A rough Christmas

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,,Good morning, sleepyhead. Hurry up a bit, we need to be at the borrow at 12", Tonks said to the very much not awake Jean, who turned around in her bed groaning. ,,I'll be ready by 11.30", she mumbled, still trying to shut all the light out. ,,Good luck with that, it's 11.50", Tonks grinned and threw a pillow at her. Suddenly Jean sat up straight in her bed and swore: ,,Blimey! Let me get ready, give me five minutes." Tonks smirked and answered: ,,Gotcha. I pranked you, its 9 am. Otherwise you won't get up." Jean sighed and threw the pillow back at her cousin. ,,You're mean", she grumbled and fell back into her bed. ,,C'mon now, it's not a big deal. Be ready though", Tonks joked and smiled before exiting the room.
Frowning, Jean sat on her bed, a blanket wrapped around herself. ,,Thank god, Tonks didn't notice mums diary", she muttered to herself and seized the bright red journal. It was still open on the page that Jean had fallen asleep at yesterday. Until now, she didn't find anything new. Just the usual stress of pregnancy and taking care of a four-month-old. Additionally her mum wrote about how she worried about Sirius and that he had enough of sitting still and doing nothing, just like Jean had seen in the memory. She actually shared her dad's opinion. The war could've been prevented so easily, by just reacting when Voldemort wasn't as powerful, but the ministry did nothing, just like today. The situation was very familiar, people going missing, dementors everywhere, even the muggles sensing that something is off. The only difference between her opinion and her dad's was, that he wanted to do it all by himself, Jean wanted that too, but she was really glad to have her friends by her side. Still, she very much understood where her dad was coming from and shared his views. She guessed that she had inherited his short temper and hot-headedness.
Once she shut the diary again, her mind went to the memories. There were at least 15 more memories that she hadn't seen yet, but today she had to tell Harry and Ron about her discoveries. Sighing, she got up and made her way towards her wardrobe.

Later that day, at the borrow

,,Dear, do you need anything?", Mrs Weasley asked Tonks, who made stupid faces to Ginny and Hermione, who had shown up as well. ,,No thanks Molly, I'm fine", she replied, making herself have the beak of a duck. Harry smirked and blushed as he met Ginny’s eye. Jean, who sat next to him noticed that and mumbled: ,,D'you fancy her?" Harry immediately looked like he got caught doing something illegal and denied: ,,Nooo, of course not. She's just a good friend." Jean raised an eyebrow like she always did when she wasn't buying it. ,,Fine, yea I fancy her", he admitted and Jean smirked. ,,I know", she replied. He blushed again and muttered: ,,Oh shut up, it's not that obvious." ,,Is it?", she teased and nudged him jokingly. He nudged her back and asked: ,,Anything exciting from your end? My nightmares have been getting worse again." Jean had just been waiting for that question. ,,Yes, I have something very important to tell you. Can we go to a quiet place for a second?", she explained. Harry nodded and they excused themselves from the table.

In Ron's Room

,,Tell me everything", Harry requested and sat down on his bed. Jean sat on the floor and began: ,,So, back at Grimmauldplace, I found these old vials, you know like Dumbledore has them for his memory collection. Turns out my mum left me these behind. She left them, so could understand everything that's happened. I've only seen two so far, told Remus about them and he asked me to see them with him. Problem is, its full moon tomorrow and I really want to know what happened to my mother and why dad was at your house that night. I need to know and I can't wait any longer but I'm also scared that I won't like what I'm seeing. What if I see how my own mother is murdered in front of my eyes, what if I have to see my dad getting arrested?... Mum also left me a diary, writing in it every day during the first wizarding war, until the 19th of may. That's when...when Voldemort came and murdered her. She couldn't even finish her sentence, and then it must've ended. They only found her body after your parents-..." Harry nodded and seemed to be eating up every word she was saying. ,,Your Mum left you memories? What did she look like? What did my parents look like? Were they brave? Did our dads fight? Did our mums? Jean, we need to watch these memories. I have a question though, how did you see them? Don't tell me you have a pensieve", he asked and asked and asked. His questions and curiosity seemed to be endless. ,,Shhh, slow down. Like I said, I haven't watched the memories yet. Besides, you told me your nightmares have been getting worse. Tell me all about that", Jean changed the subject. Harrys face changed immediately. ,,Oh those, yea its quite bad. All I see is Voldemort in a suit on platform 9¾. Sometimes I get glimpses of him, through his eyes, torturing people, murdering people. Last night I saw him talking to an old man, asking about an elder wand. When the man said he didn't have it, Voldemort killed him. He also mentioned his name. It was quite familiar, Gregorovic", he explained half-heartedly. Jean thought for a minute and suddenly seemed to have remembered something. ,,Gregorovic, that’s a wand maker. He's like a rival of olivanders or something, I dunno. Elder wand, elder wand. What the bloody hell is an elder wand", she explained and thought out loud. ,,I s'pose its a wand", Harry smirked. Jean shot him a half annoyed half amused glance, before sarcastically answering: ,,Oh well no, I thought it was a fork. Harry sometimes I really wonder where you left your brain." Harry smirked at Jean, amused. ,,Let’s ask the others about it. Maybe Hermione knows something about it”, he suggested. Jean nodded, glad that she had gotten away without having to elaborate on the memories.
Later that night
Remus Tonks and Jean were about to leave.
,,Are you sure you don’t want to stay overnight?”, Mrs Weasley asked Tonks. She just shook her head and explained: ,,No I’d rather we didn’t. You see the last days before full moon are the worst.” Remus, who stood a few meters further away seemed visibly distressed and kind of tense. Jean looked at her godfather worriedly. ,,Are you alright?”, she asked, thinking she already  knew the answer. ,,Yea, I'm fine. ", he answered but his face said otherwise.
Then all of a sudden they heard a cackle. Jean immediately drew her wand, Harry did the same. The adults looked around to see who it was. ,,I killed Sirius Black, come and get me", Bellatrix Lestrange cackled, showing up out of thin air, bringing a circle of fire with her. Harry sprinted past Jean and the others, running after her. ,,Harry no", Jean cried, then she took off running after him. Out of the corner of her eye she saw Ginny’s ginger hair. She had gone after them as well. ,,Ginny no", the two girls heard Mrs Weasley yell. Panting, they looked at each other. ,,Where's Harry?", Ginny panted in a low voice. Jean shrugged, her wand at the ready, prepared to attack. ,,Lumos", she mumbled and the tip of her wand ignited. Then they heard a rustle coming from the reed around them. Ginny motioned Jean to run and they started running again. The two girls reached a clearing. There were several more paths where someone could emerge at any moment. Harry came from one of the paths, panting. He looked at both Jean and Ginny and walked towards the middle of the clearing, which was muddy and full of dirty water. Jean and Ginny came towards the middle too and they stood there, still at high alert. ,,Anyone saw her?", Harry asked, shining his wand at their faces. ,,No, Harry she's trying to trap you", Ginny mumbled, trying to keep her voice as quiet as possible. Then they heard the cackle again. Another rustle came from the side of the clearing and Remus and tonks appeared. Just in time, because seconds later, a flash of green light came directly towards the three teens. Remus quickly cast a shield charm to dodge the killing curse that was aimed at them. Ginny, Harry and Jean stood back to back, trying to see Bellatrix. Remus and Tonks came towards them as well. ,,You alright?", Remus murmured, before dodging another spell. ,,Yea, no one's hurt", Jean whispered back. ,,I killed Sirius black", Bellatrix cackled again, this time Harry spotted her and took off running again. The others ran into other directions, trying to capture Bellatrix as quick as possible. Jean ran around a bit, dodging killing curses left and right and shooting stunning spells behind her. Then she reached the burrow again, just in time to see Bellatrix set it on fire. Mr and Mrs Weasley stood outside, next to them the remaining weasleys, Hermione and Fleur. Jean stopped next to Mrs Weasley. She looked terrified, looking at her home with Bellatrix standing in front of it squealing out of joy. Harry and the others had found their way back to the burrow as well. Ginny gasped and clapped her hand to her mouth, Harry looked horrified and Remus and Tonks stood left and right from Jean, looking almost as terrified as Mrs Weasley.
After they put out the fire, everyone went inside to see the damages. Sadly, the fire had destroyed a great deal of furniture, walls and the entire upper storey was near collapsing, currently being held up by a spell. ,,Molly, I am so sorry. If you lot need anywhere to stay, Grimmauldplace has got loads of space for all of you", Tonks suggested, nodding to Jean. She nodded back, confirming that it was fine. ,,Yea, Mrs Weasley. Honestly, we've got loads of empty bedrooms there. I don’t mind", Jean added, making a step towards Mr and Mrs Weasley. Mrs Weasley smiled weakly and answered: ,,For now, it's for the better I reckon. Thanks dear." Harry had a very guilty expression on his face. He didn't look at anyone and seemed to be incredibly sorry.
Remus sighed and said, trying to cheer them up: ,,I trust, you still have the keys to Grimmauldplace? We all should really get some sleep for now. We'll do it just like last year. Everyone spends Christmas at Grimmauldplace number 12."

A murderer for a father: Jean L. Black ||Sirius Blacks daughterWhere stories live. Discover now