Christmas at Grimmauldplace

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The DA had been practicing weekly but there was always a tension between Jean and Fred since they had broken up. Jean and Jacob started dating in November. It’s now Christmas.
The entire Weasley family was gathered around the large dining table. Standing with them were Sirius, Harry, Hermione, Jean and Jacob, Remus and Tonks. Mr. Weasley was in a wheelchair and still looking pretty screwed up from the Nagini attack. He was cheerful, however, and raised his glass as he said: ,,Thank you for all being here, and special thanks to Harry, to who I wouldn’t be here today without his help. Cheers everyone and Merry Christmas.” Everyone raised their glasses in the air and some clinked their glasses together. Jean looked around and met her dad’s eyes looking slightly amused but also a bit unsure on what to say. He raised his glass towards her and smiled. Jean, who was with Jacob, smiled and looked down, quite unsure on what she should do. Jacob looked at his girlfriend lovingly and clinked his Glass with hers. ,,Happy Christmas my love”, he mumbled into her hair and pressed a kiss onto her head. She turned towards him and kissed him on the lips before responding: ,,Happy Christmas. I love you.” Jacob smiled and hugged her tightly. She smiled back and met her dads gaze once again. ,,Hey Jacob, do you mind if I introduce you to my dad?”, Jean asked and looked at her boyfriend inquiring. He nodded and grabbed her hand. ,,Sweet. Let’s go”, she muttered and pulled him with her.
,,Hey uh, Dad, this is Jacob Scamander, he’s-he’s my boyfriend”, Jean explained and looked at her dad, then at Jacob. Sirius extended his hand and Jacob shook it. ,,Well nice to meet you Jacob. I’m Jean’s dad, my name is Sirius”, he said and smiled. Jacob smiled back and answered: ,,It’s my pleasure. Happy Christmas by the way.” Sirius laughed and replied: ,,Happy Christmas to you too. Take good care of my daughter or you might end up like...” he glanced to the side to where Fred was standing. ,,Dad, please. That had nothing to do with this”, Jean mumbled and glanced over to her ex-boyfriend. He seemed to be quite bitter and still jealous as he shot her a glare. Jacob put an arm around Jean, trying to calm her. Sirius smiled at the two of them and said: ,,Well enjoy yourselves then. Jean, do you know where your sister is staying over Christmas?” Jean shook her head and answered: ,,Guess she’s with that Lestrange git. Bye dad.” She pulled Jacob with her and they went back to Harry, Ron and Hermione.
30 minutes later
,,So, I saw your dad took the news well?”, Remus asked his goddaughter. Jean nodded and responded: ,,Yea he actually did. He wasn’t mad at all. I’m just happy that he was decent towards him. I mean after our fight earlier this year we grew closer than ever, even though, you and Tonks were there through all of it. Thanks for that by the way.” Remus smiled and hugged her from the side. ,,Always, Jean. You know that Tonks and I love you like our own daughter and I want you to never forget that, Ok. We’re always here for you”, he assured her. ,,Thanks Remus. Your support and love means everything to me and you were and still are like the dad I never had, growing up. Love you”, she muttered.
Later in the girls bedroom
,,So, what are we gonna do about the Umbridge problem? We can’t keep the DA a secret forever. Besides I heard that she’s doing this interrogation with various students. I was with her last week and bloody hell she was pressuring me to drink something the entire time. There’s something wrong with the drinks she’s serving for sure”, Jean explained as she, Jacob, Hermione, Ginny, Harry, Ron, Fred and George sat in the girls bedroom. ,,For an instance I would suggest that no one from the DA takes anything from her. I wouldn’t know why in the first place but just to be sure... I was interrogated by her too and she really is awful”, Harry suggested and they all nodded in agreement. Jacob, who sat on Jean’s bed with her in his lap added: ,,And we need to take care of Filch too. He’s sitting in front of the wall close to the room of requirement and not moving an inch the entire night. We need to watch our noise making when we walk in and out.” ,,Or, well George and I could secretly smuggle him a package of puking pastilles without the antidote. You decide”, Fred added and shot Jacob a death glare. A big part of the group nodded and only Hermione frowned a bit. ,,Puking pastilles, are you serous? What if he never gets back into his original state? What if they find out that it was you two”, she asked, nodding her head towards the twins. ,,Calm down, Its not permanent. The duration will be around five hours without the antidote. It’ll be a great distraction so we can get in and out without notice. Easy game”, George explained and grinned. ,,I think it’s quite brilliant. Sounds great guys”, Harry butted in and held up his thumbs awkwardly, trying to defuse the tension. ,,Okay so puking pastilles, quiet entrance and exit, what else?”, Ginny wrote down on a piece of paper with a muggle pen that Hermione had gifted her for Christmas. ,,We need to be more careful with our fake-galleons. Just take them out when they get hot and do it like it’s any other piece of gold. We can’t risk getting caught because of something this stupid”, Ron threw in. Ginny wrote it down.
,,One second, Hermione this pen is amazing. You don’t even need to dip it in ink and it doesn’t leave ink spots on the paper. Where did you get it?”, Ginny asked Hermione and she smiled. ,,It’s kind of a muggle thing. No one really uses ink and quill, you just buy one of these and you’re good to go. It’s funny that you never noticed me writing with it since I always use it at Hogwarts to do my homework. Here, I have some spare ones with me”, she explained and handed the ones among them who were pure- or half blood a pen each. Fred was amazed by it and George just started clicking it like crazy. ,,Bloody hell”, Ron mumbled. Jean, Hermione and Harry looked at each other amused. Jacob also knew this, since Jean was writing with it all the time. The three gryffindors had been brought up by muggles or in a muggle environment so they knew what those were. These were everyday things for them. ,,Look, you can write on the wall if you want to”, Hermione showed Fred, whose eyes got even wider than they were before. She drew a small Star on the wall and handed the pen back to Fred. ,,How in merlin’s name have you done this?”, he breathed, still amazed by its so-called magic. ,,Can I keep it?”, George asked and Ron looked hopeful too. Hermione laughed and smiled: ,, ‘Course you can. I have around a million of these back at home. It’s fine. Back to topic now.” She clapped and the focus was immediately back. ,,Ok so far we’ve got; Puking pastilles, quiet entrance and exit and being careful. Is there anything else that we need to do to keep Umbridge off our cloaks?”, Ginny announced and looked at each of them. When no one spoke, she concluded: ,,Ok, that’s it then. Let’s call it a day for tonight and think about more stuff over the next few days until we have to go back.” Everyone murmured in agreement. ,,You guys go off now”, Hermione gestured to Fred, George and Jacob. ,,If mum catches you with us, especially you with Jean, Jacob, you wont hear the end of it. Harry’s and I will follow in just a second”, Ron sighed. ,,Yea sure. Good night, baby. I’ll see you tomorrow”, Jacob sighed and gently kissed Jean on the lips. ,,Bye my love”, she breathed back, her face still close to his. Fred rolled his eyes and looked even more bitter than he did in all those meetings with the DA. Jean and Jacob pulled apart and Jacob went off with Fred and George to apparate away. Ginny noticed that the four wanted to speak alone so she excused herself into the bathroom.
,,It’s been happening again...”, Jean mumbled and looked directly at Harry. ,,Your nightmares are getting worse and worse. Are your legilimency lessons helping?”, she added and when Harry avoided her gaze she said: ,,Look at me Harry. You need to tell us when it gets worse.” Harry made eye contact with her and she started going through his thoughts. She was a born legilimens and had no difficulties of ready other people’s minds. ,,Jean, would you please stop reading my mind!?”, Harry thought. She stopped and apologised: ,,Sorry, I was just thinking that I could help you understand the dreams when I see them, you know.” Hermione and Ron looked confused. ,,Oh, I never told you, did I? I’m a legilimens. Born with it. I’m getting occlumency lessons from Dumbledore as well. Yea, it’s quite useful to know what people are thinking sometimes”, Jean explained and the both of them looked startled. Hermione nodded, now understanding and Ron asked: ,,What in the name of merlin is a legilimens? You can read people’s minds? Not even my thoughts are private anymore. Bloody hell?” Jean laughed and explained: ,,Well it’s quite simple. Legilimency is the ability to see into someone’s head and Occlumency the ability to brace yourself against having your mind read. Jacobs great-aunt is a born legilimens and so am I, You can learn it though. My occlumency isn’t as good so I’m getting lessons from Dumbledore, just in case. Harry is having nightmares and I might have a theory why.”

A murderer for a father: Jean L. Black ||Sirius Blacks daughterWhere stories live. Discover now