Chapter 3

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Sometimes your heart needs more time to accept what your mind already knows. — Unknown

The journey to the airport was a long one. Fola didn't know whether to consider it a blessing or a curse. Or maybe both.

"Stop frowning," Nora snapped from beside her.

"Make me?" She retorted and tossed her a glare.

Nora scoffed. "You are 28 years old but you act like a child."

That's because you treat me like one. The thought caused rage to burn within her. She stabbed a button and the window rolled down. The evening breeze slapped her face and ruffled her hair.

"Close that window right now. It will ruin your hairstyle."

Fola gritted her teeth and ignored her. The breeze wafting through her hair eased the throb forming in her head. However, just like every good thing in her life, it came to an end. The window suddenly rolled up. Nora must have instructed the driver to close it from his end.

She swung to face Nora with hard eyes. "Why don't you ever listen to me?"

"Because I'm not supposed to. I take instruction from one person and that's Chief." Nora raised her head.

Fola balled a fist and her jaw hardened. She had heard that countless times in the last eight years. The bitter truth always caused her immense pain. The truth that her whole life was under the control of her husband.

"We are here," Nora broke the silence several minutes later. "Let's go," she said in a commanding tone.

Fola puffed out a breath. Armed with her purse, she opened the door and slid out. A chill rushed through her and she wished she had not listened to Nora and instead carried a shawl. Her eyes roamed around. She watched some people scamper around with their luggage while other people exchanged hugs with their families.

"Are you just going to stand there?" Nora broke her gazing.

Fola's eyes flickered to her. "I thought you are my boss? I was waiting for your instructions." A smug smirk grazed her lips.

Nora scowled and shook her head. "Whatever. Let's go. We can't afford to be late." She marched off.

Fola trudged after her. The straps of her 5-inch stilettos dug into the skin of her feet. But she couldn't do anything about it. Begging Nora for a more comfortable pair of shoes would be meaningless. Nora's choice was final no matter the agony it caused her. So she braced herself and silently bore the pain. Something she had found herself doing frequently in the last several years.

Her forehead wrinkled as they passed the main airport, rounded a corner, and continued their trek. The pain in her feet intensified and she bit her cheek to hold in a wail. Finally, a black gate came into view and they stalled in front of it.

An armed security officer asked for a pass which Nora quickly produced. He scanned the card with a machine he held and only returned the card to Nora when he had confirmed it was valid. With a nod, he opened the gate and they passed through.

A long white rectangular building of two levels greeted them on the other side. Three exotic black cars were packed to the side. Confusion welled within Fola but she didn't bother to ask any questions. She followed Nora up the short flight of stairs.

Two security officers armed the door of the building. Nora showed them the pass which they also examined before letting them in. One of the officers pressed a button and the door swung open. Nora entered first and Fola followed. Her eyes traveled around and understanding dawned on her. They were in the VIP lounge of the airport.

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