Meeting the Scamanders

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The next week seemed to go by really fast and before Jean knew it, it was already Sunday. She was about to meet Jacobs grandparents and his brother. If she was honest with herself, she was quite scared, how it would go and if she’d mess anything up.
Jean was in her room, freaking out and pacing in her room. She had just finished curling her eyelashes, and was now desperately trying to find something to wear. All her clothes she had taken, were either too casual or too formal. Letting out a groan of despair, she fell back onto her bed. As hard as she thought, she couldn’t find a solution to her problem, until she noticed something in her wardrobe. It was a dress with flowers on it. Pinned to it was a tiny bit of parchment and a picture. Jean took out the dress and the parchment, plus the picture and held the dress in front of her. It was about knee length, and had a very beautiful U-neckline. She let out a sigh, set the dress aside and took a look at the parchment. Her eyes widened as she looked at it. It read; Sirius meets my parents, 1978. The picture showed the woman that Jean recognised as her mother from the memories. Her blue eyes were full of joy, life and warmth. The blonde hair was tied back in a half up hairdo, and seemed to compliment the dress really well. Next to her was a boy with the same dark curls as Jean, his hair falling onto his shoulders. His face was very nervous, but also joyous. The stormy grey eyes seemed to have a sort of calmness in them, but at the same time, they projected the nervousness that Jean was feeling right in that moment. She knew that her father had been very handsome, even before Azkaban, but she didn’t expect him to be that handsome.
Smiling, she placed the picture of her parents next to her bed, and seized her mum’s dress. She took a deep breath, before she took a look into the mirror. Once she finally did, an exact replica of her mother, just with dark hair, was staring back at her. Jean panted, beamed and hugged herself in the dress. It was like her mum knew exactly what she was doing when she hung that dress into the wardrobe. It was like she wanted Jean to find the dress some day and wear it. Suddenly, she heard a knock on the door. Jean quickly glanced into the mirror once again before she said: ,,Come in.” Remus’s head appeared in the doorframe. When he saw Jean, he smiled. ,,You’ve found the dress. Your Mum and Lily picked it out just for your dad to meet her parents. She would’ve been so happy to see you wear it, honestly. You look just like her, it’s just your hair that’s different. You’ve gotten that from Sirius. You look lovely”, Remus said, wiping a tear from his eye. Jean smiled. ,,Thank you, I found it with a note and a picture. Mum did wear it when dad met her parents. She looked so... similar to me”, she explained, smoothing out her dress. Remus looked over to Jean’s nightstand and spotted the picture. ,,I took that picture. I can remember how excited she was before your dad met your grandparents. He was pretty nervous though. You see the Blacks aren’t exactly popular with non pureblood wizard families”, he explained. She nodded, took a look at her clock and swore: ,,Blimey, its almost 1. C’mon Remus we don’t have time.” Remus smirked, held open the door and when Jean rushed through, he calmly went after her. Grabbing a Polaroid camera that was sitting on one of the dressers, he hurried down the stairs after Jean.
,,Bye Tonks, see you tomorrow, love you”, Jean waved into the dining room to her cousin. She waved back and advised: ,,Be yourself okay. They’ll love you. Love you too.” Jean waited in the corridor for Remus. She heard him say goodbye to Tonks and came out with a smile. ,,You ready?”, he asked, holding out his arm for Jean to hold on to. Smiling, she nodded and seized his arm. ,,Okay then, get ready”, he mumbled, before once again, Jean felt a suffocating feeling and everything spun around her, before she could breathe again.
They found themselves in front of a nice house, covered in a veil of white, powdery snow. Jean breathed out and her breath was coming out in smoke, that’s how cold the air was. She turned to Remus, before she spotted Jacob coming towards her. Happily, she made a few steps towards him as well, before the couple was finally in each others arms. Jacob lifted her up and mumbled: ,,Glad you could make it, I missed you.” Jean let out a small laughter, before she answered: ,,Missed you too. I’m so nervous.” He put her down and kissed her softly. ,,No need to be, they’re just normal people. You look lovely by the way”, he assured, taking her hand and turning to Remus. Jean blushed, and even though it was so cold out, she felt warm inside. Remus smiled, before he said: ,,I’ll pick her up tomorrow at 3 pm. Your grandfather and I sorted everything out. Have a great time, and treat her well.” Jacob nodded, putting an arm around a now slightly shivering Jean. ,,I will, enjoy your time. See you, Remus”, Jacob replied. Remus suddenly pulled out the camera and asked: ,,You wouldn’t mind me taking a picture of the two of you, would you? For the memories sake.” The two of them looked at each other and both nodded. They stood closer together, both smiling into the camera and Jacob leaning his head on Jean’s. ,,Okay that’s it. Bye, love you, Jean”, Remus declared.  Jean looked at him one more time and said: ,,Bye, thanks for taking me. Love you.” He grinned and waved for goodbye, before disapparating.
,,Let’s go inside, it’s freezing out here. My grandma’s made tea”, Jacob suggested, turning towards the house. Jean nodded, put her hand into his and together they walked into the house.
Jean remembered just in time that she forgot the flowers she wanted to bring at home, so she just drew her wand and mumbled the flower conjuring spell. Instantly, a beautiful amount of flowers appeared in her hand, before she took off her shoes. Jacob grinned and muttered: ,,Smart move. Let’s go.” She beamed and followed him.
In the kitchen, Jacobs grandma was pouring tea. As soon as she looked up she smiled: ,,Hi, you must be Jean. I’m Tina, Jacobs grandma. He’s told me a lot about you.” Jean was amazed and nervous at the same time. Tina, who was around 80 years old at the time, didn’t look a day older than 40. She smiled at Tina and said: ,,Hi, thanks for having me. Those are for you.” Jean handed her the flowers. Tina looked delighted and put them in a vase. Jean turned to Jacob and breathed: ,,She could be your mum. I like her already, I hope she does too.” Jacob smirked amusedly. He knew that his grandma was her idol. Tina turned back around to the two and excused herself: ,,One second, let me get my husband.” She walked over to an open suitcase and yelled: ,,Newt, get out of the suitcase, your grandsons girlfriend is here.” Jacob gave Jean a smile, given her amazement. Jean clutched to Jacobs arm, digging her nails into it unconsciously. It was only when Jacob mumbled: ,,Ow.” That she noticed what she was doing. ,,Sorry”, she breathed back, stroking over the marks, she had left in his skin.
Tina invited them to sit down and have some tea. Once the two of them sat down, she smiled: ,,How have you been doing, Jean? Any exciting plans for the holidays?” Jean shook her head, before she answered: ,,It’s too dangerous given the circumstances. Vol- You-know-who is getting stronger every day and, well my mum lost her life to him in the first war.” Before anyone could say anything else, an exact copy of Jacob but older, arrived at the table. When Jean took a closer look at the eyes, she noticed that they were Hazel instead of the bright green she knew of Jacobs eyes. The man, who looked like he wasn’t a day older than 45, smiled awkwardly. Then he extended his arm timidly to Jean. ,,Hi, I’m Newt, Jacobs grandfather. You must be Jean then”, be introduced himself kindly. Jean shook his hand and answered: ,,Nice to meet you, Mister Scamander.” She could see Jacob trying to contain his laugh from the corner of her eye. Newt sat next to his wife and assured: ,,Call me Newt. What were you lot just talking about?” Jacob cleared his throat, answering the question: ,,Holiday plans.” Tina looked at Jean curiously and asked: ,,What’s your last name again? You look quite familiar actually.” Jean got slightly uncomfortable and looked at Jacob for reassurance. He nodded, giving her the reassurance she was looking for. She scratched her neck and mumbled: ,,My last name’s Black. Jean Black.” There was an awkward silence for a few seconds, before Newt bluntly asked: ,,Are you Sirius Blacks daughter?” She nodded, scared of speaking. Jacob placed his hand on her thigh to calm her. ,,I don’t know If Jacob told you, but the story’s different than it’s portrayed in the newspapers. Look, you don’t have to believe me but if you want to know, I’ll tell you. Its not like he could be dragged back to Azkaban, now that he’s dead”, Jean explained, expecting to get thrown out. To her surprise, Tina and Newt didn’t judge her at all. Tina asked: ,,What happened to him? Tell us the whole story.” Jean took a deep breath. Normally she wouldn’t immediately open up about that, but she didn’t want to loose Jacob over this and Newt and Tina seemed like they were genuinely interested in hearing the truth.
After Jean told them everything
Jean was shaking. She had just poured her entire past out, to people she knew for an hour. From how her father was framed and went to Azkaban all the way to him being killed by Bellatrix. Tina seemed very emotional and Newt looked at her with a great empathy. ,,I’m so sorry. You see, my sister Queenie and I lost our parents young too. What about your mum though, you said she was taken by You-know-who. You don’t need to answer if you don’t want to, but who was your mum?”, Tina explained. Jean nodded understandingly and replied: ,,My mums name was Marlene McKinnon. She and her whole family except for my sister and me were murdered a few months before the Potters. She and Lily Potter were good friends, just like James Potter and my father. That’s why my middle name is Lily.” Newt looked fairly interested and asked: ,,So Sorry, this might seem insensitive but, you know Harry Potter?” Jean nodded and smiled. She was glad to get away from her childhood trauma and answered: ,,Yea, he’s like my brother. He was kind of the reason why Jacob and I met in the first place, am I right?” Jacob nodded. Tina smiled and Newt looked at her with basically love hearts as his eyes.
Jean cleared her throat, before she asked: ,,By the way, I was just wondering if I could get an autograph of the both of you on my school book. Its yours Newt, fantastic beasts and where to find them. I really enjoyed it and well, I’m huge fan of both you and you Tina.” Tina seemed delighted and Newt nodded kindly.
Later that night in Jacobs bedroom
Jean and Jacob laid on Jacobs bed, cuddling. ,,So, how’s your Christmas been? I heard the burrow caught fire”, Jacob asked, looking at Jean with an expression of concern on his face. She shrugged, really not wanting to talk about it. ,,Well, Bellatrix set it on fire. Mrs Weasley looked devastated. They managed to fix everything quickly though. Nothing a little magic cant do. How was yours? You haven’t written to me about it”, Jean explained, looking at her hands. The ring that Jacob had given her, still on her finger. Jacob stayed quiet for a few minutes. Then he admitted: ,,Rolf had a huge fight with grandpa. Y’know, I’ve never seen him like that, so enraged but so hurt at the same time. Rolf called my granddad a couple of very fucked up names. I don’t even know what started it. Ever since, he spent even more time down in his suitcase. Don’t get me wrong, I love the creatures, but not even me or my grandma are allowed to come down there. So yea, Christmas wasn’t exactly great.” Jean looked at him shocked. Rolf was Jacobs older brother. Jacob told her about him a few times, but he never seemed to come across as an aggressive person, the way Jacob had described him before. Sadly, she knew what Jacob felt like though. Her sister wasn’t exactly easy either and she knew how much it bothered her dad that Elaine didn’t want to spend holidays at home with him and her. ,,I’m so sorry Jacob. So, that’s why he isn’t home right now? Because he ran away?”, Jean asked, nuzzling deeper into Jacobs side. He just nodded. Then Jean had an idea. ,,Let’s sneak out. Watch the moon and the stars”, she suggested fiercely. Jacob hesitated and argued: ,,It’s freezing outside. D’you want us to freeze to death?” Jean sighed and replied: ,,Put on a coat then. Besides, there are tons of blankets lying around. Let’s just take those.” Jacob thought about it for a second, then he answered: ,,Okay let’s go. Don’t blame me though if we both catch a cold.” ,,We won’t, now fetch yourself some blankets”, she requested and got up from the bed. ,,Yes Ma’am”, Jacob smiled, and Jean could tell that his spirits had lifted already. The both of them collected as many blankets as possible, before they snuck out Jacobs window and onto the roof. They laid out the blankets and covered themselves with two others.
Jean was cuddled into Jacobs arm and whispered: ,,See, this is beautiful. Look at those stars.” Like always, she scanned the sky for the brightest star, Sirius. When she found it, she smiled. ,,They are truly beautiful. Found your dad already?”, Jacob replied, pulling the duvet around them tighter. Jean nodded. Jacob understood her and knew her like no one else did. ,,Jacob?”, she suddenly asked. Jacob looked at her and mumbled: ,,Hmm?” She looked into his green eyes, which, at the light of the stars had that effect again, that she had noticed the first time she saw him. Like fire in deep water. Jean knew that she had heard someone say it before, but she couldn’t quite place it. Then she said: ,,I love you.” Jacob smiled. It wasn’t the first time that they had said I love you to each other, but whenever one of them said it, the other would get butterflies in their stomach. ,,I love you too. And Ohhh I missed you, Jean”, he answered and pulled her on top of him.
Jean now laid on top of him, hearing his heartbeat. It calmed her, being this close to him, knowing that they’d be there for each other no matter what. Jacob embraced her, resting his head on hers, while looking up at the clear night sky.

A murderer for a father: Jean L. Black ||Sirius Blacks daughterWhere stories live. Discover now