Expecto Patronum

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Umbridge had somehow managed to get a hint that the DA was existent and now had a whole committee to find them. Jean herself had some close calls where she almost got caught sneaking in or out of the room of requirement. The DA still managed to meet, despite filch lurking on the seventh floor.
In the Room of requirement
,,Okay everyone, today I’m going to show you how to cast a patronus”, Harry announced, pacing around his fellow members. A murmur of amazement went through the room. The last month they had just been practicing their spells to perfection, so learning a new spell was exciting to all of them. Harry smirked, as he explained: ,,First off, a patronus is made to protect you from dark creatures such as dementors. It means as much as ‘I await a patron’. There are corporeal patroni and non corporeal ones. A corporeal patronus is incredibly hard to cast and even great, powerful wizards struggle with it. Besides, only the ones with a pure soul can cast a corporeal patronus. Anyways, let’s get down to business. To cast a patronus, you’ll have to think about your happiest memory, if it is not strong enough, it won’t work or your patronus will be too weak. So make sure to think about your happiest memory, dig deep.” He waited a second so everyone could think of something. When everyone looked back at him curiously, he continued: ,,Does everyone have a memory? Yea, okay, now wave your wand, concentrate and say ‘expecto patronum’.” Harry waved his wand and muttered: ,,Expecto patronum.” A silvery, beaming stag erupted from his wand. Everyone watched in amazement and let out gasps of astonishment. Harry grinned and motioned for them to try to cast their patroni.
Jean stood next to Hermione, Ron and Jacob. After stealing a glance at each of them, she mumbled: ,,Expecto patronum.” She waved her wand simultaneously and made an effort to think hard of her happiest memory. It was, when she got her Hogwarts letter. Much to her disappointment though, she only managed to conjure a silvery-blue mist. Harry hurried over to her and encouraged: ,,That was quite good. Think of a stronger memory. You can do it, I know you can.” Jean smiled, before she stole another glance at Jacob. He hadn’t managed to conjure a corporeal patronus either. He noticed her staring and smiled. ,,What?”, he asked, taking her hand. Jean looked at him as if she was confunded, before she answered: ,,Nothing, it’s just... patroni match when the people are meant to be, like soulmates.” Jacob seemed to know what she was referring to. ,,You mean, our patroni might match?”, he asked tenderly. Jean nodded, but muttered: ,,But what if they don’t? What then?” Jacob stoked Jeans hand soothingly with his thumb. ,,Do you want them to match?”, he asked, a trace of anxiousness in his voice. ,,’course I want them to”, she muttered back. Jacob smirked and whispered into her ear: ,,Then they will. Let’s try it, my love.” Jean got all flustered but nodded.
Together, they muttered: ,,Expecto patronum.” And waved their wands. Jean thought about a different memory. Jacobs and her first kiss. It was like she felt the fireworks explode all over again. Then, when she opened her eyes, she saw the figure of a creature erupt from the tip of her wand. Next to it, the same one but from Jacobs wand. When Jean took a closer look at her patronus, she saw that it was a niffler. Jacob had a niffler as well, his a bit bigger and less delicate than Jean’s. The two nifflers circled each other, almost like they knew one another. Jean’s mouth was open and very dry, when she looked at Jacob. He looked back at her partly in adoration and partly awkward. ,,So we really are meant to be”, Jean stuttered, still focusing quite hard on her patronus. Jacob nodded, still holding Jean’s Hand. Harry had noticed the two niffler patroni and ran over to them. ,,Amazing, just keep focusing. Hey guys, I want to show you something”, he bellowed, waving the others over to them. Jean looked at him shortly, before she had to focus again. She looked down at Jacobs and her hands, which were tightly clutching one another’s.
Harry pointed at Jean’s and Jacobs patroni and explained: ,,We are lucky enough to witness this. This is the perfect example of matching patroni. I don’t know much about this, but I do know that people with matching patroni are meant to be. Also, that patroni can change when a person truly falls in love or something. Yea, my friend Jean and Jacob here are, well, seeing each other obviously. Besides that a niffler patronus is incredibly rare, theirs match, which means that they are meant to be.” The crowd murmured, but Jacob looked quite awkward. Jean stroked his hand with her thumb to calm him down and shook her head towards Harry, to let him know to stop. He saw and made an effort to change the topic: ,,Uh, yea, let’s try again everyone. Luna I saw that you cast your corporeal patronus. Ginny too, let’s try that again and remember to think of your happiest memories.” Jean mouthed: ,,Thank you.”, before she turned to Jacob. ,,We did it. We cast our patroni”, she cheered, falling into his arms. Jacob smiled and caught her, still feeling awkward. ,,And we’re matching too. I knew it”, he mumbled happily. Jean nodded, beaming.
Their joy was short-lived, because just after a majority of the students had managed to conjure their patroni, they heard loud banging, coming from the hidden, mirrored door. Everyone gathered around the place where the banging was coming from. A second year named Nigel looked in between two mirrors and Harry followed. There was a small hole, and Harry suddenly got anxious, pulling Nigel away just in time. Jean stepped forward, but was grabbed by the wrist by Harry, who was shaking his head. Suddenly, there was a big explosion and the first thing the DA saw, after the dust had settled, were the awful, pink robes of Umbridge. Behind her was her gang of suck up Slytherins, who had volunteered to hunt them down. Jean felt like she was hallucinating. The betrayal that stung in her heart when she saw her sister standing proudly next to Draco Malfoy and Pansy Parkinson physically hurt causing her to put a hand to her chest. Pulled in by the hair behind Umbridge was a girl with the word sneak written on her face in purple freckles. Cho let out a scream and the rest of the DA recognised her as well. It was Marietta Edgecombe, a friend of Cho’s. Umbridge looked at Harry triumphantly, before she ordered: ,,Into my office, every single one of you. Ladies and Gentlemen, get them.” Just when she said that, the DA started running and Umbridge’s henchmen and women started running after them. Unlucky for them, the Slytherins were easily outnumbering the 45 DA members and managed to catch every single one of them.
Jean gritted her teeth but continued running, when her sister and Malfoy hexed her so that her hands were tied to her body. Another hex of Elaine’s and she fell as if she tripped over her own feet. Jean swore under her breath, but had to accept that it was game over for her now. Malfoy came towards her, grinning, followed by Elaine. Jean had to think fast, if they found her wand, it was truly game over, but if she hid it well enough, they wouldn’t find it. Praying, she stuffed her wand into her bra, as well as she could. She just hoped that Umbridge wouldn’t see it.

Elaine and Malfoy had caught up to her now, apparently they hadn’t seen what Jean had done with her wand. Malfoy grinned, before he lifted her up to her feet and put on a hard grasp around her waist. ,,Hands off, Malfoy”, Jean snapped, stepping on his foot. He looked at her annoyed, before her hissed into her ear: ,,Play nice, Black. I can do magic that you wouldn’t dare to use in your wildest dreams.” Jean just shot him an icy look, before she looked around for Jacob. Her heart was pounding when she didn’t see him anywhere. Maybe he had managed to escape. Then she noticed that Harry, Her, Hermione and Ron were taken somewhere other than the rest of their peers. After a bit of thinking, Jean concluded that they were brought to the headmasters office.
Ten minutes later they really were in Dumbledore’s office. Umbridge had a smug smile on her face as they waited for Dumbledore to actually arrive. Other than her, there was Cornelius Fudge, the current minister of magic, Kingsley Shacklebolt, whom the four Gryffindors knew from the order, Minerva McGonagall and Marietta Edgecombe, her face still covered in purple freckles. Kingsley looked a bit concerned but looked at the four with a rather proud smile.
,,When will he show up? This has top priority”, Umbridge complained impatiently. Jean couldn’t help but smile. Dumbledore always knew how to make a big entrance. Just as her thought ended, Dumbledore burst through the door confidently. ,,Good evening minister”, was the first thing coming out of his mouth, as he sat down on his chair. Umbridge took a deep breath before she explained in a gloating voice: ,,Professor Dumbledore, I’ve been keeping an eye on your students for quite some time now and look what I found; Dumbledore’s Army. You do know what that means, do you dear.” Harry suddenly interrupted: ,,No, that’s not true, Dumbledore’s got nothing to do with that, it was all my idea.” Dumbledore snatched Hermione’s list from Umbridge and took a closer look at it. Then he smiled with slight proudness. ,,Here it says Dumbledore’s army and not Potter’s. Though that it is very noble of you, Mister Potter, to try and protect me, but it was all me behind it”, Dumbledore explained, looking at the minister seriously. Umbridge gasped: ,,That’s it, you’ll go to Azkaban.” Dumbledore just smirked before he announced: ,,I have no plans on going to Azkaban.” The minister, who hadn’t said a word up till now, ordered: ,,Get him.” Just when Umbridge made a step towards Dumbledore, Fawkes, his phoenix took flight and with one giant beat, Dumbledore was gone, but not before winking at the four students in the corner. Jean looked at Harry, Harry back at her and at the others puzzled. ,,Pardon me, minister, but Dumbledore’s got style”, Kingsley smiled. Fudge looked bewildered, Umbridge was fuming and Jean, Harry, Hermione and Ron smiled at each other.
A great deal of students had gathered in the corridor in front of the great hall, as Filch hung up ten more educational decrees made by Umbridge. As he moved on to hang up another, the students murmured. ,,Boys and girls aren’t permitted to be within 8 inches of each other”, Jean muttered, holding Jacobs hand. She looked down at their hands and smirked. ,,Pretty unfortunate isn’t it, Umbridge”, Jacob muttered amused. Jean snorted at his joke. Even though the both of them had gotten several evenings of detention because they broke that rule more than ten times, neither of the two was about to let the toad faced witch dictate their relationship. Several students groaned as they read the new permit, but it only got worse from there. From banning Luna’s dad’s magazine ‘the quibbler’ up to interrogating students for something they had nothing to do with. Finally, Filch came down his ladder, after he hung up the last decree. All their eyes were fixated to it, to read. As soon as Jean had finished reading it, she frowned and mumbled: ,,She can’t be serious, can she.” The permit, which made everyone groan even more was the one appointing Umbridge to be headmistress.
,,Hem Hem”, the high pitched voice of the freshly appointed headmistress rang through the room. Everyone turned around, annoyed. ,,Children, I see no reason for you to be standing around. Get to your classes, otherwise you will face detention”, she smiled in her fake sweet voice. While cursing under their breaths, the crowd of students dissolved.
,,She can’t do that”, Jean complained, highly enraged. Harry looked just as bitter, whilst Hermione was more tense than any of them had ever seen her. Ron just kept cursing under his breath, while Jacob desperately tried to calm Jean down. ,,I’ll show her, I won’t follow any of these stupid rules. She’s mental”, Jean continued to rage, loathing Umbridge more than ever. ,,Don’t. Maybe it’s best to just follow the rules... for now”, Hermione suggested through gritted teeth. ,,What? But, we can’t let her win like that”, Harry responded, siding with Jean. Ron shook his head. ,,’mione’s right. The less trouble we get into, the less she has to blackmail us with. We don’t have to get friendly with her, but we shouldn’t be cocky”, Ron agreed with Hermione. Harry and Jean looked at each other, before Jean sighed: ,,Ugh you’re right. It’s the best for all of us. I won’t be following that ridiculous decree about the 8 inch rule though. Jacob and I break it all the time so I don’t care.” Harry nodded reluctantly. Hermione gave her a warning glare, indicating that she should keep it on the low.
Rolling her eyes, Jean got up to leave for her next class.

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