Costume Shopping

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~Chapter Twenty-Five-

It was a Tuesday afternoon, Killua and Gon barely returned home from school. Everyone was in the living room talking about random stuff as usual.

A horror movie was playing on tv while the discussion of the characters was going on. Just like every horror movie, only one character survived. Sometimes none. The movie was over, and Kurapika got up to clean all the snacks.

"Hey isn't halloween around the corner?" Gon asked as he ate a handful of popcorn before Kurapika could take the bowl. "Oh yeah it is!" Killua exclaimed before grabbing some popcorn for himself. Leorio opened his phone, checking the calendar.

His eyes widened. "Holy shit, it's in thirteen days!" He shouted. Leorio knew exactly what was gonna happen, and his wallet wasn't gonna enjoy this. "Let me guess, you boys wanna go buy costumes?" Kurapika asked with a half smile.

His question got instant answers. "Yeah!" The two boys shouted as they jumped all over the couch. Kurapika chuckled while he and Leorio stood up. "Alright, just let us get dressed," Leorio replied.

Once the two had finished getting ready, everyone got into the car. "Do you ever clean it out? Your car is a total mess," Killua said as he sat in the back next to Gon. Leorio rolled his eyes.

It took a bit to arrive at the store, they had to drive to the Walmart out of town due to certain people. Killua was seen glaring at Leorio as they passed the second Walmart.

"I wonder why we can't go to that one either," He sneered while slumping in his seat. Leorio gave an awkward chuckle before throwing an empty water bottle at the boy.

Kurapika chuckled before turning down the radio. "Maybe we should go somewhere other than Walmart. I mean it's not like that store has any good costumes anyways," Kura chimed. Leorio gave a quick glance before putting his sights back on the road.

"Where exactly would we go?" Leorio questioned. Kurapika shrugged, looking in the backseat to see if the boys had anything in mind. "Oh I know!" Gon exclaimed. "We could go to that store that opened up a few weeks ago. I think it was called Spirit Halloween?" He continued.

Kurapika pulled out his phone, opening maps. "Look up the closest Spirit Halloween," he mumbled into the microphone. The results came quickly, Leorio already getting ready to take a turn into the right lane.

The rest of the drive was filled with the sounds of the radio and a few mumbles from the backseat. Killua had his head rested on Gons shoulder The drive to the store wasn't too far, so it didn't take that long to arrive.

As they pulled into the parking lot the sounds of impatient unbuckling of seatbelts could be heard. "Calm down you guys," Leorio said with a chuckle. The four entered the small store, getting greeted by little automatic decor that popped out at people.

"Quite a festive place," Kura said as he and Leorio headed towards the basic costumes. Killua and Gon nodded as they ran to the monster items.

The two goofed off a few times, getting a few comments from Kurapika warning them to be careful. But being the teens they were they didn't listen and continued to mess around.

It didn't take much looking for Kurapika to find a costume. It was a very pretty vampire-like dress shirt, purple and black with some pretty cute sleeves. He got himself a pair of fangs to go along with it. Kura knew he could just use some basic black pants for the bottom part.

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