The worst defense against the dark arts lesson and a shocking surprise

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No one looked forward to the first defence against the dark arts lesson, since Dumbledore had announced that Snape would be teaching it. Especially the Gryffindors were quite annoyed with this, whilst the Slytherins really loved the fact that their enemies would be having a hard time. Jean sat next to Harry, waiting for Snape to arrive and skipped through the pages of her new defence against the dark arts book.
,,We’ll do nonverbal spells this year. That’s useful don’t you think?”, Jean mumbled, hoping to get Harry’s attention. He looked up from his beloved potions book as he looked over to her. ,,Hmm, I reckon it could be useful in duels. I’d love to give Malfoy a surprise jinx”, he mumbled and smirked. ,,Still bitter about your nose? Well I must admit that I’m not too fond of him either, since he’s friends with my sister and seems to get that death eater mentality into her”, she muttered back, just before the two of them heard the door slam.
Jean turned around to the door and followed Snape with her eyes, as he briskly made his way to the front of the room, slamming every window shut in the process. ,,Blimey, why’s he so angry?”, she mumbled into Harrys ear, but  apparently he heard. ,,Miss Black, would you mind sharing with the class what you just felt the need to whisper to Mister Potter?”, Snape spat through gritted teeth, his glare seeming to pierce right through Jean. She was feeling cocky and answered: ,,No, would you mind starting your lesson?” Harry nudged her, indicating that she should stop provocating. Snape seemed really angry and spoke slowly: ,,Miss Black what made you think that I would tolerate cheek and disrespect in my classroom. Ten points from Gryffindor.” Jean scoffed, before she answered: ,,What for? Harry and I were just talking, your lesson hasn’t even started.” ,,Jean stop it”, Harry murmured and nudged her again. Snape was visibly annoyed by Jean and her cheekiness and now that he noticed Harry mumbling with her, he snapped at Harry: ,,Mister Potter what is so important that you need to tell Miss Black right now?” ,,Nothing”, Harry responded, making eye contact with Snape. ,,Nothing, sir”, Snape snapped. ,,There’s no need to call me ‘sir’”, Harry answered, knowing damn well that that was not what Snape meant. Jean smirked and high fived Harry under the table. ,,Ten more point from Gryffindor and the both of you to Professor McGonagall’s office NOW”, Snape ordered and slammed a sheet of paper onto their shared desk. Jean made eye contact with him as she snatched the paper off the desk, before her and Harry left the classroom.
,,You should’ve just made up some story. Now we’ll both get detention”, Harry sighed as the two of them walked to McGonagall’s office. ,,He infuriated me. The lesson didn’t even start and he made the whole thing a big deal. I was fine with sitting there and learning but he decided to try and embarrass me and you”, Jean explained and looked at the paper. It was blank, but she knew that it would show its content as soon as Professor McGonagall would touch it.
They had now reached their teachers office. Jean sighed: ,,Let’s get it over with.” Harry nodded and the door opened. Professor McGonagall sat at her desk, seeming to do paper work. She looked up to see her two visitors. ,,Miss Black, Mister Potter please tell me you didn’t get sent here by Professor Snape again”, she said, sounding annoyed and disappointed at the same time. When neither of the two answered, she sighed: ,,Just like your fathers. Come in then, what happened?” Harry motioned Jean to enter and walked in after her. Jean looked back at Harry, who closed the door behind him. ,,Have you gotten a paper?”, Professor McGonagall asked, sounding a bit strict but also with a slight proudness in her voice. ,,Yea, I’ve got it right here, Professor”, Jean answered as she handed the paper to her head of house. McGonagall scanned the paper, she asked, with what Jean thought was even a bit of amusement: ,,You were disrespectful to Professor Snape?” Harry and Jean looked at each other, before answering: ,,Yes Professor.” ,,You showed him cheek and were cocky?”, she continued to ask. Again the both of them answered: ,,Yes Professor.” Professor McGonagall looked at her students strictly but amused, before she requested: ,,Have a biscuit, you two.” Harry, who already knew this smirked, but Jean asked confused: ,,Sorry what?” ,,Have a biscuit, Black”, McGonagall repeated and shot a look to the plate of ginger newts on her neat desk.
10 minutes later
,,You both will be serving a month of detention with Professor Snape and will get banned from quiddich after the first house match until the second match is over”, Professor McGonagall explained, not even trying to hide the disappointment in her voice. ,,A month? And a quiddich ban? Isn’t that going a bit far?”, Jean tried to negotiate. ,,You’re lucky that it’s only that, Miss Black. If I were Professor Snape, the two of you would probably be in detention all year, if not longer”, McGonagall explained, looking at Jean with a strict smile. ,,You’re free to go”, she added and made an ushering gesture with her hand. Harry jumped up, seizing Jean by the wrist. ,,Thanks Professor, have a nice day”, Harry said and waved for goodbye. ,,Goodbye have a good day you two. And Miss Black, you’re more like your father than you think you are, especially when you’re with Mister Potter”, Professor McGonagall smiled, before she went back to her office work. Jean smiled awkwardly as she made her way out of the office alongside Harry.
,,I’d say we got off easy, don’t you think?”, Jean tried to cheer Harry up. ,,A month worth of detention with Snape? Blimey Jean but that’s not easy. And then the quiddich ban. How are we supposed to win when we’re missing two chasers in one game?”, Harry ranted and walked faster. ,,Okay well, maybe we didn’t get off too easy but at least Professor McGonagall seemed proud of us”, Jean replied as she tried to keep up, but Harry shot her a glare that spoke millions of words. A little more remorseful, she added: ,,Okay, sorry I got us into trouble. I will keep my mouth shut next time, I promise.” Harry grinned, before he answered: ,,It was quite brilliant how you stood up to Snape’s bullying.” ,,I know, that’s why I did it”, Jean smirked whilst she flipped her curly hair over her shoulder. Harry grinned: ,,You’re unbelievable Jean Lily Black.” Jean turned around to him, narrowed her eyes and replied in the same voice: ,,So are you Harry James Potter.” Harry suddenly got quiet and mumbled: ,,Our middle names are the names of my parents, have you noticed?” Jean’s eyes widened, before she replied: ,,You’re right. My mum was best friends with yours and Neville’s mum. I guess she gave both her daughters her best friends names as middle names. And your parents really must’ve loved your dad’s name, so they gave you his.” Harr nodded and turned away. ,,I want to visit their graves. I miss them”, he continued, seeming to wipe his eyes. Jean caught up to him and suggested: ,,We can go together. I miss mum too and she’s buried on the same graveyard.” ,,But how? We can’t just apparate to godrics hollow”, he asked with sorrow in his voice. ,,I know but we’re going home for Christmas aren’t we? Let’s go then, I know it’s quite a while to go, since it’s only September, but we’ll manage. I’ll ask Tonks to take us, she’s the easiest to persuade”, Jean suggested, smiling weakly. She knew that her godmother and cousin couldn’t deny her that wish. ,,That’s a brilliant idea. Let’s do it like that”, Harry agreed and smiled back at her. His mood immediately lifted and together they went to find the others, since the lesson had ended.
It was now early October. The second house match was about to happen, but both Jean and Harry had been busy cleaning out old documents in Snape’s classroom as their detention. It still bugged the both of them a lot that they weren’t allowed to participate or even watch. When their detention was finally over, they made their way into the common room.
,,I’m all dusty. Thank Merlin, that was the last one. I wonder if we won despite being banned”, Jean complained while she climbed through the portrait hole. ,,I can hear music, so I reckon we won”, Harry responded and climbed in after her. The first thing they saw were all the Gryffindor students standing in a big crowded circle around their quiddich team. ,,Look there’s Hermione, let’s go over there”, Jean yelled against the noise, hoping that Harry understood. ,,Yea, let’s go”, he yelled back. She grabbed him by the wrist, fighting through the crowd of celebrating gryffindors. They reached Hermione, who shouted: ,,We won, but they’ll be glad to have you lot back.” Just as Jean was about to answer, a girl with blonde curls seized Ron, who was in the middle of the circle, and kissed him passionately. Jean took one look at Hermione and noticed her expression change. Whilst Harry was still celebrating for his mate, Hermione turned around and left. Jean nudged Harry, before she mumbled: ,,You should go talk to her. I’m not the right person to comfort her right now.” Harry, being the oblivious person he was asked: ,,What for?” Jean scoffed and replied: ,,That ... situation right here. Merlin, Harry just to talk to her, you’ll figure it out.” Harry still looked confused and asked: ,,Why can’t you go? You clearly know what’s happening so why don’t you talk to her?” She rolled her eyes, before pushing Harry to the back of the room. ,,Harry, she’s upset because she has a crush on Ron. I, as you can see, have a boyfriend and don’t have the problem she’s going through right now. You, on the other hand, know exactly how that feels”, Jean explained and pointed at Harry. He just gave her a very much fake confused expression, causing her to respond sternly: ,,You know exactly what I’m talking about and now go.” She pushed him towards the stairs that she had seen Hermione go down. Harry just rolled his eyes at her as he wandered down the stairs. Jean smiled,  knowing that Hermione was well taken care of.
She went back to the crowd and saw that Ron and Lavender, the girl who kissed him, had gone away. Jean was pulled into the crowd by Ginny, who handed her a butter beer. ,,Congrats, we won”, she smiled and toasted her glass with Ginny’s. ,,Yea, it was close though. Ravenclaw almost got us”, she responded, yelling against the loud music. ,,Do you know what’s gotten into Hermione? She looked pretty upset when Lavender kissed my brother”, Ginny added with a concerned look. Jean tried to think of an excuse for Hermione but she decided that the truth would be save with her best friend. ,,Well she kind of has a huge crush on Ron, even though she wont admit it. I reckon that was a bit much for her”, she answered truthfully, looking over to the staircase. Ginny didn’t even seem surprised, she merely answered: ,,I knew it. Luna owes me ten sickles now. About that, I reckon it hurts pretty bad. Well I don’t get it like that, because you know I have Dean...” Ginny stopped talking and suddenly became serious. Jean noticed immediately as she offered in a low voice: ,,Do you... wanna talk about it? We can go up to the dormitory and you tell me everything.” Ginny tried to decline but Jean already dragged her after her. ,,No, Jean it’s fine, really”, Ginny tried to calm Jean down but it had no effect.
Up in the dormitory
,,So yea, Dean and I have been fighting a lot lately. It always gets pretty heated because the bloke doesn’t get that I’m my own person and can take care of myself just fine”, Ginny concluded. She just told Jean all her relationship troubles and Jean had just been sitting there, listening to everything she said. Jean thought for a moment and then advised: ,,Try talking to him about it. And most importantly, listen to your heart. If it tells you to fix things, try but if it longs to be free, set it free.” Ginny cringed slightly but looked at Jean gratefully. ,,You’re right. I need to fix my relationship”, she announced, before she changed the subject: ,,Are you invited to that dinner with Slughorn next week?” Jean rolled her eyes, before responding in a dreading voice: ,,I’m not but Jacob is and I don’t want him to go. You see its our anniversary that week and he’s begging me to come with him, but since I’m the ‘murderers’ daughter and my sister has been messing with him, Slughorn’s made a ‘no plus ones at the dinner’ rule.” ,,That should be interesting”, Ginny mumbled, before letting out a sigh. ,,Are you going?”, Jean asked as she looked at Ginny amusedly. Ginny rolled her eyes, but answered: ,,I’m invited to I reckon I’ll go. I don’t want to leave Harry and Hermione alone. Especially with that MacLaggen git that won’t leave Hermione alone.” ,,Right, I forgot about him. Have you seen him on the quiddich pitch? He’s so bloody obnoxious, maybe even more than Malfoy is”, Jean said whilst she slapped her hand to her forehead. Ginny laughed and agreed: ,,He’s so arrogant too. Poor Hermione needs to deal with him all day long. I hope Slughorn gets that he’s a git.” Jean nodded, before she flung herself back into the pillows. Ginny, who was opposite her on her own bed, did the same. ,,Shall we go to sleep? I’m so tired, it’s not even funny anymore”, Ginny mumbled sleepily. ,,Yea, let’s get ready for bed. Detention’s bloody exhausting”, Jean replied and got up to get changed. ,,Forgot about that. I’m sorry for you, detention with Snape, that must be literal hell”, Ginny chuckled and got up as well. Jean smiled, but then she spotted something on the poster of her four-poster.
She knelt down in front of it and muttered: ,,M. McK. (1974).” Ginny made a face and asked: ,,What?” ,,M. McK., Marlene McKinnon, that was my mum’s four-poster. She marked it when she was in fourth year”, Jean connected the dots and let her fingers wander over the engraving. Ginny knelt down next to her, whilst she examined the letters carefully. ,,D’you think the others have engravings as well?”, she asked curiously.
The two girls looked at each other and five seconds later, the both of them were checking the posters of the beds. ,,Mine has Molly Weasley, my mum”, Ginny announced and Jean replied: ,,Hermione’s has Alice Fawley, that’s Neville’s mum, and this one has Lily Evans, Harrys mum.” Ginny turned to Jean and asked: ,,D’you reckon our mums knew each other when they were at school? Did they even get along?” Jean looked at her friend with a ‘you-serious’- expression and explained: ,,Your Mum tells me stuff about my mum all the time. She always says that it’s a shame that she died so young.” Ginny’s eyes widened, before she sighed: ,,Ohhh, makes sense now that you say it.”
The girls spent the rest of the night talking. Hermione joined them late at night. That’s when they decided to go sleep at 3 in the morning.

A murderer for a father: Jean L. Black ||Sirius Blacks daughterWhere stories live. Discover now