Life and death

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It’s been a while, 2 months to be exact. The DA got stronger and stronger but they got caught. Again. Harry, Jean, Hermione, Ron, Ginny, Luna and Neville managed to get away though.
Jean and Harry were in a big circular room with a veil in the middle. Jean noticed the others around her and recognized Lunas, and Neville’s faces. Ron was busy fighting some brains in another room and Hermione was beaten senseless. It was only her, Harry, Luna and Neville left. ,,Can anyone hear those voices?”, Harry asked and Luna responded: ,,I can hear them too.” And just as they had pointed it out, Jean started to hear voices coming from the veil. She heard a woman’s voice. It sounded a lot like her own voice, but much more grown up. ,,I think I hear my Mum”, she whispered and Luna said: ,,I-I can hear mine as well.” Harry just stood in front of the veil and mumbled: ,,I can hear my mum and my dad. They-They seem so close.” And with that he made a step towards the veil but Neville was fast enough to grab him. ,,Harry, you have to stay with us. You won’t come back when you get through there”, Neville cried and struggled to keep Harry away from the veil. Harry gave up and turned around to leave. But just when they where about to leave, the doors were locked shut. Then they heard cackling. They leaped closer together, back to back in a small circle and wands at the ready. The cackling got louder and it belonged to Bellatrix Lestrange. Then they heard a loud *crack* and Sirius, Remus, Tonks and some other members of the order of the Phoenix appeared. ,,Dad”, Jean cried and looked at him with great relief. Sirius looked at her and then at Harry.
Sirius shouted: ,,Harry, stay away from the death eaters. Get out of here as fast as possible.” Harry nodded and seized Jean by the arm and behind a rock to dodge a curse. ,,Thanks Harry”, Jean panted and Harry smiled at her. ,,Ok Jean stay here with the others, I need to help Sirius”, he said and hurried off before Jean could get a hold of him...NO, Harry Potter will you stay here got God’s sake”, she cried and tried to get up but she was stuck. Neville had her in his grip to prevent her from getting in the way. She struggled with Neville and panted: ,,Neville please let me go. I need to help him. Harry needs help.” Neville struggled to keep Jean in his arms since she was wiggling and kicking to get free. ,,I’m sorry Jean, but Harry needs to do this alone. Please stop kicking me”, Neville begged and Jean stopped reluctantly.
She watched as Harry battled with Lucius Malfoy and wanted to run to help him. Then, her dad ran to Harrys aid. He shot curses at the death eater and Harry managed to disarm him. ,,Nice one, James”, he shouted at Harry and smiled. Then, in a moment of not paying attention, a green curse hit Sirius. He looked at Harry and then Jean for the last time, before falling through the veil. After that there was complete silence. Only for a second before a high pitched scream pierced through the air. ,,NOO!!!!”, Jean screamed. She was trying to process what had just happened and cried: ,,THERES GOT TO BE A WAY FOR HIM TO COME BACK. DAD, JUST COME BACK. Come...back” She got increasingly more quiet until her voice died away entirely and she broke down onto the floor. Harry looked at her, confused, until he realised that Sirius wasn’t gonna come back. Jean was sitting on the floor, hands in her head and silently sobbing. She just wanted to die. She had lost everything. Her dad had just died. Her last living family. And he didn’t even acknowledge her when he arrived. He had just seen Harry. He didn’t even care for her feelings. Jean felt numb and as though she would never be happy again. She found herself being hugged by Harry, before everything went black.

Jean woke up in the same spot that she had passed out in with the exception of several faces peering down at her. ,,What happened? Where’s Harry? Is everyone alright?”, she asked and tried to sit up straight but got dizzy immediately, so she gave up. Tonks and Remus shared a look and then Remus said: ,,Harry’s in the other room, fighting Bellatrix. Everyone’s fine, except for some scratches. Jean, how much do you remember before passing out?” Jean looked confused and thought hard. Then all the things that happened came crushing back down at her. She mumbled: ,,So it was not a bad dream.” Tonks kneeled down beside her and put her arm around Jean. ,,No Jean, it wasn’t a dream...Sadly it wasn’t”, Tonks muttered and Jean couldn’t help it. She started crying again. She felt so vulnerable and weak for crying, while Harry her best friend was battling her dad’s murderer in the other room. ,,I-I feel like he didn’t even care for me... I feel like I wasn’t important enough for him. He left me and he promised that he would never, ever leave me again after coming back. He broke his promise. He’s gone, just like mum and James and Lily. Why was he so keen to defend Harry when his own daughter had just narrowly escaped death herself. Harry would’ve made it on his own. I was about to help him. Bellatrix should’ve attacked me and not him. He-He didn’t deserve to die. Harry needed him. And I needed him”, she explained. She just needed to let her feelings show and it felt good to talk about it.
Then they all heard a bang in the other room. Jean was up at her feet again, ignoring the dizziness as she shouted: ,,Oh my God, Harry. He’s all alone in there. He needs help. He can’t handle Bellatrix alone.” She was about to run away to help Harry, when Tonks seized her wrist and assured: ,,He can do it alone. He’s filled with rage right now. He’s devastated that your dad is...” Jean stood still for a moment and then decided that she should listen to Tonks. ,,Let’s find Ron and Hermione then. I bet they need help, Ron at least. Gin is with Hermione right now to make sure that she won’t get eaten or something but Ron’s all by himself”, Jean suggested. She didn’t want to talk about her dad’s death anymore. It made her feel weak and numb. She just needed to be distracted, at least that’s what she told herself. Jean smiled weakly at the others and they agreed to find the rest of Dumbledore’s army. Jean ran towards a room. The room where Ron was fighting against some brains with slimy tentacles. He struggled to keep their tentacles off him but one of them had wrapped itself around his stomach and he was gasping for air. He saw Jean and the others and gasped: ,,Oh my God Jean, I’m so glad to see you. I need help, like now!” Jean aimed an explosion spell at the brain and it exploded, leaving Ron’s body be. He sacked to the floor and freed himself before panting: ,,That was bloody awesome. Thanks.” Jean smiled briefly and held out her hand to help him get up. ,,C’mon we need to find Hermione and Ginny. Then we have to get a move on to help Harry”, Jean mumbled, leaving Ron confused. She added: ,,Don’t even ask Ron. It’s been a long night... I’m glad when we can get out of here.” Ron nodded and they went off to find the others.
,,Ron, Jean, everyone, we’re over here. Hermione is still unconscious but she’s stirring. I reckon she’ll wake up soon...hopefully”, they heard Ginny shout. Ron led the way. They found Ginny with Hermione next to her. ,,I’ll stay here with Hermione. Jean, go and help Harry”, he mumbled, looking at Jean and the others bravely. ,,I’ll stay here too”, said Neville and Luna nodded as well. Jean nodded and turned around to go. It was time to finish Bellatrix off and make her pay for what she had done.

A murderer for a father: Jean L. Black ||Sirius Blacks daughterWhere stories live. Discover now