Tiny hero

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,,Be quiet, I don’t want them to hear us just now”, Harry ordered, as they stood behind a staircase. In the room that they were looking at was Hermione on the floor, screaming bloody murder as Bellatrix exclaimed: ,,Crucio!” Jean squeezed Ron’s hand as he tensed up at the sight of Hermione. Harry shot Ron a warning glare, as he made a step forward.
Jean noticed something on the wall. There it was, the sword of Gryffindor leaning against a dresser. Quietly, she crept over to the wall, securing the sword. ,,Boys, I’ve got the sword”, she whispered, as she returned to her two friends. Harry turned to her, gave a thumbs up, but in that moment Ron made run for it. ,,Shit!”, both Jean and Harry swore. Ron had just blown their cover, now they had to fight. Jean threw the sword at Harry, knowing he’d need it, since he didn’t have a wand.
,,Stupefy”, she exclaimed, as she saw Bellatrix raise her wand to kill Ron. From that moment on, everything went by in a blur. Jean remembered dodging several killing curses, casting loads of protection Charms around Hermione and herself. Suddenly, she heard Harry yell out: ,,Jean, get over here.” ,,And how am I supposed to do that? Hermione can’t even get up properly”, she responded sarcastically. *crack* dobby appeared next to her and Hermione. One snap of his hand and Bellatrix’s wand landed in the elf’s hand. 
The whole room stopped what they were doing. ,,How dare you disarm your master, you filthy elf”, Bellatrix raged in disbelief. Dobby looked at his former master with confidence. His tennis ball big green eyes radiated confidence in what he was about to say. ,,Dobby has no master, Dobby is a free elf”, he bellowed, clutching the wand tightly. ,,Dobby, now”, Harry yelled, seized his hand and all together, the four wizards and one house elf disapparated with a quiet crack.
Jean thought she saw a dagger being thrown at them by her aunt, but she thought that she had missed. Once they reapparated near Bill’s and Fleur’s home, she dropped to the floor from the force of the apparation. When she looked up, she saw Dobby, clutching his stomach, holding to what seemed to be the dagger that Bellatrix had thrown at them. ,,Harry potter”, the small creature gasped weakly, as Harry hurried towards him. He took the elf into his arms, trying to put pressure on the wound so he wouldn’t bleed out. ,,We need to help him, Hermione, don’t you have dittany in that purse of yours?”, Harry rambled, desperately looking at them for help. ,,Jean? You can heal him, can’t you? You’re great at healing charms”, he continued, looking at Jean in desperation.
Jean felt like her throat was closing up as she shook her head. She knew that there was nothing thy could do for the elf. Dobby looked at Harry in adoration, before he smiled: ,,Dobby is happy to be with his friends. Dobby is happy to be with Harry Potter.” Harry held the elf gently, as his body became lifeless. Hermione and Ron looked at each other, Ron still holding Hermione up. Jean picked herself up and walked over to Harry. ,,There was nothing we could’ve done”, she said, looking down at the lifeless elf in Harrys arms. Luna appeared out of nowhere, suggesting: ,,We should close his eyes.” Harry nodded, so Luna did just that. ,,There now it looks like he’s sleeping”, she mumbled, trying to cheer Harry up. ,,I want to burry him, without magic. He deserves it”, he announced adamantly, looking round at his friends. ,,Course he does. Let’s find a good spot, shall we”, Jean agreed, giving Harry a side hug. Harry just nodded, whilst the others started looking around for a good spot to burry the tiny hero.
Later, everyone except for Harry had gone inside. Bill and Fleur luckily didn’t mind them staying for a while. Jean took a peek out the window to check if Harry was still at Dobby’s grave. ,,Don’t you think we should get him inside? I mean he’s been out there for an hour”, she questioned, turning around again. Fleur shook her head, advising: ,,Let him be. That elf seemed to be important to him.” Jean nodded, her arms crossed and quite absentminded. ,,Thanks for letting us stay here by the way. Who knows where else we could’ve landed”, she admitted, looking at Fleur urgently. She smiled at her, before she replied: ,,That is absolutely no problem. You’re family, of course we won’t say no. Besides, our house is still under the fidelius charm.” Ron suddenly burst into the room, announcing: ,,’mione’s doing better. Still a bit weak, but she’ll be up again in no time. Besides, I’ve managed to steal those.” He held up two wands, one of them looking very pretentious the other quite worn out. Jean nodded in approval, taking out the wand she had stolen from Wormtail. ,,I’ve managed to steal Wormtail’s wand, back in the dungeons”, she smirked. Ron looked at her in admiration, before asking: ,,how’d you-?” Still smirking, Jean explained: ,,Nicked it from him when you and Harry pinned him to the ground.” While turning around, Ron had a proud expression on his face almost like whenever he saw that Ginny did something like that. ,,You’re brilliant, really”, he smiled, before going back upstairs.

A murderer for a father: Jean L. Black ||Sirius Blacks daughterWhere stories live. Discover now