Chapter 2

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It’s well known that he who returns never left. — Pablo Neruda


"Chief is returning from his trip this evening. So be prepared."

Those words haunted Fola wherever she went. After Nora's announcement, her omelette became tasteless and the bread tasted like paper. She pushed the plate away and departed from the dining room much to the anger of Nora.  

Now several hours later, those words taunted Fola as she sat behind her office desk flipping through a catalogue of designs. For many years, her job had been a good distraction but it was different this time. She couldn't concentrate on anything except the arrival of her husband, Chief Naade Akande. 

"Ma'am, ma'am!" A voice broke through her trance. 

She turned to face the male and female staff sitting across her. She cleared her throat and rearranged herself. 

"Sorry about that. What were you saying?" 

"I was talking about our upcoming fashion show," said the female staff. "It has to be something different." 

Fola nodded her head. "I agree. It has to be something the city of Lagos has never seen before."

"But how are we going to do that?" asked the male staff. 

"I have a plan." A scheming glint appeared In her eyes. 

Several minutes passed with Fola deliberating with her staff on a strategy to create a show that would cause a stir in the city.  A show that would leave people talking for months.  

"That's all for now." She closed the file in front of her. "I want the presentation in my office tomorrow morning, understand?" She pinned them with a hard stare. 

"Yes, ma'am," they chorused with slight fear gleaming in their eyes. 

"Now you can go."

They wished her goodbye and scrambled out.  Silence loomed over her as the door clicked shut. A tired sigh escaped her lips and she rubbed her forehead. Weariness washed over her and her eyes felt heavy. 

Chief is returning from his trip this evening. So be prepared.

Nora's words resumed their taunting and erased the sleepiness swelling within her. Her mind drifted to thoughts about her husband. The thought of him caused a tremor to surge through her. 

She struggled to suppress the anxiety she felt. Her hand reached out for a book on her right and she turned it open.  Colorful designs and styles stared at her. However, their brightness couldn't ease her tension. She prayed for a distraction from the plight that jarred her being. 

Luck seemed to be on her side, a knock split the silence. 

"Come in," she called out. 

The door swung open and a smiling face appeared.  

"What's up, boss?" said a chirpy voice.  

Fola rolled her eyes. "Come off it, Bisi." 

"Come off what?" Bisi asked and plopped into the seat directly across from her. "The last time I checked I wasn't high on anything." 

Fola scoffed.  "You know what I'm talking about."

"Do I?" Bisi sent her a challenging stare. 

Fola huffed and turned away.  A pout formed on her lips and her brows drew together. 

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