When everything starts to make sense

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,,Okay Jean, I’ll leave now”, Remus bellowed. Jean came sliding down the stairs. ,,Wait for me”, she begged. Running towards her godfather, she mumbled: ,,Don’t die. I swear if you die, I will Avada kedavra myself.” Remus hugged his goddaughter tightly. ,,Don’t joke like that. Tonks will get you at five AM sharp. Your aunt and uncle have a port key ready”, he muttered. ,,Be careful”, Jean sighed, before letting go. Smiling weakly, Remus breathed: ,,Promise.” Then he apparated away.
As soon as he was gone, Jean apparated up the stairs into her room. She just waited for Remus to leave. Ever since Christmas last year, she hasn’t gotten one chance to watch another one of her mothers old memories. Now was her chance. Hastily, she pulled out her box of vials and her pensieve from underneath her bed. The only difference was, that she was at her aunts and uncles place, where in 7 hours, Tonks and Ron and Hagrid and Harry would be.
Jean had been living with Remus again for almost the entire summer, until it was too dangerous. She wasn’t allowed to contact Harry, due to the trace. The trace was kind of like a tracking spell, that underage wizards and witches had on them until their seventeenth birthday. Jean and turned seventeen in April already, but Harry had the trace on him for a few more days. So, the order had this whole entire plan to get Harry away from privet drive and into a save space, such as the burrow, which was currently under the fidelius charm. For the plan, they needed seven people who looked just like Harry. For whatever reason, they wouldn’t allow Jean to help though. The seven Potters, who were of course transfigured with polyjuice potion, were then going to different save houses, including Jean’s aunt and uncles place.
So, that day Remus had to leave for privet drive, to explain this whole plan to Harry. That gave Jean plenty of time to see more memories. She looked around for a specific one, which she found. It was the memory for the day that her mother had been declared missing. Taking deep breaths, she emptied the vial into the pensieve. She just had to know where she had been brought, what they did to her and why. Breathing heavily, she clutched on to the side of the pensieve before lowering her head into it.
Once again she felt herself falling. When she opened her eyes, she was in a room with very dim light. Frantically, Jean took a look around, not recognising any of the people in the room. Then, her gaze found a familiar looking person. Her blue eyes seemed to scream for help, even though it was dead silent in the room. Jean stumbled towards her mother, who was tied to a chair, wandless. Panting, she knelt down in front of her, and even though she knew that she couldn’t hear her, she breathed: ,,Mum?” Jean saw something sparkle in her mum’s eyes. Perhaps she already knew her fate. A cackle suddenly rang through the room, followed by wandlight and a much younger Bellatrix mocking: ,,Aww, poor Marlene, do you miss your fiancé? Too bad your children will never see their mother again, isn’t it. But maybe... when you tell me where the Potters are, then I might consider letting you go.” Jean looked back at her mother, who had narrowed her eyes in anger. ,,Even if I knew, I would never betray my friends like that”, she hissed. Bellatrix’s mouth formed into a frown. ,,How noble of you. Crucio!”, she smiled, raising her wand in glee. A cry of despair rang through the room. Over and over again, Jean had to see how her mother was winding in agony, every time, screaming. ,,STOP IT, STOP IT, MAKE IT STOP”, she screamed as if it had any effect. Crying, she closed her eyes, just wanting the memory to end.
Panting, Jean found herself in her room again. She didn’t know how long she’d been sitting there like that, but that memory was by far the most traumatising. Everything started to make sense. Her mothers disappearance happened because she was close to Lily and James Potter. Because Voldemort though that she knew where they were hiding. Still, her mum didn’t know and she still protected them with her life, just like Jean did now, protecting Harry at all cost. Once more she realised that she was more similar to her mother than she’d known. Her dad was right, her mother died a hero, she was brave and loyal, until the very end.
Jean sat in front of the pensieve, just staring into what seemed to be water. Every memory that she’d seen so far, it showed nothing but her parents bravery and loyalty to the ones they loved. They fought a war, even though they could’ve just left at any time. Suddenly, she looked up. An idea had crossed her mind. Jean was wondering, if she could somehow resurrect her parents, just wanting to see them in person, wanting to hug them and never let go. Next second, she thought it was impossible. Until, she remembered a stone that she’d read about. The resurrection stone. It was one of the deathly hallows, very powerful and able to bring her parents back, even if it was for just five minutes. But then again, it was impossible to get to. Sighing, Jean rummaged in the vials once more. She was searching for a happy one, one where she could see that her parents had a happy life besides the war. When she couldn’t find the right one, she got impatient and just seized a random one. Without looking at the labelling, she poured the silvery mist into her pensieve.
On the count of 3 she lowered her head into it once more. The falling sensation was all to familiar, almost comforting. Jean had grown to love looking at the memories. She did when she felt alone, missing her dad and her mum.
When Jean opened her eyes, she saw Grimmauldplace. Having no clue whose memory this was, she assumed that it must’ve been her mothers, but she was wrong. Whilst looking around, she noticed that the walls were less filthy, to be fair even ornate. Suddenly, she heard screaming from what seemed to be the dining room. Feeling curious, Jean made her way over there  forgetting that no one could see or hear her. The screaming got significantly louder and Jean could tell that it was three voices arguing. ,,Sirius, the only thing we asked of you was to marry a pure blood witch. Keep the bloodline pure, make us proud-”, a man’s voice rang through the room, before he was interrupted by a hand slammed onto the table. ,,I don’t give a bloody damn about your stupid blood line. I’m marrying Marlene, regardless of what the two of you have to say. You can disown me all you want, I will no longer be part of this sick delusion”, another man’s voice, which Jean identified as her dad’s, shouted. Curiously, she peeked around the corner, forgetting that she wasn’t really there. What she saw made her jaw drop. Her father, maybe 16 or 17 years old, staring at a man 40 years older than him, who looked exactly like him. Next to what must be Jean’s granddad, stood a rather beautiful woman who also looked very much like Sirius. All three of their faces were characterised by anger.
The woman frowned at Sirius with such bitterness in her eyes, Jean thought she wanted to eat him alive. ,,If you choose to carry on that relationship with this filthy halfblood girl, you will no longer be our son. Choose wisely”, she spat, glaring at her son. Sirius just looked into her eyes, partly in disbelief but mostly in anger. He pursed his lips, before answering: ,,Fine, I’ve chosen my side then. I don’t need your money, nor your protection, nor your recognition, nor your so called love. I am through with this nutter family.” Then, he turned around, flipping the both of them off, before storming out of the room.
Jeans jaw had dropped open, as her father stormed past her. With him, the memory got blurry and seconds later she found herself back in her bedroom.
Letting out a deep breath, Jean leaned against her bed frame, hand placed on her forehead. Maybe, the memories weren’t about what she thought they were about. Maybe they were about the story behind her parents love. Maybe her mother wanted her to see them to understand the importance of true love but the tragedy that could come with it. Sure, her main focus probably was on making Jean understand what happened 16 years ago.
A few minutes of thinking later, Jean heard a knock on the door. Glancing at her alarm clock, she noticed that it was 4.58 AM. ,,Yea”, she permitted, raising her voice a little. Her aunt peeked her head through the door, looking quite worried. ,,What is it, auntie Andy? Is Tonks here?”, Jean asked nervously, fidgeting with the string of her shirt. Andromeda nodded, although she looked very worried. ,,She’s here and she’s got Harry and Hagrid with her. Dunno if they’re all well though”, she admitted, opening the door a little wider. That was all Jean needed to hear. Hastily, she stuffed her pensieve and vials in a backpack. Then she was up from the floor faster than Harry was on his firebolt when playing quiddich.
Rushing past her aunt, she almost flew down the stairs. When she saw Harry, his nose bleeding and a bad scratch on his left cheek, she rushed to hug him. Jean flung herself into her best friends arms, glad that he was alive.

A murderer for a father: Jean L. Black ||Sirius Blacks daughterWhere stories live. Discover now