ginger one. She was about to walk towards them, when someone grabbed her hand from behind. Jean was about to throw a punch, when she heard the person scream: ,,Don’t hit me, its me, Harry.” She turned around to check if it was really him. ,,Merlin Harry, we need to get out. Let’s grab Ron and ‘mione and we’re outta here”, she exclaimed, firmly holding on to his hand. He nodded as she pulled him towards Ron and Hermione. Once Jean’s and Hermione’s hands seized each other, Hermione apparated the four of them away, into the middle of a busy street.
A few minutes later, they stood in a very narrow alley. ,,Bloody hell Hermione, you couldn’t’ve chosen another place to apparate to, could you?”, Ron gasped, still out of breath. Jean nodded, before Hermione threw a green shirt at her. ,,Stop whining and put this on, I’ll get you your trousers in a second”, she ordered, before shoving a jacket at Harry.
The boys and Jean did as they were told, and a few minutes later they sat in a café. ,,So, where do we go? It’s way to unsafe for us to be wandering around in the open”, Harry mumbled, glancing at the waitress cautiously. Before any of the other three could answer, the waitress came over to them, forcing a smile. ,,What do you want?”, she asked in an annoyed tone. Hermione looked up absentmindedly, responding: ,,Cappuccino please.” Ron looked at her then at the waitress confused. He was the one who hadn’t grown up around muggles, so he didn’t know what a cappuccino was. ,,What she said, for him and I”, Jean smiled to save Ron from the awkward moment. Harry agreed, sending the waitress to the back to make their cappuccinos. ,,Voldemort doesn’t show mercy on anyone. Reckon he only disturbed the wedding because we were there”, Hermione whispered, making sure only the four of them could hear. Jean nodded, staring at the table in front of her. A comfortable silence broke over them.
,,So, where do we-”, Harry began again but shut up, once he saw the shady men in construction worker clothes enter the café. ,,Heads down”, Jean ordered. She’d noticed the men as well, but she also noticed one of them holding a wand. ,,Have your wands at the ready”, she whispered, not taking her eyes off their enemy. Harry had noticed the wand as well, understanding everything.
From that moment, everything happened in a blur. Spells were shot, heads were ducked and 10 minutes later the two death eaters were unconscious on the floor. After a quick memory wipe from Hermione, a rather tense silence filled the room. ,,We could go to Grimmauldplace”, Jean suggested, breaking the silence. ,,At this point I’ll stay anywhere as long as there’s food”, Ron grinned, helping Jean defuse the tension. Harry and Hermione nodded. ,,Okay let’s go then”, Jean sighed, holding out a hand. Her three friends held on to it, before Jean disapparated.

A murderer for a father: Jean L. Black ||Sirius Blacks daughterWhere stories live. Discover now