Chapter 28

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   Better to die fighting for freedom then be a prisoner all the days of your life. –Bob Marley


"You are late." A cold voice stopped Fola in her tracks.  

She turned in the direction of the voice and came face to face with a scowling Nora. 

"You were supposed to be here 30 minutes ago," Nora's eyes darkened. 

Fola smirked to herself and walked towards her. "I was busy with something," she lied. 

Nora shook her head. "What will you gain by angering Chief?" 

The satisfaction of defying his prison rules. She wanted to say but held herself and asked "Where is he?" 

"In his study."

"Okay. Thank you." Fola proceeded to walk past her. 

As she did, Nora brushed her shoulder and whispered in her ear, "Mind your words." 

Fola jerked her head in acknowledgment. Moments later, the door to Chief's study came into view.  She heaved a sigh and gave a swift knock but got no response. After a few seconds, she pushed the door open and slipped inside.

A shiver coursed through her as her eyes roamed around. The room was covered in darkness. The closed windows and drawn curtains prevented light from streaming inside.  She could barely make out Chief Naade's figure in front of the window.  

"Good evening, Chief," she said as she moved to stand in front of his desk. 

"Where have you been?" he questioned with his back facing her. 

"At the office." She raised her head. 

"Is that so?" He let out a chuckle. "Didn't I tell you to be back home an hour ago?"

"Yes, you did. But I couldn't get away; something important came up."

"That's a lie," he spat out. "Bella said your calendar was clear for the day. You even left the office. So where did you go?" He swung around to face her with narrowed eyes. 

Fola swallowed a lump and her body trembled as Chief Naade pinned her with a cold stare.  How could she forget that he had people watching her every move? 

"Where were you?" His hard voice broke her musings. 

"I was busy."

"Busy with what?" His scowl deepened. 

"Someone needed my help," she answered and held her breath as she waited for his reaction. 

 "Was it that boy?" he spat out with disgust. 

"What boy?" Fola's eyes widened. 

"The boy who dropped you at home yesterday." He produced a devilish smile. 

Fola gasped and dizziness washed over her. She stared at him with blurry vision. Fright filled her. Fear for herself and maybe Timi. 

"You thought I wouldn't find out, right?" He chortled. "That proves that you are a fool." His lips curled into a sly smirk. "I have eyes everywhere." He sent her a smug look. 

She took a step back and clutched her dress.  Her heart raced and her teeth chattered. Bile rose in her throat and her legs shook beneath her.  

Don't let him get to you! She chanted in her head. 

Her fear heightened as Chief Naade stalked toward her. With each step he took, she stepped back until her back hit the wall. An evil glint danced in his eyes and a smirk played on his lips. 

"You haven't told me where you were, Folake," his smirk grew. 

Fola's face morphed into a frown as his hot breath fanned her face.  Oh God, help me! She silently cried as her body quaked in fear. 

Don't let him break you. Bisi's words drifted to her mind.  

Don't let him make you helpless again. 

"I am waiting, honey," he drawled.  

Her nose scrunched up in disdain at her former pet name. She mustered all her strength to push him away. A grunt escaped his lips as he stumbled back.  

She moved away and declared in a confident voice, "I was where I wanted to be."

"How dare you?" He growled, marched to her, and gripped her arms.  His eyes darkened with rage. The veins in his forehead popped out. His jaw hardened and the wrinkles on his face became more pronounced.  

Fola concluded that was the angriest she had seen him in all the years of their marriage. She forced her heart to stop racing and rose to her full height.  At  5'4, her height was no match against his 5'10 but she didn't care. 

"You should be going to your event. You wouldn't want to disappoint your investors." So sent him a glare, snatched her hand from his tight hold, and sauntered out.  As she walked away, she heard something crash from inside. She shook her head and quickened her pace. 

Nora still stood in the spot by the stairs. Confusion shimmered in her eyes as Fola headed towards the stairs. 

"Where are you going?" 

"To my room," Fola replied and climbed a few steps. "I won't be coming down for dinner," she said over her shoulder and continued her hike up the stairs.  

Relief coursed through her as she reached her room. She dropped her bag on the bed and slipped out of her shoes. She yawned and rubbed her neck. For some reason, she felt more exhausted than she had in a long time.  Her stomach rumbled and she grimaced. What was she going to eat? 

Biscuits would have to do, she concluded and padded over to the fridge hidden inside a cupboard. She pulled out a packet of biscuits and tore it into it. A moan left her lips as she took a bite.  It dawned on her that she was more hungry than she thought. She returned to the bed, plopped down, and continued eating. Moments later, the muffled sound of her ringing tone reached her ears. 

She opened the bag and pulled out her phone. A smile graced her lips as she looked at the name of the caller. 

"Hello, B." 

"Have you gotten home?" Bisi cut right in. 

"Yes, I did a few minutes ago."

"How did it go?"

"Well, he confronted me."She rolled her eyes.  "But I gave him a befitting answer." Her chest swelled with pride.  For the first time in years, she had completely defied his orders.  

"Hmm, that's good to hear. But I am afraid of what the consequences will be."

Worry tugged at Fola's heart. "Well, I guess we'll see," she murmured. 

"Yeah, I guess…" she dragged out. "Nevertheless if it gets out of control, you must contact me immediately, understood?" 

"Yes, ma'am." Fola felt herself smiling.  She had planned to fight the battle alone but having a supporter gave her a warm feeling.  After a few more moments of conversation, the call ended. Fola hummed to herself as she arranged her room.  However, somewhere within her, fear and worry nagged at her. 

 Chief Naade would try to break her spirits but she won't surrender. She will fight until she breathes her last breath.  

                     ★ ★★★★

Ooh, who is enjoying Fola 2.0? 😏

If you are, press the little star in the corner

Anyway, on a serious note, do you think Fola's fear will come true?

What do you think Chief Naade would do next?

I look forward to your answers.  Your comments always bring a smile to my face 😁

Until next time, don't worry, be happy ❤️

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