Chapter 37

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Life is full of unexpected visits, both good and bad. --- Unknown

The ringing of a phone drew Fola's attention from the magazine she was reading.   She peered at Acantha as she picked up her phone to answer the call.  Fola grinned at herself as a frown marred Acantha's face. 

 Bisi had set the ball rolling.  

She quickly looked away as Acantha ended the call and got up from her seat. 

"Chief Naade wants to talk to you. Let's go."

Fola nodded, kept the magazine in the magazine rack, and followed her out of the room.   She barely managed to stop herself from skipping all the way to Chief Naade's office. As they reached his office, Acantha left her with a promise to find her when the meeting was over. 

With a sharp exhale, Fola swung the door open with one push.  She wasn't surprised to see the dark scowl that covered Chief Naade's face.  The door closed behind her and she moved further into the room.  The curtains were closed which blocked the sun rays from streaming in.  The light bulbs were turned off which added to the darkness of the room. 

She ignored her observation and moved closer to his desk. "You asked for me?" 

"Yes, I did," he murmured.  "Have your seat." 

"No, thank you. I am okay standing."

"Fine. Suit yourself," he grunted.  

Fola wanted to laugh at his grouchy attitude but she held herself.  

"What would you like me to do?" she asked after a few moments of silence.  

"I need you to go to the office tomorrow and handle the problems going on there." 

"Okay, sir," Fola said as she struggled to hold in a victorious smile. "Anything else?"

"Just don't try anything funny." He narrowed his eyes.  

"You don't have to worry about that, Sir." She sent him her signature sweet smile.  

"I hope so," he said through a frown. "You can go." He waved his hand.  

"Thank you, Sir." She gave a curt nod and ambled out the door.  

As she got outside, a  huge grin split across her face and she gave a happy squeal. Tomorrow could not come fast enough.  


Fola woke up the next day with excitement bubbling within her.  She had a smile for everyone including the furniture. Acantha's scowling face and constant presence couldn't dampen her spirits. The fried egg she had for breakfast didn't seem as tasteless as it normally did.  Even the tiredness she had felt for the last two had dulled. 

She hummed a tune as she clambered down the stairs and headed towards the exit of the house.  Acantha stood beside the door with knitted brows and a frown. 

"Are you coming along?" Fola asked as she reached her.  

"No." She raised her chin.  "But that doesn't mean you become rebellious.  You shall still be monitored." 

Fola produced a chuckle. "You don't need to worry, I am going to concentrate on the job I went there for." 

"You better." Acantha's lips turned down.  

Fola smiled and strutted out of the house. She greeted her driver, Pete with a warm smile before entering the car.  A few minutes later, they were zooming down the highway. Fola's eyes soaked in everything they sped past. She stored the images in her memory for when she couldn't come out.  

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