Chapter 6

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... the devil doesn't come dressed in a red cape and pointy horns. He comes as everything you've ever wished for ... —Tucker Max

Eight years ago

The fashion competition was a success with contestant 10 declared the winner. Glenda was ready to hit the sheets as the show came to an end. While undressing, she noticed red marks on her stomach from the tight bodice of her dress. However, as much as she wished to head home, she could not, because the organizers of the show asked some of the models to stay back and she was among the chosen.

She sat on a chair in the dressing room backstage. Heaps of fabric were strewn on long tables. Dresses hung lopsidedly on hangers. Dressing tables were covered with various makeup and beauty products. The smell of fabrics and perfumes wafted in the air and tickled Glenda's nose.

The empty seats around her were occupied by the rest of the other chosen contestants. For some reason, the air was thick and the ladies couldn't bring themselves to converse. So silence reigned as they waited. Their wait was not for long because the organizer, a boxy lady, strutted in with a huge grin.

"So, ladies, we have a very important personality in our midst who wants to meet you all." She clapped and beamed. "Are you ready?"

The ladies chorused a yes. The woman grinned in satisfaction and turned to face the door.

"Please come in," she announced and a figure appeared at the doorway.

Glenda turned to face the person. It was a man who looked to be in his early forties.

A stubble covered his jaw and slight wrinkles marred the under of his eyes. Her eyes darted to his outfit. Italian leather shoes covered his feet. A navy suit clung to his body. A silver Rolex watch covered his left wrist. One thing was obvious. He was a man of wealth.

The voice of the woman reclaimed her attention and she turned back to her.

"I would like you all to meet Mr. Naade Akande, the CEO of the Akande group of companies. He owns many of the five-star restaurants and hotels in Lagos." The woman produced a toothed grin.

Glenda spied the man a look and confusion filled her. She wondered why a businessman wanted to meet them. Her eyes returned to the woman as she resumed talking.

"He's here today because he has an offer for you guys!" Another huge grin graced her lips and the other ladies mirrored her smile.

Offer? Glenda mused. An unsettling feeling washed over her. For unexplainable reasons, she couldn't share the excitement of the other ladies.

The woman turned to the man who had taken the spot beside her.

"Sir, would you like to say something?"

The man nodded. "Yes, I do!" He turned to face Glenda and the ladies with a smile but to Glenda, the smile didn't seem genuine.

"I know you all must be wondering the reason for my presence. So let me ease your burden." His smile widened. "I have a business offer for all of you!"

The eyes of the other ladies brightened and smiles graced their lips, however, Glenda couldn't bring herself to smile. Instead, she stared at him and blurted out

"What is the offer, Sir?" Her brows arched a little.

The man turned to her and her heart lurched. Dark eyes with a mysterious glint stared at her. It was the eyes that she collided with as she walked to the end of the runway a few hours before. A smirk played on his lips and he sent her a knowing look.

The temptation to cower in fright filled her but she steeled herself and stared at him while waiting for his answer.

He stuffed one hand in his pocket. "Relax, Miss. I was just getting to that." He chuckled. "It's nothing big. I just want you and your friends to work with me."

They are not my friends, Glenda wanted to say but held herself. Instead, she nodded her head and asked again. "What kind of work, Sir?"

He chuckled again. "Well, I want you guys to model my products. You see, I am extending my business to include women's stuff like clothes, jewelry, and beauty products. So I would need ladies like you to help me market them." He smiled.

Glenda digested his words and pondered on the information. It seemed safe enough but she couldn't shake away the uneasy feeling she was getting.

The man's voice drew her attention and she faced him.

"I really hope you all will work with me." His eyes darted to the rest of the women.

"Of course, they will!" The organizer of the contest exclaimed. "I mean, that's their dream. They won't turn it down. Right, girls?" The woman faced them with a grin.

"Definitely not! It would be an honor to work for such a renowned company, " said one of the ladies.

"Yes. It's like a dream come true," another lady said with a smile.

Glenda was lost in thought while the other ladies expressed their willingness to work with Mr. Akande.

"What about you, Glenda?" A voice broke her musings.

"Uh, pardon?" She turned to face the woman.

The woman smiled. "Are you ready to work with Mr. Akande?"

Glenda's stomach squeezed as the question played in her head. The unnerving sensation she felt had not disappeared and she wondered why. Mr. Akande's proposal seemed innocent. But why did she want to say no?

"Glenda, don't keep Mr. Akaande waiting," said the lady organizer. "Is it a yes or a no?"

"Ahh, don't rush her. She can take as much time as she wants to make the decision," Mr. Akande quickly said. "And Miss Glenda if you have any questions you can express them."

Glenda looked at him and he smiled. She had questions and doubts but she didn't feel comfortable saying them. But she knew she had to make a decision fast. Her mouth opened to decline the offer but something stopped her.

The hungry eyes of her siblings filled her head. The list of bills tucked in her handbag pricked at her. Accepting the offer meant getting money. Money that she so desperately needed. Money that she could use to feed her siblings, pay the bills, and do all the important things she needed to do for their general upkeep.

Would she be foolish to decline his offer?

But what about the unsettling feeling nagging at her?

Time is going, Glenda," said a tiny voice.

Glenda's eyes flickered close and she exhaled.

"I am ready to work with Mr. Akande," she announced in a low voice.

"Lovely!" Mr. Akande exclaimed.

Glenda's eyes darted to Mr. Akande. As she watched him grin with pleasure, she couldn't shake off the feeling that she had probably made a deal with the Devil.

Unfortunately, her greatest fear came to pass six months later when he sprung up on her with a marriage proposal.


Aw, poor thing! 😢

What are your thoughts on getting a glimpse into the past that shaped the present?

After this revelation, do you think she married him for money?

I'm eager to get your responses. XD

Also, don't forget to press the ⭐ button in the corner.

Until next time, stay happy ❤

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