Chapter 4

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My first job is big sister and I take that very seriously. — Venus Williams

A week had passed since the arrival of Fola's husband. His presence caused things to take a 360-degree turn. Between preparing for the fashion show and escorting her husband to various social events, Fola lost all respite. Her alone time reduced to a measly five minutes during the day. And in the night, her nightmares became more ferocious.  

Another terrifying dream woke Fola up that morning a week later. She dragged herself into a sitting position as she gasped for breath. The walls of the room seemed to be closing on her and her vision blurred.  

She clutched the bed sheet to stop herself from slipping into the terrors torturing her.  Her nightwear was soaked with sweat and her face was drenched with tears.  The voices in her head grew louder. 

You are such a loser. 

Your womb is dry.  

He deserves a woman who can give him a child. 

I don't want a barren wife.   

The voices continued their taunting until at last, they went silent.  An eerily silence washed over Fola and she gradually came back to sanity.  Her eyes darted around and she watched the early morning sun stream into the room through the closed curtains.  Her eyes flickered to the alarm clock beside her and a frown marred her face as she read the time. Nora had not come to fetch her.  That had never happened before. 

Her heart lurched as confusion welled within her.  She didn't know whether to be relieved or scared. Different possible reasons for Nora's sudden absence filled her with dread.  

A sudden knock on her door stopped her ponderings.  

Anxiety surged within her and her eyes widened.  She quickly arranged her position, straightened out the bed sheets, and wiped her face.  

"Come in," she called out after making sure everything looked okay.  

 She watched the door with rapt attention. Her heart raced as the door swung open and a slim figure ambled in.  Surprise washed over her as she stared at the familiar smiling face.  

"Kala!" she exclaimed, "what are you doing here?" Her brows rose. 
"Hmmm, can't a girl visit her older sister anymore?" An amused smile played on the young lady's lips. 

Fola shook her head. "That's not what I mean. It's quite early. Don't you have classes today?" 

"Nope." Kala grinned and crawled into Fola's bed and lay down.  "It's a lecture-free day; that's why I decided to stop by."

Fola nodded as she digested the information. "How's school treating you?"

"Terribly," Kala stated, "medical school is not an easy thing."

"I know." A slight smile graced Fola's lips. 

Kara's eyes twinkled and she smiled. "You tell me, sis, how are you doing?"

A rock landed at the pit of Fola's stomach and she swallowed a lump.  "I'm good," she forced out while struggling to hide a grimace. 

Her heart broke at the fact that she lied to her sister. But she couldn't tell her the truth either. Kala might just be two years younger than her but she would always consider her as her younger sister who she needed to protect. Even if it meant protecting her from her pain.  

"Hmmm, are you sure?" Kala's voice brought her back to the present. 

Fola gave a short nod. "I'm okay," she murmured and turned away.  

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