Chapter 15

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For I  know the thoughts that I think toward you,  says the LORD, thoughts of peace and not of evil, to give you a future and a hope.  –January 29: 11

Melodious tunes drifted into Fola's ears as they climbed up the steps leading to the church.   The usher stationed at the door smiled at them and opened the door. The ladies walked through and Fola's eyes roamed around.  

Every seat was occupied. The light from the bulbs illuminated the auditorium.  It was such a contrast to how it was that fateful day when she took shelter in the church.  

Fola's eyes glided over the congregation as another usher led them to their seats.  One thing was common between all the members. They were all dressed gorgeously. Fola forced her eyes down and bowed her head as they walked down the aisle. She could feel eyes land on her but she stopped herself from looking up.  

Her breath caught as the usher led them to a pew a few rows to the front of the altar. Her eyes remained glued to the red carpet even as they took their seats.  She didn't bother to look up even when they told them to rise and sing the congregational hymn, My Hope Is Built On Nothing Else. She clamped her mouth shut to stop herself from singing along.  

The voice of the choir faded into the background and all she could hear was the voice of her mother sonorously singing the hymn. A hymn that happened to be one of her mother's favorites. A hymn she sang in tough situations. Fola got so used to hearing it that many times in her childhood, she found herself humming the tune. 

As the hymn drew to an end, her heart grew heavy with sadness. After her mother's death, she couldn't bring herself to sing any hymns. Her head remained bowed even as they took their seats and the pastor mounted the altar.  

Much to her frustration, she couldn't block out the voice of the pastor so her ears perked up to the title of his sermon.  

 "My message for today is titled God, the faithful God. Our Bible text is Psalm 33:4 which says: For the word of the Lord is right and true; he is faithful in all he does." His deep voice boomed across the auditorium.

"The passage simply tells us that God never abandons us.  He is always with us whether we know it or not."

Yeah, right? Fola inwardly scoffed.  

Where was he that night?

But she got no answer and she subconsciously clenched her fists. She couldn't help but listen as the pastor continued speaking. 

"God also has a reason for everything. Good or bad.  But you must know that he has our best interest at heart."

Is that so? Fola thought with bitterness.  

Then why did he let them die? 

Anger and anguish welled within her as those questions and thoughts flooded her head.  Her mind traveled to memories buried deep in her heart.  

Suddenly, it wasn't the pastor speaking anymore but a police officer telling her mother that her husband was involved in an accident. 

Fola could still remember how distraught her eight-year-old self felt when she heard the words of the man as she eavesdropped on their conversation from her hiding position behind the couch.  

Her anger and sorrow intensified as she thought of what happened afterward. She had barely gotten used to being fatherless when four years later, she watched pneumonia take her mother's life. 

At twelve years old, she found herself officially an orphan with the responsibilities of five younger ones resting upon her shoulders.  

Were those tragedies really for their interests?

As the images of those dreadful days flooded her head, tears stung her eyes. Her fists tightened as she forced her tears. However, the more she forced them away, the more they sprung up. She was grateful her friend and sister were too engrossed in the service to notice her turmoil.  Nevertheless, she knew that if she started to cry, they would notice and that would draw the attention of the other members.  

That was the last thing Fola wanted so she decided to get out of there. She sprang up from her seat and muttered to Kala and Bisi that she needed to use the restroom. Without waiting for their response, she slipped out and walked down the aisle leading to the back of the auditorium. She refused to make eye contact with anyone but followed the sign leading to the washroom. When she got to the end of the aisle she did a left turn and walked through an open door.  

The sounds of her heels clicking echoed as she walked. As she wandered down the hallway, the urge to cry grew stronger and she gave into the urge. One tear slid down her face and another one followed.  Images from her father's and mother's funerals filled her head. The memories of the hardships she and her siblings endured after their parent's death flooded her head. As the images poured in, her tears rushed out.

Her vision swam and she lost her direction and didn't notice until her leg hit something and she felt herself tumble over.  Her heart raced as her body went down to the ground. However, someone tugged her from behind and pulled her into an upright position. 

"Careful there, ma'am!" said a male voice.  

Fola gasped and her heart raced again. Every cell in her body was painfully aware of the hands on her arms. She forced herself to look at her rescuer. Time seemed to drag as she turned around.  

Their eyes connected and Fola's eyes widened in shock. Surprise washed over the man's face and his mouth parted open. 

"Timi!" she gasped. 


Ooh, first of all, a happy new year to all of us. May this year be beautiful for us all❤️

This is our first chapter update for 2023! 😁

Don't you think we started the year with a bang?

Who is Timi and why are they shocked to meet each other? 🤔

I know those are the questions running through your mind 😂

Don't worry you will get your answers but before that, I would like to know your speculations.  

What relationship do you think Timi and Fola share?

I look forward to your answers. XO

Until next time, be happy💗

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