Dumbledore's Army

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Everyone was back at Hogwarts and the golden quartet developed a plan to handle the problems, that Umbridge was causing. The quartet walked through hogsmeade, aiming for a location that barely anyone knows about.
,,I think this isn’t a good idea Hermione. Nobody will show up anyways”, Harry complained as the four of them made their way towards the small inn, called hogs head inn. ,,Give it a chance Harry. With Umbridge as defence against the dark arts teacher, we need to learn how to defend ourselves. We need someone to teach us to fight, if she doesn’t do it”, Jean said in a convincing tone and sighed. ,,Okay fine, I guess you’re right. Blimey why are you always right?”, Harry grumbled. Jean and Hermione high fived and beamed at each other. Ron was kind of staying behind so Hermione stressed: ,,Come on Ron, we don’t have all day.” He looked at her annoyed and sped up reluctantly. They reached the inn a few minutes later and Hermione pushed open the door. ,,Looks.... cosy”, Ron said ironically, looking at the goat, who was making its way through the inn. ,,Stop complaining, Ronald”, Hermione asked and smacked him on the back of his head with the piece of paper that she was holding. Harry was waking over to the small fire which was merrily crackling in the fireplace. Jean followed him and let herself fall onto a chair. ,,What do you reckon, how many people will actually show up?”, she asked, whilst looking at her friends. ,,I told Ginny that she should come and she said she would bring Dean and Luna along too”, Ron said, gritting his teeth when he said Dean’s name. ,,Mate, why do you hold a grudge against Dean? Ginny seems to be happy”, Jean asked him. ,,Dunno, I mean how would you like it if Hermione was snogging Harry and you had to watch?”, he replied shrugging his shoulders. ,,Hold up, what do Harry and Hermione have to do with that?”, Jean asked, smiling bewildered. ,,Well what I wanted to say with that is, that I don’t like him because he’s snogging my sister, that’s all”, he defended himself and Jean nodded her head understandingly.
A few minutes later Ginny entered with Luna in tow. ,,Oh my God, thank Merlin someone showed up. Hi Gin, Hi Luna”, Jean greeted them and hugged Ginny. ,,Harry thought nobody would show up, didn’t he?”, Ginny asked, giving Harry a mischievous glare. ,,He did. To be honest though, for a second I lost hope as well”, Hermione butted in. ,,Well I was obviously wrong then, Hi Ginny, Hi Luna”, Harry said.
The little bell rang again, indicating that someone entered the inn. It was Fred and George and as soon as Jean saw her boyfriend, she looked away. Her and him had been fighting again. Fred was too close with Angelina Johnson for her liking and everything he did set Jean off ,,Hey beautiful, are we the only ones who are willing to fight?”, Fred asked, trying to get Jean to look at him. Jean did her best to give him the cold shoulder. Fred looked down discouraged. ,,I hope that we’re not. It’ll take by far more than 11 underage wizards to build an army”, Ginny said with a serious face. ,,You’re right little sis. We do need some more people”, George said and fell onto a chair next to Harry.
20 minutes later
The inn was full with Hogwarts students of Hufflepuff, Ravenclaw and Gryffindor. Not a single slytherin had decided to come. Harry, Hermione, Ron and Jean sat on chairs in front of the group. There was murmuring and mumbling until Hermione cleared her throat. ,,Thanks for coming today. Yea, you’re probably wondering why you’re here so let’s get straight to the point. That whole Umbridge situation is getting out of hand. She’s not teaching us anything and we’re not learning how to defend ourselves. So, we thought that we needed a better teacher. And who’s better fitted for this role than Harry?”, she explained to the crowd until Harry interrupted: ,,Wait Hermione take a breath. I can’t teach you guys. I don’t have any experience.” ,,’course you do. All those times you fought against You-Know-who-”, Ron said. ,,That was pure luck. I was never alone and always had help. It’s not like school. If you fail you just try again tomorrow, but when you’re out there, knowing that you could be dead in the next second, it’s different”, Harry explained and got up. ,,Did you really fight You-know-who?”, a fifth year Ravenclaw asked sceptically. ,,That’s what I’ve been telling you all year haven’t I”, Harry said and turned to Hermione and Jean to whisper: ,,Let’s go, they’re just here to gawk at me.” ,,Harry please”, Jean said and looked at Harry sternly. ,,Fine, I’ll try again”, he mumbled reluctantly. ,,So, if you guys want me to, I’ll teach you to defend yourselves”, he sighed and there was silence in the room. Then Luna asked completely random: ,,Is it true that you can cast a patronus?” Harry stayed silent but Hermione answered for him: ,,Yes he can, I saw it.”
Meanwhile Jean’s thoughts where somewhere else. She had spotted a fifth year Hufflepuff who looked just like Newt Scamander, the famous magiezoologist. Jean was examining him and her eyes met his. She blushed and looked down embarrassed. Her thoughts were spinning and she was more than confused. His eyes had a very similar shade of bright green as to Harrys and they had this sweetness in them that made Jean’s heart beat harder. As soon as this thought had crossed her mind she felt guilty. She had Fred after all but she couldn’t help but feel this kind of connection between her and that boy. Besides, hers and Fred’s relationship wasn’t exactly going good. She planned to ask him what his name was when the meeting was over.
,,So, for all of those who are interested, I’ve got a list where you can put down your name”, Hermione announced and held up her list and a pen. Everyone got up fiercely and filled in their names. When that Hufflepuff that Jean had seen wrote down his name she jumped up from her chair and casually walked towards him. She stood on the other side of the table and said: ,,Hi, I just noticed you and I can’t help but be curious. Are you by any chance related to Newt Scamander?” The boy smiled awkwardly and replied: ,,He’s my granddad. My name’s Jacob Scamander, nice to meet you uhh..” ,,Jean, my name’s Jean Black”, she said and extended her arm. ,,Nice to meet you Jean Black”, he smiled and shook her hand. ,,Nice to meet you too Jacob Scamander. So, you’re fighting with us then?”, she smiled and looked at the sheet of paper. ,,Yea, I want to be prepared when you-know-who rises again. Your Boyfriend seems to know how to fight so I thought-”, he explained but Jean interrupted: ,,Sorry to interrupt you but Harry’s not my boyfriend. He’s more like a brother to me and vise versa. My boyfriend is over there. His name’s Fred Weasley.” As soon as the words had left her lips, she bit them. She glanced over to Fred, who was standing with George and Angelina and hadn’t noticed her talking to Jacob. He looked at Angelina very fondly. Jacob cleared his throat. ,,Ohh sorry, I didn’t know. You seem fun, wanna hang out some time?”, he responded and changed the subject cleverly. ,,Yea sure, you seem fun as well. What OWLs are you taking, maybe we could study together”, Jean asked and smiled, glad to talk about something else. ,,I’m taking Charms and Care of magical creatures as my main OWLs but also Defence against the dark arts and transfiguration, because you know, you’ll never know what you’ll need it for. What about you?”, he listed and looked at Jean. ,,I’m taking Defence against the dark arts, transfiguration, potions and Charms as my mains because I need them for being an auror but I’m taking care of magical creatures as well. According to your OWL choices I assume you want to be a magiezoologist just like your Granddad?”, Jean responded and smiled. ,,Yea, partly. I want to work at the ministry as well but with the creatures. So yea practically Magiezoology”, he explained. Jean noticed that he was constantly fumbling with his robes but didn’t say anything. ,,Err, yea I better get going now, see you in Charms, Jean”, he ended the conversation and made his way out of the inn. Jean was left standing there and waved back timidly. ,,Who was that, huh?”, someone, who turned out to be Harry asked behind her. She spun around hastily and mumbled: ,,No one. Blimey Harry you scared me.” ,,No one?”, he said and raised an eyebrow, ,,Who’s ‘no one’?” ,,Fine if you genuinely want to know, that was Jacob Scamander. He seemed cool and he put himself down for the secret organisation project so I introduced myself”, she explained, trying to sound as casual as possible but she could tell that Harry wasn’t buying it. ,,I saw you staring at him during Hermione’s speech. C’mon Jean I know you better than anyone, I can tell that you have a soft spot for him already. Did you say his last name was Scamander? Like in Newt Scamander?”, he said and when Jean nodded he continued: ,,Now you can’t save yourself Jean Black, I know you’re fangirling over Newt and it doesn’t help that Jacob looks exactly like him.” ,,Fine, I might find him attractive but I have Fred, forgot? Jacob and I just agreed to study together. Let’s change the subject into your direction shall we? I saw you staring at Cho the entire time, my love”, she said and smiled mischievously at her best friend. He got even pinker in the face than Jean did a few seconds ago. ,,I.... I don’t know what you’re talking about”, he stuttered and tried avoiding her gaze but couldn’t hold against it. ,,Fine, I fancy her. Are you happy now?”, he admitted and looked annoyed at Jean. ,,Awww, I knew it. Ron and I had a bet, of who you would tell it first. Now I’m about to be 5 Galleons richer”, she cheered and hugged Harry. The inn had emptied completely and it was only them and Hermione and Ron left. ,,Hey Ron, he told me first. I won, c’mon over here”, she said to Ron, who was talking to Hermione. ,,Bloody hell Jean, I almost got him to tell me”, he mumbled and shoved five galleons into Jean’s hand. ,,You’re unbelievable, mates. Anyways, shall we go? It’s starting to get dark and we need to be in the common room soon”, Harry said and shook his head. Jean nodded and opened the door to find it raining buckets outside. Before she could even say anything, Harry threw his Jacket at her. ,,Take it already. I can handle ten minutes of rain but you’ll be ill by tomorrow”, he said and grinned at her. ,,Thanks mate. Hermione you coming?”, she said and looked at Hermione, who was taking the list of the table. ,,Yea I’m ready. Let’s go but hurry”, she confirmed and rushed past the three of them. Ron followed her quickly and Harry seized Jean by the wrist and pulled her after him.
Back at the common room
The rain had now evolved into a full blown thunderstorm and everyone had fled inside. Jean, Harry, Hermione and Ron sat in the Gryffindor common room, which was unusually quiet. ,,So, I assume that we’ll need a place to hold our little gathering then”, Harry asked, looking at the fire which was crackling merrily. Outside was the wind blowing heavily and the rain was pounding against the windows and except for the fire there wasn’t much light. ,,I guess we could continue in the hogs head but it wouldn’t make a lot of sense for 25 people to be there and practice their spells. Besides it would raise quite some suspicion”, Jean suggested. ,,We need some sort of hidden room that only we have access to. Like a room that we require”, Ron said and Hermione’s eyes widened. ,,Ron you’re a genius. Why haven’t I thought of that”, she replied and leaped towards her bag which was at a table from studying earlier. She came back with Hogwarts: A history and opened it hastily. She seemed to have found the page that she had been looking for and read: ,,On the seventh floor there is rumoured to be a room that changes its appearance and service to match the needs of the person standing in front of it. The room of requirement is a secret, hidden room but it’s existence was never proven.” Jean frowned and thought about that room for a second. Hermione was beaming at her book and said: ,,That’s exactly what we need. Sure its only a rumour but I bet that Hogwarts has that room.” ,,Yea but ‘mione, how are we supposed to find it? We don’t know it’s exact location neither do we know how to ‘unlock’ it”, Harry asked, looking as confused as Jean. Ron just sat there and asked: ,,Wait so there is a room to match the needs of the person standing in front of it? So basically if someone needed a toilet-” ,,Yes Ronald that was the initial plan behind it I reckon”, Hermione interrupted. ,,Well I reckon that we should try and find that room at all costs. Hermione and Ron, can you guys go to the library and try to find out more about the room of requirement? I’ll ask professor McGonagall about it since I have the best excuse to ask stuff like that because I want to be an auror and Jean, you can try and find the room, okay?”, Harry suggested. Jean frowned again but nodded. Hermione nodded fiercely, whilst Ron looked slightly annoyed but agreed too.
Jean was slightly pissed off, because in her opinion she had gotten the most boring task out of all of them. She wanted to be an auror too so why couldn’t she ask professor McGonagall about the room? Anyways; she thought and got up from her armchair. It had gotten late and she noticed how incredibly tired she was.
,,I’ll go to sleep now. I’m really tired”, she told the others and made her way towards the staircase which led up to the girls dormitory. ,,I’ll come with you”, Hermione agreed and went after her. ,,I’ll probably go to sleep too then, good night”, Harry smiled tiredly and got up too. Ron followed and mumbled: ,,Good night guys.” Before vanishing behind a corner of the staircase. Hermione did the same and it was only Harry and Jean left. ,,Good night Harry”, Jean said and turned to go up as well. ,,Good night, love you”, Harry replied and yawned. ,,Love you too”, Jean smiled before she too vanished up the stairs.
In the girls dormitory
,,Gin, are you still awake?”, Jean asked into the darkness. She felt the need to talk to someone about Jacob Scamander. ,,What is it”, Ginny mumbled sleepily. ,,Did you notice that fifth year Hufflepuff at the hogshead? The one that looked like Newt Scamander?”, Jean asked quietly. ,,Think I saw him, why?”, Ginny mumbled back. ,,Well you see, I went to talk to him and turns out he’s related to Newt Scamander”, Jean explained. ,,And? What about him?”, Ginny asked, her voice sounding sleepy. ,,He was nice. I think I want to be friends with him”, Jean explained. ,,Good for you Jean. Will you let me sleep now?”, Ginny responded. ,,Yea, good night Gin”, Jean whispered and turned to the side. ,,Good night Jeanie”, Ginny answered and it didn’t take long until Jean heard her breathing getting calmer. She sighed and thought: ,,Why was that connection there instantly? And why couldn’t I read his mind? Maybe my legilimency isn’t as well as I thought.”
Jean tossed and turned until she finally fell asleep at 4 in the morning.

A murderer for a father: Jean L. Black ||Sirius Blacks daughterWhere stories live. Discover now