Chapter 38

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  “A friend may be waiting behind a stranger's face.” ― Maya Angelou                  

Fola opened her mouth to express her surprise, however, the slight shake of Timi's head stopped her. She swallowed her words and plastered a smile on her face.  

"Good day, ma'am. Good day, sir," she greeted as she approached them. "How may I help you today?"

Mrs Tokunbo grinned and rose to her feet. "I have heard about your excellent skills so I have come to experience it for myself."

"Thank you. My team and I are delighted to be at your service." Fola's smile widened. "Please have your seats."

Mrs Tokunbo and Timi sat on the couch while Fola plopped down on the armchair adjacent to them. She opened her journal and looked at Mrs Tokunbo. 

"Please what do you have on your wishlist so that we can find the perfect outfits for you?" she asked in the most professional voice she could muster.  

Mrs Tokunbo smiled and dived into her list of desires.  Fola scribbled as Mrs Tokunbo named her wants and needs. Finally, with two pages filled, both women were satisfied with what they had come up with.  

Fola closed her journal and said with a smile, "Thank you so much for the information. I have some lovely outfits to show you."

"Oh, I can't wait." Mrs Tokunbo's eyes danced with merriment.  

Fola turned to Bella who stood behind her. "Miss Bella, could you please send in Melissa and Boma with the dresses that were completed yesterday."

Bella frowned in response and glanced at Timi and his mother. Fola understood her unspoken words. After all, obeying Fola meant going against Chief Naade's instructions to monitor her.  

Fola forced out a smile. "I will be right here with the clients. Please let's not keep them waiting."

Bella's shoulders dropped in defeat and she turned towards the door.  Fola watched her with rapt attention, hoping and praying she won't change her mind and come back.  As soon as the door closed behind Bella, Fola heaved a sigh and swung to face the Tokunbos. 

She leaned forward and rushed out, "What are you doing here?" She directed the question to Timi.  

His lips curled into a smirk. "I came to purchase dresses."

"Oh please." Fola rolled her eyes. "This is not the time to jest.  What are you doing here?" 

His mischievous expression changed to a serious look.  "I came to tell you about the next stage of our plan." 

"And what's that?" Her brows furrowed. 

"You need to get a passport."

"Why?" Fola asked. 

Timi sent her a weird look.  "Because you can't stay in this country after you leave his house."

A frown marred Fola's face. "I understand what you mean but I can't run away and leave my siblings." 

"You can take them with you." 

"That will cost a lot of money!" Fola shot up from her seat and began to pace.  

"True.  That's another thing we need to discuss. We need funds to execute the plan properly." 

Fola closed her eyes briefly and rubbed her forehead to ease the throb forming there. She whirled to face Timi with a deep scowl. "We are talking about millions here.  I don't have such an amount."

"You could always take some money from the account of this company."

"That's not possible." Fola shook her head vigorously. "Chief Naade monitors every transaction that goes in and out."

"Can't you even sneak some out?"  

"It's a risk.  Any slight mistake could spoil our whole plan."  

The throb in her head continued to build up and she resumed her pacing. The realization that they were trapped in their plan caused her frustration to rise.  Without money, she couldn't escape from her captivity.  

"Don't you have some savings?" Mrs Tokunbo asked.  "I have some good money stashed away that my husband doesn't know about." 

Fola's face fell and pain pierced her heart.  "I don't have any," she whispered and tears gathered in her eyes.  

The weight of her financial helplessness caused the ache in her heart to increase. She would have had some savings if she had her own money. Unfortunately, Nora and Acantha were in charge of her spending. She was only giving stipends every month in the name of allowance but all the money could do was buy a packet of sweets. 

For years she forced herself to be unbothered about her complete dependency on Chief Naade but should she have been so complacent? She asked herself.  Maybe if she put up some fight at the beginning, things might have turned out differently.  

So lost in her misery, she didn't notice Timi approaching her until he placed a gentle hand on her shoulder.  She turned to him and gazed at him through blurry eyes.  

He sent her a soft smile and squeezed her shoulder. "Don't worry, we'll handle it." 

His words caressed her bleeding heart and she choked out a sob. He smiled again with understanding shimmering in his eyes.  His hands dropped as she moved away from his touch. Although his words were comforting, she couldn't stop the anxiety coursing through her.  

"How are we going to arrange such a large amount of money in this short time?" she asked with drawn brows.  

"I will give you."

Her eyes widened.  "You will give me all that money?" 

"Yes," he stated without blinking.  

"Why would you do that?" 

"Because that's what friends do." 

Fola's breath hitched. That's what friends do.  His words replayed in her head.  


Was Timi her friend? She wondered. 

Could her former bully become her friend?

She gazed into his eyes and her stomach flipped at the emotions shining in them. His eyes shone with nothing but care, concern, and honesty  

"You don't consider me a friend?" Hurt filled his voice.  

Fola couldn't answer.  A part of her still thought of him as the boy who made her life miserable years ago, however, her heart saw him as the man and the first person who she could confide in about her helplessness.  

Didn't they say it is a friend you can tell your secrets to? 

Isn't it a friend, someone who is always ready to help? 

If so, Timi was a friend. 



Fola considers Timi a friend

Who is excited about that? 😁

Did you see it coming?

I look forward to answers and comments so don't hold back. XD

Until next time,  be blessed! ❤️

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