Chapter 14

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The reason most people don't go to church is because they've already been. — Mark Twain

"Rise and shine, sleeping beauty!" A loud female voice boomed across the bedroom.  

A moan sounded from under the covers of the bed. Fola's eyes peeled open and peeked at the figures stumbling into her room. She groaned and turned on her back.  Her body was still weary. Apart from her meeting with Banke, she had other meetings that left her more exhausted. 

"Kala! Bisi! What are you doing here?" She stared at them with groggy eyes. 

"We came to get you," Bisi smirked. 

Fola frowned. "For what?" 

"For church," her sister replied.  

"NO WAY!" she shrieked. 

"Yes, yes!" Bisi said and snatched the blanket from her body.  

Fola huffed and shivered as the chill from the air conditioner whipped at her bare legs. 

"I'm not going there with you." She shook her head. 

"Yes, you are," Bisi declared. 

"NO!" Her voice rose.  She curled up and turned to the side away from them, wishing a deep slumber to come upon her. 

"You can't stay in bed forever," her sister calmly said. 

"I know. But I am not going to church either."

"But you went a few weeks ago," Kala remarked. 

"That was because Bisi forced me." Her lips thinned as she remembered what happened the last time.

"And I would do it again," Bisi declared proudly.  

"No. There is no need for forcing," Kala quickly said. "But, Sis, I would like it if you come along."

Fola's heart churned as she heard the plea in Kala's voice.  If it was anything else she would have agreed without much thinking, but going to church reminds her of the reasons why she stopped attending in the first place.

"I can't," she croaked out, and tears burned her eyes.  

"Yes, you can." Kala's voice came out low.

Fola's eyes drifted closed as she forced her tears down. 

"Please, Sis!" Kala begged.  

Fola's eyes squeezed tight. She didn't want to open her eyes and see the pain swimming in her sister's eyes.  

 Can't you do that much for her?" asked a small voice. 

Remember, you have sacrificed your life for her and others. 

Going to church is a small thing compared to that. 

Deep within her, she knew the voice was right but how could she sit in the house of someone who she believed abandoned her? 

"We are waiting, Glenda." Bisi broke the silence. 

Fola's eyes popped open and she groaned. She swung to face Bisi with a scowl. "I have told you not to call me that." She narrowed her eyes. 

Bisi scoffed. "That is your name. However, if you don't want me to call you that then you better get up and follow us to church."

Fola's scowl deepened. "I am doing nothing of the sort." She crossed her arms over her chest. 

"Well then, be prepared to hear your name." A mischievous glint appeared in Bisi's eyes.  

Fola was not given the chance to understand what she meant before Bisi exploded into chanting her name in a loud voice.  

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