Drama before Christmas

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The following weeks seemed to fly by. The DA was meeting weekly and they learned a lot. Harry really liked his role as the teacher and everyone else seemed to be happy about it as well. Just before they knew it, it was the last time meeting for them this year, before they went into Christmas holiday. Jean and Jacob also spent a lot of time together and they really got to know each other. They were so serious about their relationship, that Jean had invited Jacob to stay with them at Grimmauldplace for a few days. Both Remus and Sirius weren’t big fans of that idea at first, but when Jean told them, that he knew the whole story and that he really wanted to meet her family, they caved.

In the room of requirement
,,Okay guys, for the last meeting this year, you can just practice your duel skills. Just have fun”, Harry explained, before everyone paired up and started duelling. Harry went over to Jean and asked: ,,D’you wanna duel? I saw your spells getting increasingly better over the last weeks.” Jean nodded but teased: ,,You really sound like a teacher now, but thanks.” They found an empty space and stood opposite each other. Jean cast the first spell. She fired Expelliarmus directly at him, but he dodged it. ,,Nice one”, he commented, as he fired a stunning spell at her, which she dodged. ,,Thanks, yours aren’t bad either”, she replied, casting an explosion spell. Harry was barely able to dodge it, but managed just in time. He looked at her in awe and with great respect. ,,Blimey Jean, you really did get even better. I mean you were an excellent dueller before but you’ve been practicing”, he breathed. Jean looked at him sceptically and responded: ,,You’re exaggerating, it’s only depulso.” He grinned and fired a disarming spell right at her. She was so caught off guard, that she failed to dodge it. Grinning, Harry looked at her. Jean went to pick up her wand, realising what he had done. ,,Very funny Harry. Maybe distract Voldemort and he’ll be just as caught off guard as I was”, she joked. He just smirked.
An hour later
Harry glanced at his watch, realising that their last lesson this year had come to an end. ,,Okay guys, as always, groups of three at the maximum. Happy Christmas to everyone, see you next year”, he announced. There was a saddened murmuring going through the room as everyone picked up their stuff to leave. Slowly, more and more people left, wishing each other a happy Christmas before they left.
Jacob suddenly stood next to Jean and asked: ,,You coming, lovely?” Jean immediately got butterflies. She nodded, a slight smile on her face. Jacob smiled back and seized her hand. ,,See you lot in the common room”, Jean said to Hermione, Ron and Harry. Hermione and Ron waved for goodbye, but Harry seemed distracted. ,,Cho’s back there. Ron and I will leave after you’re gone far enough”, Hermione muttered. Jacob pulled Jean with him, so she just nodded.
After the two of them left the room of requirement, Jacob asked: ,,Have you heard? Apparently they’re planning a ball for valentines day. It’s just a rumour though.” Jean nodded and replied: ,,I’d love that though. The yule ball was a pretty big disaster on my part to be honest, so it can just get better.” He grinned, as he asked: ,,Yours too? Wanna exchange stories?” She nodded. ,,Awesome, you go first”, Jacob beamed, stopping at a window and sitting down in the little nook. She sat down next to him and began: ,,So, it started out pretty good actually. Fred and I had a lot of fun dancing, but then I went to see what Ron and Harry were up to, since I saw them just sitting around. I went over to them, talked to them and then I saw Fred, who was my boyfriend at the time, slow dancing with Angelina Johnson. Then Harry asked me to dance with him, to I dunno, make him jealous. Well, it didnt work, so I danced with a durmstrang bloke for a while. Then I went over to him, he brushed me off and well long story short, we ended up in a screaming match in the courtyard, before he stormed off and back inside. I then found Hermione and Ron bickering at each other in the corridor, when I wanted to leave and Hermione and I just cried for the rest of the night. Now’s your turn.” Jacob had rested his head in her lap as he started: ,,Blimey, that’s pretty bad. Okay, so I was going to the ball with one of the beauxbatons girls. Like yours, mine started out pretty well, until she kept crying about how she wanted to go with Cedric but he had already asked Cho. The problem was, I didn’t know how to say that it bothered me, so I put up with it. She didn’t even want to dance with me, so we just sat at a table the whole evening. Eventually, she and her friends left and I went back to the dorms. Worst part is, I continued to see her after that. We had a few dates, before she went back to France.” Jean ran her fingers though his hair and joked: ,,Shame that we didn’t know each other back then. Maybe both our evenings could’ve been a lot more pleasant.” He nodded, looking up at her. There was a comfortable silence between them for a few minutes, where the both of them collected their thoughts. Jean tried to read his mind again, but it still was like a blockade was stopping her from entering his mind. ,,Crazy how we’ve been together for more than a month now, is it?”, Jacob suddenly asked. Jean realised that it was crazy how fast time had flown by. She nodded and answered: ,,It is. D’you know what’s even crazier?” He shrugged, before he asked: ,,What is it?” Jean leaned back, smiled softly and admitted: ,,That kind of connection. This sounds so bloody cheesy but I’ve never felt like that with anyone else before. I just feel like, even after a month of dating, you’re closer to me than Fred has ever been in the two years we were together. D’you know what I mean?” Jacob smiled. He sat up and looked deep into her warm blue eyes, before he said: ,,I feel the same. Y’know, when we met at the hogshead, I kind of knew that we would have some kind of connection, but I couldn’t quite place it. You had a boyfriend and I had a girlfriend at that time, so I don’t think either of us has planned this, but honestly, I’m glad it happened the way it did.” She smiled at him, looking into his bright green eyes. He pressed a tender kiss onto her lips, really carefully, almost like it was when they first kissed, but with more comfort to it.
They broke apart, still gazing into each others eyes. Jacob placed his hand on Jean’s cheek. She grabbed the hand, still holding it there. Then Jacob said something: ,,I love you, Jean.” Her eyes widened and her mouth got dry. She looked down, feeling the blood rush to her head. How many times had she thought about saying it, but backed out last minute. She looked back up at him and replied: ,,I love you too, Jacob.” He beamed at her and hugged her very tightly. Jean’s bodyweight was causing him to fall backwards and he leaned onto the wall. ,,Look, the stars are visible tonight. Beautiful, isn’t it?”, he whispered, turning his head towards the window. Jean, who had her head rested on his chest, looked out the window as well and sighed: ,,Yea, it really is. The remind me of my mum, you know. I think she’s up there in the stars, watching over me and I think she’s smiling right now.” Jacob laughed quietly. ,,You think your mum would’ve liked me?”, he asked. She sighed as she replied: ,,Definitely.”
Later in the Gryffindor common room
It was past ten o’clock now, and Jean came into the common room, her cheeks still red. Hermione smiled when she saw her and asked: ,,Had a successful late night date then?” Jean nodded, the butterflies in her stomach still very active. ,,He told me he loved me”, she blurted out. Hermione’s jaw dropped and Ron, whom Jean hadn’t noticed until now, made a rather disgusted face upon Hermione’s reaction. Jean fell into an armchair by the fire and sighed. She wanted to change the subject as quickly as possible so she asked: ,,Where’s Harry? I thought he just stayed behind a tiny bit to talk to Cho?” Like he was summoned, Harry came though the portrait hole just at that moment. ,,I’m here. The thing with Cho needed more time than I expected it to”, he made himself noticeable and sat down on the floor in front of the three. Ron smirked at the sight of Harry. ,,And what is that ‘thing’ that you did with Cho?”, he asked teasingly and winking at Harry. He rolled his eyes and admitted: ,,Well, we kissed under the mistletoe.” Hermione’s jaw dropped and Jean raised an eyebrow. ,,How was it?”, Jean asked. Harry hesitated for a second, before answering: ,,Wet... I mean, she was crying.” ,,Are you this bad at kissing, mate?”, Ron joked. Hermione scoffed in Ron’s direction. ,,I bet Harrys kissing was more than satisfactory”, she defended Harry. Ron looked at her before bickering: ,,Well sorry, after all that she’s been dealing with, you’d think a bit of snogging would cheer her up.” Harry looked a bit lost and looked at Jean for clarification. She just shrugged and rolled her eyes at their two bickering friends. Finally, Jean made red sparks erupt from the tip of her wand and snapped: ,,Enough, the two of you are just obnoxious. Get yourselves together and go to sleep, it’s late.” Harry grinned at her, trying to contain himself from laughing. Ron rolled his eyes at her and murmured: ,,Okay, got it mum.”, before he got up. Jean looked at Hermione, raising an eyebrow. ,,Fine I guess I’ll go to bed now too then”, Hermione sighed. Jean nodded approvingly. ,,Night then, I’ll follow you, ‘mione”, she mumbled.
On the Hogwarts express on the way home
Harry, Hermione, Ron, Ginny, Jean and Jacob sat together in a compartment which was taking them back to platform 9¾ for their Christmas holidays. The deal was, Jacob would come with Jean and stay at Grimmauldplace for a few days to meet her family. Harry on the other hand, was staying the burrow before him and the weasleys would come over for Christmas. After, he would spend the rest of the holidays with Jean at Grimmauldplace. Hermione would stay with the weasleys for the first week and Christmas, and would then be taken home by her parents. But for now, they had to be taken to the train station safely.
Harry sat in between Ron and Hermione, whilst Ginny sat next to Jean and Jacob. Jacob had his arm put around Jean and read his granddads book; fantastic beasts and where to find them. None of the six was really chatty that day. Jean knew that her friends looked forward to the holidays even more than she did. Even Harry was for once looking forward to time off from school, since he didn’t have to spend it in privet drive. ,,So, are you excited to meet my family?”, Jean mumbled to Jacob. He looked up, smiled softly and answered: ,,Well technically yes, I just hope your dad likes me.” She smirked before she assured: ,,He will, I’m certain of that. Besides, even if he doesn’t like you, doesn’t mean I’ll break up with you. My dad will have to live with whatever life choices I make.” Jean put her hand on his thigh to calm him. ,,Yea, I hope so. When will you meet my grandparents by the way? I mean they’re on vacation right now, but I’m sure they’d love to meet you”, he changed the topic. A nervous giggle left Jean’s body, before she responded: ,,You sure you want me to meet them? I mean I don’t have a problem with that at all, why would I. Your granddad is just Newt Scamander, why would I be nervous.” She could tell that Jacob was a bit surprised of her behaviour. Normally she was more excited and very sure of what she was doing, but even though she hated to admit it, she was a really big fan of the magiezoologist. ,,Are you... alright? You seem nervous”, Jacob asked Jean, looking at her half concerned, half amused. She decided to tell him the truth and explained: ,,Ever since I could think, your granddad was my idol. I dunno why but I find him extremely fascinating and amazing. Even though I don’t even want to be a magiezoologist, I’m a very big fan of his.” She took a breath, before she continued, rather sheepishly: ,,So Sorry, I didn’t mean to go into that much detail. Basically, I’m just a bit nervous, but I’ll manage.” Jacob pulled her closer to his face and whispered into her ear: ,,That’s what I love you for though. You overthink way to much, but that’s what makes you so sure of each and every move you take. Don’t worry, my granddad is just a person like anyone else. You’ll get along great with him. And my grandma can give you a bit of advise on that whole auror business. Just relax, besides, I don’t even know when they’ll be back.” Jean smiled, blushed and kissed him softly.
Ten minutes later the train reached its final destination.

A murderer for a father: Jean L. Black ||Sirius Blacks daughterWhere stories live. Discover now