The girl who fought

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Everyone was in the trashed Great Hall, sitting on the floor or what was left of the benches, while Minerva McGonagall stood in front of the large crowd of students and their families, teachers and everyone else who had been loyal to Dumbledore and Harry. She gave a speech but Harry, Hermione, Ron and Jean weren’t there. They were outside, looking around. Only an hour ago Voldemort had been certain that Harry was dead. ,,So tell us Harry, how did you survive?”, Hermione asked. Harry looked at her, before he began: ,,Well, when I went into the Forrest to turn myself in, he hit me with the killing curse and I found myself at Kings cross train station. That’s where I met Dumbledore. That’s when we talked-” “What did he say?’ Ron asked. Harry continued: ,,He told me I could go back if I wanted to, but I knew that I had to. It wasn’t really a choice. He explained that Voldemort never really understood the meaning of love and that that’s what made me survive all those years ago. My mother’s love was what saved me sixteen years ago. Today, I don’t know what made me survive... I believe it was the Horcrux that Voldemort accidentally created when he murdered my mother. That part of him died whilst I survived.” They were silent for a moment before Jean asked: ,,How didn’t any of the Death Eaters realize you weren’t actually dead?” Harry sighed as he replied: ,,Nacissa Malfoy. She was sent to see if I was dead. She asked if Draco was still alive. When I confirmed, she lied to Voldemort about my death. That’s how I made it here without my cover being blown.” ,,Bloody brilliant. The Malfoys may be cowards, but that was really brave of her”, Ron muttered. Jean nodded in agreement. ,,Hey uh, what now? We did it. Harry defeated Voldemort, but now what? Hogwarts is ruined and it will take an eternity before it gets back to how it was. Where will everyone go to school? What about all these families?”, Jean asked. She was barely 18 and had no one to go to. Her father, dead. Tonks and Remus, dead. She was afraid that she would become homeless, before she noticed that Harry had the same expression on his face. He shrugged.
Then he suddenly pulled out the elder wand from his pocket. He showed it to them, asking: ,,So, what am I supposed to do with that?” Ron’s, Hermione’s and Jean’s jaws dropped open. They knew that he had taken it from Voldemort, but still, that was the most powerful wand known to exist. ,,Why didn’t it fully serve Voldemort, even after he killed Snape?”, Jean asked. Harry smirked, before answering: ,,That’s because it was never Snape’s. Remember the battle on the astronomy tower? When Snape killed Dumbledore, it wasn’t him who disarmed him, it was actually Draco Malfoy. It belonged to him until we got caught in Malfoy Manor. That’s when I practically ripped his wand from him, counting as winning a duel. From that moment on, this”, he held up the wand, ,,Is actually mine.” Jean nodded, so did Hermione and Ron. ,,So, what are you gonna do with it?”, Ron asked, looking at the wand, awestruck. Harry thought for a moment, before announcing: ,,I’ll give it back to Dumbledore. It was his and it will always be his. I don’t want it, so I think that’s the most logical to do.” Apart from the slightly disappointed expression on Ron’s face, they agreed. Harry mended his old wand, using the elder wand, before shoving it into his back pocket.
Jean twisted her wand in her hands. There it was again, the feeling of fright. She had nowhere to go. Ron noticed her expression. ,,Hey, Jean and Harry you too, if you want to, you can live with us at the burrow for a while. I bet mum won’t mind if Harry and I and Jean and Ginny will share a room. You two are practically family anyways”, he offered, a welcoming smile on his face. Jean nodded gratefully. At least until she was able to get herself a flat of her own, Ron’s offer meant the world to her. Hermione smiled at her boyfriend, then her two friends. She took Jean’s and Ron’s hands, squeezed Jean’s tight and Harry grabbed Jean’s other hand. They looked into the distance with no direct destination, but they felt the friendship and love they had for each other.
Jean thought back on the last six years. Even though her life was ought to be hard from the moment she was born, she always managed. From loosing her mother when she was barely a year old, always thinking her dad was a murderer and a traitor to being raised by her godfather. Over making friends with the chosen one and having a very nice childhood, up until going off to Hogwarts, meeting her best friends, being sorted, finding her sister and surviving so many attacks related to Voldemort. She remembered how happy she was, when she found out her father wasn’t a murderer after all and how surprised and sad she was when her mum revealed her whole entire past to her through old memories and a little luck. Jean though about how lucky she was to have found friends like she had and how incredibly happy she was to have found her soulmate at the age of just 15. Then, her thoughts went down the more sad route of the past seven years. All the fighting and bickering with her sister, loosing almost everyone she loved in this horrible war and going through a hell lot of pain overall.
Still, she always survived, even though half of the time she had no idea how. For her sweet eighteen years, she had gone through hell more than once but she pushed through, always hoping for the sun after the rain. She truly was, the girl who fought.


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