Troubles and Theories

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Harry looked up at Jean full of hope and asked: ,,You do? Tell us then, will you.” Jean nodded and began: ,,So, last year on the graveyard, Wormtail brewed a potion to resurrect Voldemort, right? Right, he took your blood Harry and I think that’s what causing the nightmares. You’re somehow connected to each other and he doesn’t know. You can see into Voldemort’s mind, but if he finds out about the connection he will try to make you fall for his traps. The incident with your dad, Ron, was a close call. What if he did that to lure you, Harry, to where he is? What if he found out about the connection now? Do not trust any of your dreams and always tell a teacher or my dad about it. We, especially you Harry need to be careful on who to trust.” Once the last word had left Jean’s lips, it was quiet in the room. Everyone was thinking on what to say or do next. ,,So you mean the snake attacked my dad because you-know-who wanted Harry to see and come to save him? Why would he do that?”, Ron sighed and Hermione answered: ,,Because you’re Harry’s best friend of course. You-Know-who uses the ones closest to his victims to get what he wants. Remember your mum, Jean. Her entire family was murdered by him and his death eaters shortly before Harry’s parents were murdered. I don’t know much about your mum but she was close with Harry’s parents. It’s a miracle how she managed to hide you away from him.” Jean frowned. She knew exactly how she did it. ,,I was out that day. I was at Remus's house. Mum gave me to him because she had an important task to do. I think she knew that Voldemort was coming for her and her family. So she did what was logical. She gave me to Remus and asked him to take care of me as long as she was gone. That was the last time I saw her,  at least that’s what Remus told me ... I-I visit her grave sometimes with Tonks or Remus. She’s buried not far from Lily and James”, she explained, a saddened tone in her voice. ,,Who was your mum?”, Harry asked in the same voice. ,,Marlene McKinnon. My dad and her were engaged and wanted to get married when my sister would be a little older. Well... they never did. Dad went to Azkaban and Mum was murdered. My sister was given up for adoption. The only person I had at the time was Remus. He practically raised me and when he met Tonks she kind of became a mum to me. I was often at her parents house, my aunt and uncles. Known her my whole life. Remus became like my dad, since he was the closest thing I had to one growing up...”, she explained further. Now there was a saddened silence lingering in the room. ,,I think we should call it a day and go to sleep now. Harry, watch your dreams and don’t trust them”, Hermione suggested and got up from the floor, before she hopped into her bed. ,,You’re right. Goodnight everyone”, Jean agreed and got comfortable under the covers. Harry looked at Ron and mouthed something. Ron nodded and muttered: ,,Would you mind if we slept here tonight? Harry doesn’t want to be alone with Fred and George and your boyfriend, Jean and to be honest I don’t want to be either. Its not because we don’t like Jacob but Fred is still pretty pissed about the breakup and to be honest, we don’t want to be there. Its awkward you know” Hermione mumbled something and opened her covers for Ron to get underneath. Jean sighed and muttered: ,,Be quiet though. No snoring or I’ll throw you off the bed. Come on now Harry.” She lifted the covers and Harry crawled under them next to her. She opened her eyes and saw his bright green ones sparkling back at her. ,,Geez Harry, go to sleep. It’s 3 in the morning”, she whispered and closed her eyes demonstratively. ,,Jean?”, she heard him mutter though. ,,What?”, she mumbled, getting annoyed at this point. ,,Thanks”, he breathed. Jean smiled and mumbled: ,,It’s fine. That’s what friends are for.” ,,I love you. Good night, Jeanie”, he mumbled. ,,I love you too Harry. Good night”, she muttered and closed her eyes completely. Not long after, Harry started breathing heavily and Jean woke up. ‘He’s having one of his dreams again.’, she thought. Without much thinking, she hugged him and stroked his hair. She remembered that Remus used to do that when she was little and had a nightmare. It always helped her calm down. His breathing soon got back to normal and she felt his body relax. Being tired and not wanting to move, she closed her eyes again and drifted of to sleep once more.
At the breakfast table the next morning
,,Ginny, where did you sleep last night? I didn’t hear you coming in”, Hermione asked worried and with an expression of guilt on her face. They had kind of kicked her out of the room last night when they were discussing things. ,,Oh don’t worry, I snuck back in later. I was chilling with my brothers for a while. Your boyfriend is a nice guy Jean”, she brushed it off and went back to eating her cereal. ,,You and Ron were close last night though. I saw you two cuddled up against each other”, she added casually. Hermione got a bit pink in the face and avoided the question, while Jean smiled serenely. Ginny noticed and added: ,,You have nothing to smile about. Harry and you were literally glued to each other when I came in. Care to explain?” Jean’s eyes widened and she noticed how wrong it must’ve looked, her sharing her bed with Harry. Jacob sat next to her and laughed  since he knew about her close relationship to Harry and didn’t mind. To their bad luck though Fred entered the room just on the last sentence of Ginny’s. He stopped dead in his tracks and said: ,,Repeat that for me. Jean did what?” Ginny noticed that she had fucked up big time and pretended like she didn’t hear anything. ,,Jean? Care to explain?”, he now said to Jean, who looked down at her breakfast. She mumbled: ,,Why do you want to know? It’s none of your business.” ,,Let’s talk in private, would you mind?”, Fred snapped and grabbed Jean’s by the arm. ,,Yo mate, what’s wrong with you. She said to leave her alone”, Jacob said and put his hand on Jean’s thigh. ,,Back off man, she’s still my girlfriend”, Fred yelled at Jacob. ,,I am not and you know that. What’s gotten into you, we broke it off months ago”, Jean screamed back and stood up. Fred leaped forward to where Harry was and slapped him. ,,NO, HEY WHAT HAS GOTTEN INTO YOU, FRED WEASLEY, YOU STOP RIGHT NOW”, Jean cried as Fred pinned Harry to the ground. ,,STAY THE BLOODY HELL AWAY FROM MY GIRLFRIEND. DO YOU UNDERSTAND YOU OBNOXIOUS PRAT”, Fred went off. His screaming alerted Mr. And Mrs Weasley, Remus, Tonks, Sirius and the rest of the Weasley family, including Fleur, who was staying over for Christmas. Mr. Weasley restrained his son off of Harry so he could breathe again. Jean knelt down next to Harry and examined his bloody nose. She screamed: ,,I AM NOT YOUR GIRLFRIEND. STOP BEHAVING LIKE I AM AND LEAVE ME ALONE.” Mrs Weasley shouted: ,,What has gotten into you Fred Weasley? Have you lost your mind?” ,,He slept with my girlfriend. She cheated on me”, he screamed back. Mrs Weasley turned to Harry and Jean and asked, a slight bit of accusation in her voice: ,,Is that true?” ,,Of course not. Why would we? She’s like my sister. We grew up together”, Harry defended the both of them. Jean nodded and was visibly angry by now. ,, Besides, Fred and I broke up months ago. So even if, it would be none of his business.” Hermione got to the floor with them and tried to calm Jean down. ,,LIES. ALL LIES. GINNY SAW THEM, DIDNT YOU GINNY?”, he accused but Ginny defended them: ,,I just said that Jean was hugging Harry but it didn’t look like they did anything.” ,,There you have it. Can’t you see that I moved on? Besides, I am happy with Jacob”, Jean shouted and turned back to Harry to try to stop the bleeding. ,,Fred, you need to calm down. Come with me please”, Remus said sternly, taking him with him. As soon as he was gone, there was a big awkward silence. Harry and Jean, who sat on the floor with Hermione, who was comforting Jean and everyone else standing around them. Harry got up and held out a hand to Jean and Hermione. Jean looked at it for a while and then took it. Hermione got up too and sat down on a chair. Mrs Weasley came flying towards Jean and Harry and asked: ,,Are you OK? Jean I’m so sorry for this. I don’t know what’s gotten into him. Harry, are you hurt? Do you need an ice pack?” ,,No I’m fine Mrs Weasley. Its just the shock”, Harry assured and Jean nodded. Jacob walked towards them as well and said: ,,That’s all my fault... If I weren’t there, you would still be with Fred, Jean, and this wouldn’t have happened to you Harry. I’m sorry.” Jean’s eyes widened and she explained: ,,Hold up, Jacob its not your fault. Fred and my relationship was doomed anyways and honestly his jealousy was driving me nuts. We were bound to break, with him and Angelina getting along and I fell for you. I love you Jacob and this is not your fault, it’s mine, I shouldn’t have brought you when I knew he would be around.” Harry nodded and Mrs Weasley butted in: ,, That’s how it works. Jean, you broke up with him and gave him time to move on before you found love again. The both of you are so much better off as friends and I think Fred will get that eventually. Besides, he has Angelina now.”
1 hour later
They had fixed the dining table, that Harry fell into and waited for Fred and Remus to come back. Then after another ten minutes they did. The tension in the room was frosty and no one spoke, until Remus explained: ,,Guys, Fred has something to say.” Fred nodded and said: ,,I’m sorry for loosing my temper. I’m just not ready to see you move on Jean, even though I’m basically dating Angelina. My jealousy just got the best of me” Jean nodded, still mad at the inside. ,,So, you know that I moved on. Fred please let me go and be serious with Angelina. We can be friends in the future but I guess its better if we don’t talk for now”, Jean explained and grabbed Jacobs hand. Harry added: ,,Mate, you really need to control your strength. Good punch though, should’ve punched Malfoy like that.” Fred smiled guiltily but also a bit relieved.
Harry had now moved away to talk to Sirius (Which made Jean a bit jealous), and she turned around to Jacob. ,,Are you okay?”, he asked and pulled her close. ,,Yea, thankfully yes. I’m glad to have you and I don’t know what I’d do without you. I love you”, she breathed and got closer to his face. Jacob smiled before he kissed her. ,,I love you too”, he mumbled and hugged her.

A murderer for a father: Jean L. Black ||Sirius Blacks daughterWhere stories live. Discover now