Chapter 43

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If you walked away from a
toxic, negative, abusive,

one-sided, dead-end
low vibrational
relationship or friendship
— you won.
Lalah Delia


Fola sat stiffly at the edge of the bed and listened as the other occupants of the house prepared for bed.  Time seemed to drag before complete silence ensued. She waited a moment before racing into her dressing room to retrieve a black coat hidden behind her uncountable dresses.  

After donning the coat, she turned off the lights and crept out of her bedroom. Her heart pounded as she tiptoed across the hallway and slipped into her study.  

Without turning on the light, she groped around for the drawer and pulled out the pouch. With fast fingers, she hooked the bag around her waist and buttoned up her coat. She fumbled to the armchair and dropped down on it.  Her heart rate increased and she took deep breaths to calm herself. Her heartbeat reduced its pace but her restlessness continued.    

Although the night was cool, beads of sweat formed on her forehead and her hands became clammy. 

Oh Lord, take control! She prayed and placed a hand on her stomach. 

Her eyes kept darting to the clock which was barely visible in the dark. Finally, the clock struck 10 and moments later a knock sounded on the door.  Her body quaked as she approached the door and her hands trembled as she clutched the doorknob and opened the door.  Her eyes connected with two pairs of familiar eyes.  

"Tobi and Olivia, what are you doing here?" she whispered. 

Tobi shook his head and pulled her hand. "No time for questions. Let's go."

Her eyes widened. "To where?"

"You will see," Olivia replied and took her other hand.  

With shock and bewilderment pulsing through her, Fola let the children lead her through the house until they reached the back door. A door that led them to the garden and beyond. Her brows knitted as the children led her past the gardens and towards the direction of the garage where Chief Naade kept his expensive automobiles.  

Suddenly, the children stopped and brought Fola to a halt.  

"Why did we stop?" she asked.  

"Because we are here." He looked up with a grin.  

"Really?" Fola's eyes travelled around. There was nothing but empty land and the high walls surrounding the Akande mansion.  Her breath hitched. "Don't tell me I have to jump over the wall!" she exclaimed and her mouth hung open. 

"Not at all," Olivia said and tugged her forward. "You are going to pass through the gate."

"Gate? Which gate?" Her bafflement increased.  

"That one."

Her eyes followed the direction of where Tobi was pointing. It took a lot of strain to see the outline of a bolt and then the gate which was painted white to blend in with the walls.  

"Oh!" Amazement filled her. "I see it."

"Great. Now let's go."

She let the children lead her until they stopped in front of the gate. She stared in wonder as Tobi moved closer to the gate and gave two simultaneous taps on it. Her heart leapt as the sound of keys jingled from the other side and then the gate swung open.

A familiar smile greeted her.  

"How do you do, Glen?"

"Timi," she breathed out as surprise washed over her.

"That's me," he saluted and his expression quickly changed to a serious one. "Can we go?" 

She was about to nod her head but stopped. "I need to do one more thing."

Timi frowned but didn't object. "Go ahead."

She sent him a smile and turned around to face Tobi and Olivia. Tears gathered in her eyes and she pulled them in for a bone-crushing hug. The children hugged her with as much fervour.  Finally, they pulled back and stared at each other with affection.  

"Thank you so much," she whispered in a voice thick with emotions and cupped their cheeks. 

Who would have known that the children of her husband's wife would fill her lonely days and help her in taking the biggest step of her life? 

Tears shimmered in their eyes.  

"Take care of yourself," Tobi said.  

"And always read your Bible," Olivia added.  "We will miss you."

Fola nodded and let her tears. "I will miss you more." They shared one more hug. 

"You should be going," Fola said as she rose to her full height. 

They nodded and sent her a watery smile before racing back in the direction of the house. Fola's eyes remained on them even as they faded from sight. 

"Shall we?" Timi asked from behind her.  

She took one more glance at the house that served as a prison to her for several years.  

Her back straightened and she turned around. "Yes." 

With her head held high, she crossed over the threshold of the gate. Timi took her hand and guided her to the car not too far from the gate. After settling her in the back seat, he went to the driver's seat.  

Fola leaned her head back but she couldn't relax until she was sure of something. 

"What about my siblings?" she blurted and leaned forward as she waited for his answer.  

He smiled and said, "They are on their way to safety." 

His statement made her relax and she leaned back in her seat. The engine roared to life and her journey to freedom began. The chains bounding her fell off as the distance between her and Chief Naade increased. 

For the first time in almost nine years, she didn't feel helpless. 



I am glad to be back with a bang! 😂

What we waited for has come to pass💃

Fola got her freedom 🎉🎉🎉

Celebrate with her by commenting and clicking on the star in the corner ⭐

One more chapter to go and we would wrap things 😁

Until then, keep celebrating 😂💃

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