Epilogue: 19 years later

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,,Teddy Lupin, get over here. You have Victoire all year it won’t kill you to be away from her for 5 minutes”, the woman with shoulder length dark curls and warm blue eyes shouted to get her Godson’s attention. Jean, who now carried the last name Scamander, was now 38 years old and a mother of three, her youngest about to start Hogwarts.

Teddy stopped snogging Victoire Weasley, his girlfriend, and skipped over to his godmother. ,,What is it mum? The train’s about to-”, he complained until he realised what he had just said. ,,I-I mean Jean-”, he corrected himself hastily but Jean just pulled him in for a hug. ,,You know I used to call your mum, Mum all the time since mine died when I was a baby. It made her incredibly proud but it saddens me that she only got to hear these words from me and not you. Teddy your parents were great people and I’m sure you know that but if you want to call me Mum, or Harry dad, or honestly anyone who’s close to you, that’s fine. We’re not mad. The opposite more like. It makes me so happy and proud that you view me as your mum. I love you, never forget that”, she explained. Teddy got teary eyed. ,,R-really? I love you too. Thanks”, he stumbled while hastily wiping a tear from his eye. ,,Have fun at Hogwarts and if you don’t mind, tell me what’s going on from time to time”, she said and ran her hand through Teddy’s turquoise hair. He smiled and waved before shouting back: ,,Will do. Bye Jean.”

Jean stood there and waved her Godson off so she didn’t notice her husband standing behind her all of a sudden. ,,He’s growing up so fast, don’t you think, Lily flower?”, Jacob Scamander sighed. ,,Blimey, Jacob you’ve scared me. But you’re right, he is. God he’s turning 20 this year. Finished Hogwarts already and now studies to be defence against the dark arts teacher, just like his dad. Remus would be so proud of him...”, Jean sighed as she leaned against her husband. He closed his arms around her and mumbled: ,,Just like he was proud of you. Kind of ironic. He was your godfather and now you’re his sons godmother. Almost like it passes on.” ,,Mhhh”, Jean just responded. ,,Let’s change the subject. Have you seen Marlene anywhere? She was supposed to say goodbye to Newt and Grace with us”, she pondered, before she looked at her husband. Then she spotted her daughter Marlene Tina Scamander walking towards them. She was now 18 years old and was an apprentice at the ministry. Jean had her shortly after the battle. Her brown curls were at shoulder length and her warm blue eyes beamed at her mother. She was the spitting image of her mother. ,,Hey Mum, hey dad, are Newt and Grace already on the train? I wanted to give something to Grace before she gets sorted today”, she greeted her mum and dad. ,,No your siblings are over there talking to your cousins. We should head over there as well, I need to ask Gin something”, Jean responded as she nodded to a group of people, majority of which had either ginger or jet black hair. Marlene nodded. Jacob pushed the trolley, which Newt, his and Jean’s son had left with them. Jean, who had her daughter Grace’s owl cage in her hand, followed.

Newt Sirius Scamander was the only boy and middle child. Grace Minerva Scamander was the youngest child of Jean and Jacob. Newt, who was named after Jacob’s granddad Newt Scamander, the famous magiezoologist and was the author of fantastic beasts and where to find them and Jean’s dad Sirius, who was murdered in the 2nd wizarding war. He was about to start his third year in Hogwarts. His younger sister Grace was named after Jean and Jacob’s favourite teacher Minerva McGonagall. She had just turned eleven a month ago and was about to start her first year in Hogwarts.

They arrived next to the two, who were talking to their cousins Rose and Albus and who were about to start Hogwarts just like Grace. ,,Hey Guys, Harry guess what, Teddy called me mum. He never did that before. And Gin, can I borrow your quaffle, I’ve lost mine and I need it for practice”, Jean greeted them, giving Ginny a begging gaze, while handing her daughter the cage that she was holding. Ginny rolled her eyes amused as she replied: ,,Sure, just give it back to me when you’re done with it. You said Teddy called you Mum? I remember when he did that once to me when he was like two. Everyone at the burrow was quiet that day... He never did it again though, I just remember him calling you Mummy and Harry Daddy from time to time when he was little.”

Jean nodded, thinking back in time. Just a few months after Marlene was born, Teddy learned to speak and his first word was Mummy, once directed to her and once to Ginny. She remembered telling Jacob why everyone was so quiet after that, like it was yesterday. She thought back even further and remembered her own childhood. It was blurry and very dark but she could clearly remember the little boy with the bright green eyes and the lightning bolt scar. She smiled at the thought that she would get married to someone with these same bright green eyes. Jean looked up at her husband and smirked, since she wasn’t wrong. Jacob looked a lot like his granddad but the eyes where much like Harry’s. Jean was to this day confused on how this could have been, but maybe Jacob was somehow related to the Evans family, since he was a half blood himself.

,,Earth to Jean Lily Scamander, are you there?”, she heard Hermione’s voice joke, causing her to get ripped out of her thoughts. ,,Yea I’m here, what is it ‘mione?”, she answered. ,,The kids are about to board the train. I’d suggest, you say goodbye to your children now”, Hermione explained, before she kissed her daughter Rose on the cheek for goodbye.

Jean looked at her own son and asked: ,,Are you excited? I remember my second year, I’ve told you about it, havent I? Anyways, don’t set the school on fire.”, Newt, who had a Hufflepuff scarf around his neck grinned. He looked a lot like Jean, apart from the bright green eyes. The 14 year old was a big prankster though, following strong into the footsteps of his grandfather. He raised his hand in the air hypocritically, before he assured: ,,I promise I won’t Mum. Unless, James and I get our hands on some-” Jean looked at her son with a don’t-you-dare expression. He smirked, before he answered: ,,I was joking. I would never. Actually though- ” Jean tousled his hair before he could finish the sentence. She hugged him while mumbling: ,,God, I love you so much. Never forget that.” Newt muttered back, very serious all of a sudden: ,,I’ll miss you Mum. I love you too.” Jean nodded after she loosened her embrace. Before Newt went off to board the train, Jean asked: ,,Can you take care of your sister a little bit? Don’t want her getting into trouble.” He nodded obediently, before he waved and boarded the train alongside James Sirius Potter, Harry’s eldest son.

Then she turned to her daughter, who was just as cheeky as her older brother, if not worse. She had inherited Jacob’s green eyes and his dark blonde hair, but it was as curly as her mums. ,,Are you okay, love? I remember my sorting, it way quite scary”, Jean asked her daughter. Grace nodded. ,,I’m so excited for the sorting. I bet I’ll be in Gryffindor, just like you”, she smiled confidently and pointed to her Gryffindor scarf, which was hanging from her trolley. Jean smiled since she remembered having that same scarf when she was sorted 26 years ago. ,,Don’t be disappointed when the sorting hat decides differently though. I’m sure you’ll find your place at Hogwarts”, she laughed and kissed Grace on the cheek. ,,Promise you’ll write to me, OK? I love you mummy”, Grace replied, a bit more anxious now. ,,’Course I will, my love. I’ll write to you every week if you want me to”, Jean assured, before she hugged her daughter tightly. ,,I love you. Have fun”, she added when they broke apart. Grace beamed at her mum one last time and waved at her dad before she boarded the train. Jacob stood behind Jean as they both waved off their kids when the train rolled out of the train station. Jean closed her eyes for a moment and thought to herself, how beautiful that everything turned out alright.

A/N: Man, this book has been a roller coaster through and through. Although I really wanted it to be a little more successful, I still appreciate everyone who stuck with me though it.
Worth mentioning is that I started this book at the age of 13 (about to turn 14) out of pure boredom in lockdown and finished it just two months after my 16th birthday. (To be fair, to the time it found its way to wattpad I had already finished and proofread it.)
Anyways, I'm currently writing a Sequel with a completely different storyline so maybe you'll like that one too.
Okay, thank you so much for reading this wreck of a book, I truly put my heart and soul into it :)
Bye and see you around <3

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