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As the spring came, the intense studying period started for both fifth years and seventh years. Additionally to that, Umbridge had successfully abducted Dumbledore’s position of headmaster. Hogwarts was rather quiet, on one hand because of Umbridge and her absurd rules but also because most of the students were either studying for their O.W.Ls or N.E.W.T.s at the moment.
Jean had been a nightmare to talk to for the last two weeks, since she was running on three hours of sleep and mostly just some fruit, because she was just always busy studying. The only one willing to keep her company was Jacob, who was very chill about his studying and Jean’s paranoia that she would for sure fail everything.
After another long afternoon in the library, Jean finally made her way to leave. Jacob walked next to her, holding her hand. Suddenly she stopped and turned around. ,,We need to leave, go the other way Jacob”, she muttered tensely. Jacob looked at her puzzled until he saw Elaine approaching alongside Pansy Parkinson and hand in hand with Ben Lestrange. Jean had been avoiding her sister at all cost, since she had refused to come home for Christmas and the incident of betrayal last month. Other than that, she was still very hurt by the fact that Elaine had called her a blood traitor numerous times. Jean pushed against Jacob, wanting him to get out of there with her. Before she could successfully do so, Elaine had already spotted her and Jacob and loudly made fun of her: ,,Jean, what in the name of Merlin are you trying to do.” Jean now turned around, all her stress and sleep deprivation getting the best of her: ,,I’m trying to study and just got done. Your friends there should maybe start too instead of sucking up to Umbridge, since the O.W.Ls are supposed to happen in three weeks. Oh right, as a death eater you don’t need education anyways.” Jacob squeezed her hand, wanting her to stop and just ignore Elaine. Elaine looked baffled for a second, before Pansy snapped: ,,How about you leave us alone and focus on being the perfect little student that you are, Black. C’mon El, we’re leaving.” Elaine smirked and added: ,,Yea, just continue hiding from me, that’s what’s best for you, blood traitor.” Then she just shot Jean a dark look before she flipped her blonde curls and dragged Pansy and Ben along with her.
Once they were gone, Jacob asked: ,,What was that about? You couldn’t’ve just ignored her, couldn’t you?” Jean looked at him with disbelief. ,,Are you taking her side? She was making fun of me, how was I supposed to ignore her? Besides she called me a blood traitor again “, she asked with her brows furrowed, still upset. Jacob shook his head, before he answered awkwardly: ,,No of course not, but that comment about how her friends are all death eaters was one too much, don’t you think?” She thought for a second and shrugged. ,,I guess so. Still, I don’t like the people she’s around. Malfoy, Lestrange, Parkinson, Rosier all death eater families”, Jean expressed, looking at the door, worried. Jacob frowned and put an arm around his girlfriend. ,,I get that you’re worried, but maybe Pansy’s right, partly. You should focus on studying and getting some sleep. Honestly Jean, you’ve been a nightmare to talk to for the last week”, he suggested in a soft voice. Jean let out a small laughter, before she admitted: ,,Yea I figured. Ron and Harry seem to be almost afraid of me.” Jacob chuckled, hugging her tighter and pressing a kiss to her lips. ,,Let’s go to bed now, I’ll bring you to the common room”, he smirked, spinning Jean before he pulled her along with him. Jean just felt tired, wanting to go to bed.
Three weeks later, after the first exam
Relieved, all the fifth years left the classroom for history of magic. Most of them were pretty sure that they did well, some of them had pretty worried expressions on their faces. Hermione and Jean walked next to each other, both pretty faithful in their work. Harry and Ron caught up with the two girls, panting. ,,I failed for sure. History of magic is just the biggest rubbish”, Ron groaned, running his hand over his face. Hermione scoffed but smirked: ,,Well, if you wouldn’t just copy my notes at the end of the lesson and would actually do them yourself, maybe you wouldn’t be as bad at it.” Ron looked at Hermione and frowned. ,,Maybe I don’t want to be good at it. Not everyone is as smart as you, Hermione”, he explained, putting his arm around her. Harry looked at Ron and Hermione and then at Jean, a smirk lingering on his face. Jean looked back at Harry and nudged him. ,,C’mon Harry, let’s go find Jacob, he said he needed help with his stunning spell”, she lied, animating Harry to leave the two alone. He just looked at her, then at Ron and Hermione again and understood. Hermione had gotten slightly pink in the face and grinned at Jean.
On their way to the great hall, they met Ginny and Jacob. Harry and Ginny were immediately caught up in their own conversation.
,,So, how’d it go?”, Jacob asked. Jean sighed, put her arm around his waist and replied: ,,Oh, it wasn’t that bad. I’m just really scared that I’ve failed. How was yours? You’re quite the genius in history of magic.” Jacob grinned. ,,Yea it was alright, I hope I didn’t switch up the dates though”, he stressed. After letting out a short laugh, Jean answered: ,,Oh please. Jacob you’re really a bloody genius in history of magic. I think you’ll get an O.” He smiled, rested his arm on her shoulder, and answered: ,,If you’re so certain, I think I really might get one.” They entered the great hall together. Jacob lead them to the Hufflepuff table. ,,Hey Ernie, Justin”, Jacob greeted his friends, his arm still on Jean’s shoulder. Justin Finch-Fletchley got up and he and Jacob greeted each other with a handshake. Ernie just raised his hand at him, to greet them. ,,So, how’d History of magic go?”, Justin asked, sitting down next to Ernie again. Jacob sat down too, dragging Jean with him. ,,Yea, went well. She’s saying I’ll get an O”, he smiled, looking at Jean. Justin looked quite curious on who Jean was, despite the fact that he was in the DA. ,,Who’s she though? Cousin? Sister? Friend?”, he asked, smiling at Jean. Jacob looked at Jean, his eyes asking for permission to tell him. She nodded ever so slightly that only he got a glimpse of it. ,,She’s my Girlfriend”, Jacob explained to Justin. Ernie rolled his eyes. Both Jacob and Jean knew that he wasn’t her biggest fan. Justin though seemed to be quite fond of her. ,,I know you. Your name is Jean Black, am I right? You’re in the DA, aren’t you?”, he asked, innocently. Jacob seemed impressed that Justin actually noticed her before and Jean too seemed quite taken aback. ,,Yea, Hi. You’re Justin Finch-Fletchley, aren’t you. Noticed you around. I think we have care of magical creatures together. Nice to meet you”, she said, smiling.
,,You’re the murderers daughter, aren’t you”, a bloke named Zacharias Smith butted in. He sat next to Ernie, who burst out laughing. Jean rolled her eyes at them. ,,I’ve told you a thousand times, my dad is not a murderer. Shut it already”, she answered to their sniggering. Ernie burst out laughing once again, nudging Zacharias to laugh with him. Justin looked at them and cringed. ,,Don’t listen to them, they’re gits. Besides, we’re not who our parents are. You seem really nice”, he explained, attempting to make Jean feel better. ,,Yea, who cares what they think”, Jacob added, squeezing Jean gently. ,,Yea right. Just watch out or she’ll murder you, Scamander”, Zacharias teased, laughing hysterically. ,,I heard that she’s a spy for you-know-who and that’s why she hangs around Harry Potter so much”, Ernie continued, making sure that she could hear. Jacob got visibly angry now. Jean looked at him, knowing that he did not like confrontation, but before she could say anything, Jacob demanded: ,,Haven’t you heard what my girlfriend said. Shove off and get a bloody life. I think the sorting hat might’ve made a mistake with the lot of you.” Justin looked at Jacob with respect. Ernie and Zacharias were quiet after that.
Jean felt herself falling in love with Jacob all over again. That’s what she loved about him most. Even though he didn’t like socialising or arguing, he still stood up for the people closest to his heart. He was now struggling to keep eye contact, a quality that Jean had noticed in him and his granddad as well. ,,That was very noble of you. God I sound like Dumbledore”, Jean smiled, attempting to get Jacobs mind off the two bullies. He smirked, still awkward. ,,Didn’t want them to make fun of you, you know”, he muttered affectionately. Jean’s heart warmed as she heard those words. ,,I know. You didn’t have to do it though. I could’ve told them to shut it, myself”, she assured, still appreciative for him. Jacob smiled. ,,I wanted to though. They might be my mates, but you’re still my girlfriend. Even if you weren’t, I hate when they make fun of someone”, he admitted, wrapping his hands around her waist. ,,I love you, I hope you know that”, Jean smiled, cupping his neck. His cheeks flushed red, as if Jean had never said it before. ,,Love you too”, he mumbled, hiding his face in the crook of her neck. She felt his breath against her skin and for some reason it made her heart rate speed up. ,,Kiss me already, you fool”, she then breathed, knowing he wanted to. Jacobs face appeared right in front of hers, a slight smirk on his face. Jean smiled at him, before he closed the tiny gap left between them. 

A murderer for a father: Jean L. Black ||Sirius Blacks daughterWhere stories live. Discover now