Goodbye... for now

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All of Hogwarts had gathered on a beautiful field, with a great white tombstone up at the front. Everyone was in a glum mood, some closer to crying than others. Harry, Hermione, Ron, Jean, Ginny and Jacob sat next to each other, none of them very chatty. Earlier that day, Harry had a conversation with Jean, telling her that he’s not coming back next year, to finish what Dumbledore had started. After she’d convinced him not to do it alone, she now would come with him, and he’d tell Hermione and Ron. That meant, that she wouldn’t see Jacob anymore though. And, she didn’t want him to be worried about her, when she was gone, so she nudged him gently. ,,Can we... go somewhere private for a minute? We need to talk”, she muttered, her heart already aching. Jacob looked at her worried, but nodded.

Under a tree, about a hundred meters away from the crowd, Jean stood, leaned against the tree for support, looking at Jacob seriously. ,,Look, I’m not coming back next year. Harry, Hermione, Ron and I are going on horcrux hunt. We need to find them to destroy Voldemort”, she began, fighting back tears. Jacob looked at her, and Jean had the feeling that he already knew where this was going. ,,So, we won’t see each other anymore?”, he asked, his eyes shimmering with tears. Jean nodded slowly, not wanting to accept the truth that Jacob had just told. She took his hand, as she continued: ,,Look J, I really, really love you, but... I don’t think that I can continue our relationship when I’m gone. It’s too dangerous. Voldemort uses the people closest to them to get what he wants, and Ginny already got possessed, when she was only Ron’s sister, so what if he gets to you too, to get us. I really want to be with you, but if I don’t come back, it’ll be easier for you to move on and you’ll be protected from Voldemort...” Jacob nodded, a tear rolling down his cheek. ,,It won’t be any easier, but maybe you’re right. I-I just don’t know how we-”, he began but his voice broke. Crying, Jean flung herself into his arms. ,,I don’t want to, really. It bloody hurts Jacob, that’s what makes it so hard. The fact that I love you more than I’ve loved anyone else makes this a hundred times harder”, she cried. Jacob closed his arms around her, resting his head on hers. ,,I know, I feel the same. But you know what, I’ll wait for you. You will come back and when you do, I’ll be waiting here for you, fighting for this, for you, for us”, he breathed.

When they pulled away from their embrace, Jean looked into Jacobs bright green eyes for what she thought was the last time. ,,One last kiss?”, he asked, his voice hoarse and deep. Jean nodded, looking up at him. Their faces moved closer to each others, just like they did when they first kissed. When their lips finally touched, neither wanted to stop. The both of them knew that it was better for the time being, even though in that moment, neither wanted to believe it.

Jean stood next to Harry, up on the astronomy tower. Her eyes were red from crying. ,,You alright?”, Harry asked softly. All she could do was nod, or she would burst out crying again. ,,You broke up with him, didn’t you?”, he continued asking. Again, all she did was nod, this time she had to swallow hard to keep the tears down. ,,I’m sorry”, he said, while putting an arm around her compassionately. ,,You know, I broke up with Ginny as well. I just... didn’t want to put her in danger...”, he confessed, taking back his arm. ,,Sorry”, Jean finally managed to say. ,,It’s-It’s fine. I really want to defeat Voldemort once and for all, and to do that, we need to find these horcruxes and destroy them. Hermione and Ron should be up here any second now”, he explained, fidgeting with a locket in his hands. Jean looked at it curiously. ,,It’s fake. All that for nothing”, Harry explained, handing her the locket. She examined it carefully. ,,Open it. Like I said, it’s not a real horcrux”, he encouraged. Jean looked at Harry, then at the fake horcrux. With shaking hands she opened it up, to find a small piece of parchment in it. ,,To the dark lord; I know that I will be dead long before you read this, but I want you to know that it was I who discovered your secret. I have stolen the real horcrux and intend do destroy it as soon as I can. I face death in the hope that when you meet your watch, you will be mortal once more. R. A. B.”, Jean read aloud. Harry just stared into the distance. ,,Who’s R. A. B.?”, Jean asked, hoping that Harry knew. He just shrugged, responding: ,,No clue. I hope he managed to destroy it though. That would be one more that we don’t have to destroy.”

Hermione cleared her throat in that moment, to take the attention to her and Ron. ,,How are you mate?”, Ron asked. Harry turned around, before answering: ,,I’m fine. Look, I’m not going to go back to Hogwarts after the holidays.” Hermione breathed in sharply. ,,Why?”, she asked. ,,Going to find the horcruxes. I need to finish what Dumbledore started, so we can defeat Voldemort”, Harry explained confidently. ,,We’ll come with you”, Ron suddenly announced. Harry sighed, before replying sternly: ,,No, I’m already taking Jean. I can’t also get you two in danger.” Hermione said in an adamant voice: ,,You cannot not take us. If you’re taking Jean, you’ll have to take us too.” Harry took a look to his right, where Jean stood. She nodded to him, indicating that it was either all of them or none of them.

,,Okay fine, I will. You’re right, we’re in this together”, he sighed. Hermione and Ron smiled at each other triumphantly. ,,Besides, we cant leave ‘til after the wedding anyways. Mum will kill us”, Ron said. ,,We’ll see”, Jean smiled, walking over to the railing. The three others followed and together they looked into the distance.


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