Chapter 42

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"Leaving an abusive relationship is the hardest thing you will ever do, but it's worth it." — Unknown


You have to leave by the end of this week.  

Bisi's words from four days ago broke through Fola's meditation.  She put down the file she was reading and rubbed her forehead to ease the forming ache. 

Based on Bisi's plan, one day was all she had in the Akande Mansion.  She didn't know whether to be happy or sad.  Her stomach churned as various thoughts raced through her mind. She couldn't stop the fear that filled her every time she thought of sneaking out of the house. 

Unable to return to the half-read file, her eyes darted around and a lump formed in her throat. Thankfully Bella had gone to the break room to have lunch. Fola was glad to be alone after such a long time.    Sad tears stung her eyes as she realized that in  24 hours, she will be on her way to starting a new life.

 Nevertheless, she would miss her office and the company that made her dream of fashion designing come true. A place that served as a refuge from the first time she stepped inside. She stood up and wandered around, letting her fingers graze the objects her hand could reach.

She stopped in front of a picture hanging on the wall above the couch.  It was a picture of her and her team members on the day of their last fashion show. Tears welled in her eyes as she thought of her staff.  People who had become her second family. Although she was gaining her freedom, she was losing some beautiful relationships. She returned to her seat with a gloomy face and forced herself to return to work but she couldn't because an idea popped into her head.  An idea she wanted to execute immediately. 

Much to the surprise of everyone, she summoned a meeting with all the staff in the conference room.  Her eyes scanned their faces and she could barely hold in a sob.   Every time she opened her mouth to speak, her voice cracked. Finally, after minutes of struggling, she regained her composure and began her speech. A speech that involved thanking each staff member for their contribution to the company.  

The urge to hug each staff member for the last time washed over her but she knew doing that would only rouse suspicion. So she settled with sending each staff member a warm smile and a look that expressed all her gratitude.  

A chuckle left her lips as they sent her weird looks. She smiled and ended her speech. Her eyes flickered briefly to Bisi and Bisi sent her a small smile with understanding shining in her eyes.  

"That was quite an emotional discourse," Bella remarked as they headed back to her office.  

Fola chuckled.  "Yes, it was.  I realized I only expressed my appreciation when someone did something praiseworthy so I decided to show my gratitude today regardless of whether they have done something nice or not." 

"Hmm, that makes sense.  With the way you were talking I almost thought you were saying a goodbye speech," Bella said with an undertone of laughter. 

Fola's stomach flipped and her heart raced."I am not going anywhere." She let out a nervous laugh.

"That's good.  Although I don't think Chief would let you go anywhere even if you wanted to." Bella glanced at her with a smirk playing on her lips.  

Fola's panic increased and her heart pounded.  It took all her willpower to stop herself from running to Bisi. Her stomach roiled and fear bubbled within her.  Her fright stayed with her for the remaining part of her working hours.  It followed her home and kept her awake at night.  The thought that Chief Naade might know about her plan to escape caused her to shiver.  

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