First School Day

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~Chapter Fifteen~

It was a very early morning, a loud alarm awokened the two. "Crap!" Killua groaned, almost falling off his bed. Gon seemed to have been perfectly energized while Kil sat on the floor.

He stood up, "It's the crack of dawn. How the hell are you not tired?" Killua mumbled as he removed his shirt. Gon looked away. "Your just really lazy," He replied chuckling as he started changing as well.

They headed into the kitchen.
Both of them making themselves a bowl of cereal, eating in silence.

Killua and Gon headed out the door as they finished, racing each other to the campus. It was pretty close from where they lived. They slowed down stepping near the school entrance, Killua felt his hand get squeezed. Killua looked at Gon, then gave a reassuring smile. They walked inside the campus holding their schedules to find where their classes were.

"Hey Gon, we have two classes together!" Killua exclaimed. Gon smiled. They continued to walk around campus until the bell rang. Kil gave the boy a quick kiss before walking off to class. Killua sighed as he already started dreading school.

The first two classes went by pretty fast, and Gon had found Killua laying under a tree. It was a pretty empty area, quiet too. The perfect place to chill, study, makeout. Gon blushed at his thoughts, blinking hard as he sat down next to Killua. What was he thinking? His trail of thoughts broke when he felt someone against his legs. He smiled at the boy, then scruffled his hair.

They sat there for awhile, the sound of people yelling from a distance. They both sigh at the sound of the bell. Both got up dusting off and saying bye. Killua really wanted the day to end.

Hours passed, school was finally over, Kil began looking for his boyfriend. It felt nice calling him that, his boyfriend. Once the boy was caught in Killuas eyesight, he ran giving a suprise hug from behind. They both smiled, but their little momment ended to a familiar voice.

"Hey! You guys are still buddies?" The two turned around to see Zushi walking towards them. "I mean, yeah. Summer was only two months." Killua replied. Him and Gon werent buddies anymore, but he figured Zushi didn't need to know all that. They both gave a smile then headed off to go home.


They arrived at the house, Kil exhausted. He threw himself on the couch where Kurapika sat. "How was school?" Kura asked chuckling at the boy.
The two spoke at once. Killua groaned as he removed his bag off his shoulders. "It's barely day one and my arms are already dying." Kurapika let out a soft chuckle.

"Where's Leorio?" Gon asked as he sat next to the others. "He's out getting pizza right now." Gon smiled instantly. Kil sat up, streching out his arms. "I'm gonna go change," Killua said as he yawned. Gon scooted closer to Kura while turning on the tv. They talked on and off as they watched a random movie.

Killua exited the room, now changed into shorts and a tanktop. He plopped in the beanbag set up near the couch. Gon stood up and sat closer to Killua. Kura smiled, now having the couch to himself.

They were almost finished with the movie until the sound of the front door and scent of amazing food interrupted. Kurapika and Killua got up to help Leorio with all the stuff. "I thought you were getting pizza, Leorio." He said laughing as Leo stumbled with all the stuff he had bought.

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