Chapter 11

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The church is not a select circle of the immaculate, but a home where the outcast may come in. It is not a palace with gate attendants and challenging sentinels along the entrance-ways holding off at arm's-length the stranger, but rather a hospital where the broken-hearted may be healed, and where all the weary and troubled may find rest and take counsel together.— James H. Aughey

Fola gently climbed up the steps. Her hands grasped the metal door handle. As expected, the door slid open and a memory long forgotten raced back to her. She remembered debating with the pastor whether it made sense to leave the church door unlocked. Her points were that miscreants could evade the place and take valuables.

However, the pastor opposed her by stating that the church needed to be open to people seeking some sort of solace. He also added that God can protect his house if the need arose.  Several years later she still didn't understand the rationale behind it. Nevertheless, somewhere within her, she wondered if fate was mocking her.  Because if the pastor didn't make that decision years ago, she wouldn't have had a place to hide from the rain.  

Discarding all thoughts, she slipped in and closed the door behind her.  Darkness covered most of the interior. However, light streamed in through the glass windows.  Her legs carried her to the back pew on the right side. She moved to the edge of the pew and bowed her head. Her chest rose and fell as she tried to relax her aching nerves. The patters of the rain on the roof were hardly audible. 

What am I going to do?

The question floated in her head. 

Go back home, said a voice.  

No! She cried. 

I can't face them.  

The images of Chief Naade's grin, the smirk on the lady's face, and the terrified eyes of the children filled her head. 

It doesn't matter, said the voice. 

You have to go home. 

Fola's eyes squeezed shut as she fought the images out of her head.  

I can't. She repeated.  

You must.  Remember there is a reason why you are there. 

And I failed.  She countered. 

He wanted a child but I couldn't give him one.  

Tears sprang in her eyes as reality stabbed her heart.  She whimpered as she held back a sob.  Her hand traveled to her stomach and she clutched it. Her shoulders trembled as silent tears ran down her face.  

You can't give up, said the voice.  

You know bearing children is not the only reason for your being there.  

She clenched a fistful of her cloth as she struggled to stop her tears.  Deep within her, she knew the voice was saying the truth.  A painful truth that gnawed at her bleeding heart.  

Her inner battle continued while the rain beat down on the earth. 

You have to go back, Fola. Because that's where you belong.


Something creaked and eyes fluttered. One by one, Fola's eyes peeled open.  Her eyes widened as she sat upright and looked around.  Dark shadows streamed through the windows and bounced against the walls. Beyond the windows, a moon hung in the sky with twinkling stars surrounding it. 

Shock filled Fola as she realized that she had dozed off after her inner turmoil ended.  What time was it? She wondered and searched around for her phone. 

Great, Fola! You forgot your phone. Her shoulders slumped and she let out a groan. 

Suddenly, panic surged within her as her ears perked up to a sound. Faint voices came from somewhere behind the altar.  Fola's breath hitched and she clutched her chest. 

Oh my God, did they see me? She thought with fright.   Her eyes flitted around but there was no one in sight.  In her search, her eyes landed on a square clock hanging on the wall.  Her stomach squeezed as she read the time.  

7: 10 PM. 

50 minutes more. 

A gasp escaped her lips and her panic intensified. 

"You must always be home by 8 pm. Otherwise..." 

The words of Chief Naade flooded her memory causing her to quake in fear.  Fola shot up to her feet and raced towards the door.  She pushed it open and rushed out.  

Her legs flew down the steps and onto the street.  

A cold wind slapped her face but she didn't shiver. The rain had ended but the aftermath brought a chill into the atmosphere. However, despite the cold in the air, beads of sweat formed on Fola's forehead.  

Water splashed on her as she hastily crossed puddles of water scattered across the street. Thankfully, the streetlights produced enough light to make her trek easier.  

Her legs began to ache as she plodded down the road.  However, she disregarded the pain.  Nevertheless, moments later,

she doubled over and let out a slight yelp. Her hands grasped her abdomen as a blade of pain sliced through. 

She closed her eyes briefly and rose to a standing position.  Her legs threatened to give way beneath her and her vision swam but she continued walking. Chief Naade's threat gave her the strength to press forward. 

Relief coursed through her as the Akande's grandeur mansion came into view. The white building sat as a beacon of light against the darkness and the greenery around it. 

Fola's pace slowed as she reached the gate. The night security guard smiled at her and swung the gate open. She sent him a smile of gratitude. For some reason, she was glad that the daytime security guards had gone home.  They were the only ones who were witnesses to how frazzled she was when she left the house. 

She gingerly climbed up the flight of steps. The door squeaked open and she closed it behind her.  She slid inside and approached the spiral staircase.  Her foot had barely touched the first step when she halted in her tracks. Two pairs of eyes peered down at her from the top of the stairs. 

Fola's heart churned as her new reality dawned on her.  She was going to live with children that weren't her own. Children that reminded her of her husband's deceit. As she gazed at the children, she wondered how she would survive.  


Awww, poor Fola! 😭

Who is feeling her pain? 

What would you say she should do to survive the new development in her life?

I look forward to your answers.

Don't miss the little star ⭐ in the corner

Until next time,

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