Chapter 17

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     Bitter are the tears of a child: Sweeten them. Deep are the thoughts of a child: Quiet them. Sharp is the grief of a child: Take it from him. Soft is the heart of a child: Do not harden it. – Unknown

Fola found solace in three places in the Akande mansion. One,  her bedroom. Two, her little study cum living room. And then thirdly, the garden behind the house where she lounged two days after her encounter with Timi.  

Although it was a weekday, she didn't go to the office because it happened to be a public holiday. She swayed on the swing stationed in the middle of the garden. Gentle fragrances from the different flowers wafted in her nose and eased her weariness of mind, body, and soul.  The sound of paper filled the silence as she turned the page of the fashion magazine she was engrossed in. 

Did you truly let fate tell your story or did something make you helpless?

Timi's words from two days ago flooded her head. His words had not left her since he uttered them. It followed her back to the events hall and stayed with her during the drive home. Even after returning home, it snuck into her head unexpectedly at different times of the day. 

Her hold on the magazine tightened. 

What does he think of himself? She thought as anger coursed through her.  

Does he think I like how my life is?

Does he think I like being helpless? 

She ground her teeth and scowled. 

I hope I never see him again. 

She continued seething as his words and her thoughts ravaged her mind.  She was so lost, she was oblivious to the sound of footsteps. 

"Mrs. Fola! Mrs. Fola!"

The voices of children filled her senses and her brows wrinkled. 
Which children are calling me? She wondered. 

With furrowed brows, she looked up from the magazine. Her eyes widened as they fell upon the two little figures standing in front of her. Tobi and Olivia Akande stared at her with big eyes.

"Wha-what are you doing here?" she sputtered and leaned forward. 

"Can you play with us?" The boy asked.  

Fola's breath hitched and her eyes darted between the two children. 

"Play with you? I don't think that is a good idea." She shook her head. 

"Why?" The girl questioned and crossed her hands over her chest. 

"Uh…because your mom and dad might not like it." She managed to produce a slight smile. 

"Hmmm, my mommy said we should stay away from you," The boy remarked with a thoughtful look. "But you don't look harmful."

Fola schooled a grimace. Maybe she would have felt hurt if she hadn't expected it. It had barely been a week since they had been living in the house but Banke had made it clear she didn't like her. 

 "Yes," The girl's voice drew her attention. "We want to play with you." 

Fola shook her head vigorously and her anxiety increased. "I don't think it's right. I don't want you guys to get in trouble with your parents." She sent them a pleading look. 

However, she wasn't prepared for what happened next.  She gasped as the two children burst into tears.  

Panic filled her and her eyes clouded with confusion as she stared at them. What should she do? She wondered. 

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