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 There is a point in every contest when sitting on the sidelines is not an option.—Dean Smith


The bright overhead neon lights illuminated the podium and shone on the row of young ladies dressed in gorgeous dresses of different hues. 

"Contestant number 6," boomed a loud voice.  

The spotlight shifted to a girl walking down the runway. Her peach sleeveless ball dress sparkled under the bright lights. After doing some poses, she strutted back to her position at the back of the stage. 

"Contestant number 7!" The loud voice called again and this time a chocolate-skinned girl in a lavender lace dress began her walk down the stage. 

Glenda Gregory shifted her weight from one foot to the other. She sucked in a breath to keep herself from giving in to the dizziness she felt. The upper part of her lilac dress was pressed into her chest and was preventing her from breathing properly.  

Her anxiety intensified as the line of girls in front of her dwindled. It reminded her that in a few minutes she would be called to walk down the runway. She shifted and peeked at the audience from behind the magenta curtains. The hall was filled to the brim. Latecomers with no seats stood against the wall. An uproar of cheers ensued for every contestant that showcased themselves. 

"Contestant number 15!" The volume of the voice seemed to increase. 

That's my number.  

I'm up next

The realization caused her heart to lurch and her stomach to churn. Nausea washed over her and she swayed.  

"Contestant number 15!" The voice called again.  

You can do it, Glen. 

Do it for them. 

Just remember one step at a time, and keep breathing. 

She exhaled and with one step appeared from the shadows. The edges of her dress swished at her feet as she strutted down the path. She forced a smile onto her face as she approached the crowd. Her eyes focused on her every step. It would be a shame to trip in front of so many people. 

Finally, she reached the end of the stage. She turned to the right and then to the left. The sounds of their clapping blared in her ears and she believed if she stayed a few seconds more, she would go deaf. 

However, something urged her to look around. An action she would come to regret afterward. Because as she looked across the room, her eyes connected with the person who would bring a twist to her story. 


Ahem, ahem!

Greetings again. 😁❤

Glenda's story has officially begun. 🎉

I know the chapter was quite short but it plays a pivotal role in the story. 

And not to worry; as the story progresses, the chapters will be more detailed and lengthy. XD

But before we move forward, I would like to know your thoughts on the chapter and the little glimpse of the story we caught here.  Don't hold back and leave the comments section desolate.

And then also don't forget to click the little star in the corner⭐

Until next time, be fashionable 😁😂

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