Armortentia and two first dates

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In potions class

,,Today we're gonna look at a very powerful love potion, Armortentia. Because of its powerful nature, we are not going to brew it, I will merely show you, what it looks like so you will be able to identify it", Snape explained in his same monotone, annoyed voice. He was pacing in front of a big cauldron full of pink, glowing liquid. ,,Now who can tell us, what Armortentia is?", he continued, Hermione's hand shooting into the air immediately. Snape just pretended like he didn't see her and smirked: ,,No one? Pathetic. Armortentia is a very powerful love potion, like I already mentioned. When given to a person, it creates a sick obsession. Armortentia can not create real love, neither can it enforce it. According to studies, it smells different to every person, defined by what attracts them." He looked through the classroom and spotted Jean, talking to Harry, Hermione and Ron. ,,Miss Black, you wouldn't mind sharing what I just said, would you?", Snape grinned, convinced that she hadn't paid attention. Jean was prepared though, she nodded and replied: ,,Armortentia is a very strong love potion which creates obsession over a person. It can't create or enforce love and it smells different to every person. There, I've paid attention." Snape gritted his teeth and shoved the cauldron in her face, before he snapped: ,,Give us an example, would you. What does it smell like?" Jean looked at him and then she focused on smelling it. Her breathing got heavier and she breathed: ,,It smells like freshly baked biscuits and... and like the air you smell after the rain. It also smells like uhm, mint toothpaste." Snape seemed to be happy with her answers and moved away from her.

Jean though, she was baffled. The fact that she had to lie about the third smell gave everything away. She smelled all three things before in Jacob last evening. Hermione seemed to have noticed that Jean wasn't quite there with them and nudged her. ,,Are you alright? You seem to be a bit overwhelmed", she breathed, hoping that Snape wouldn't hear. Jean just nodded and turned to the front of the class again, where the cauldron now stood. Harry smirked but didn't say anything.

,,So you see, that Armortentia is very dangerous. That's why we are going to take a look at another potion. The sleeping draught. Take out your ingredients, I will write the instructions on the board", Snape explained in the same annoyed, monotone voice. Jean sighed as she put her ingredients on the table. She couldn't stop thinking about the Armortentia potion and its smell. ,,...What attracts them", she mumbled to herself very quietly.

Saturday came faster than expected and both Harry and Jean were stressing about their dates. Harry had finally managed to ask Cho out on a date to Hogsmeade and Jean was supposed to go on a date with Jacob. The both of them paced through the common room, swearing from time to time and stressing out.

,,What if we can't keep up the conversation?", Jean panicked, while she curled her eyelashes. ,,What if she brings up Cedric?", Harry stressed and fixed his shirt for the 7th time in 10 minutes. ,,If both our dates go wrong, let's just pretend that we're on a date. It'll be less awkward and we'll just cry together", Jean suggested jokingly but still anxiously. ,,Yea, great idea. I need to meet Hermione in the three broomsticks later on too. I hope Cho doesn't mind", Harry replied, running his hand through his very messy hair. Jean was now done with her lashes and turned to Harry, noticing his hair. ,,Oh for godrics sake Harry. Your hair is a mess, more than usual. Get over here, I'll fix it", she swore. Harry bent down for Jean and she moved his hair around a bit. ,,There, its better than before. Still messy, but in a good way", she declared, wearing a proud smile. Harry looked at her gratefully. ,,Blimey, what time is it?", Jean panicked and was halfway out the portrait hole. Harry glanced at his watch and shouted after her: ,,2.45 PM, Good luck you've got this. Dammit I need to leave too, wait for me." ,,Hurry up will you, I'm supposed to be at Madam Puddifoots in 15 minutes and we haven't even left yet", she yelled, clapping her hands for Harry to get a move on. ,,Okay ready, let's go", he said and jumped through the portrait hole as well. ,,About time", Jean mumbled and began walking.

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