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~Chapter Twenty-Eight~

Leorio was the first to return home from work, it was around five in the evening. He entered the house to see the two boys fast asleep on the couch. Leorio smiled as he went into his room, setting down his bag and sitting on his bed. Kurapika doesn't arrive home until a little later, so maybe Leorio could order some food while they wait.

He definitely wasn't cooking dinner himself.

Just as he was about to order food, he got a text from Kurapika. "Don't order anything, and don't step foot in the kitchen either.. I will bring food on my way home." Leorio laughed at the text, he's not the only one who knew avoiding the kitchen was best.

Leorio gave a simple 'alright' as a reply to the message before setting his phone down. The only thing he could really do to pass time was study.

Gon woke up to the tv playing a really loud advertisement, causing him to jump a little. As he tried getting up, he felt hands grip around his waist. "No," Killua mumbled softly. Gon smiled as the boy pulled him back onto the couch.

Killua snuggled his face into Gon's neck, feeling comfort from the warmth. The two stayed like that for a few minutes until Gon managed to escape Kil's grasp. "Noo!" the boy groaned sleepily. "Kil I need to go use the restroom, I promise I'll be right back!" Gon replied as he kissed Killua's forehead before rushing to the bathroom.

The smell of food drifted through the house as the front door opened. "I'm home!" Kurapika shouted as he closed the door behind him with his foot. Leorio entered the living room immediately. "Hello sunshine," Leorio said with a smile as he kissed Kurapika. Killua was heard fake gagging on the couch, Leorio chuckled. "You act as if you don't kiss your boyfriend," Leorio said with a tease. Killua rolled his eyes playfully as he sat up.

Gon exited the bathroom soon after, "Food!" he shouted as he ran up to Kurapika. "Hello to you too," he mumbled with a chuckle as he pulled Gon into a hug. "I'm sorry!" Gon replied laughing.

As the hug broke it didn't take Kurapika long to notice the huge hickey on Gon's jawline. But this time all he did was sigh and slap Killua, getting a confused reaction from the others as Killua snickered. "What was that for?" Gon asked Kurapika while looking at Killua. Kil pointed at his own jaw, reminding Gon about what was on him. He instantly turned red and hid his face in embarrassment.

"What did my amazing Pika buy for dinner?" Leorio asked, attempting to clear the silence as he hugged Kurapika from behind. "Just Chinese take-out," Kurapika replied as he walked into the kitchen, Leorio still holding onto Kurapika. Gon threw himself on Killua, dramatically playing dead. Kil smiled at the boy as he put his face close to Gon's. When the boy opened his eyes his face went red, causing Killua to laugh hard before giving Gon a quick kiss.

Everyone gathered at the table as Kura placed the take-out food on separate plates. He served the three plates before grabbing his own and joining the others at the table. Killua decided to clear the silence by telling Leorio and Kurapika about Saturday. "So, me and Gon want to go out somewhere on Saturday. But just the two of us," He awkwardly mumbled before shoveling food into his mouth.

Kurapika glanced at the two. "Where exactly are you two going?" He asked, still eyeing Killua. "Are you crazy? Like we're gonna tell you! You'd probably go all crazy and stalk us to make sure we behave," Killua shouted, sitting up tall as his hands palmed the table.

The two didn't break eye contact. "You guys will behave though, right?" He asked in a serious tone. Killua scoffed. "Yeah sure whatever," He said before sitting back down. Gon chuckled a bit at Kurapika's over protective questions. Gon had honestly been expecting Kurapika to mention something. It was quite predictable when it came to Kurapika and the two younger boys that he would always have concerns.

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