Chapter 13

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 A satisfied customer is the best business strategy of all." – Michael LeBoeuf                      

Fola was still trying to control her emotions when her personal assistant came into her office to announce that Mrs. Banke Akande was waiting for her in the guest lounge at the sales section.  

"I will be right there," she managed to squeak out. 

Five minutes later, she had washed her face, applied a new coat of makeup, arranged her clothes, and was ready to meet her client.  She took slow and steady steps to her destination, however, the trip ended faster than she wanted. 

A lump formed in her throat as she stared at the door leading to the lounge. If it was her former self then she would have offered a prayer but now she just hoped that luck would be on her side and everything will go well.  

She forced her legs forward and clasped the cold doorknob. After inhaling sharply, she pushed the door open. Her eyes fell on the woman who she met several hours ago in her dining room. She entered the room and shut the door.  

Don't think of anything else. 

Just be professional. 

Those were the words she told herself to ease her nervousness. She sent Banke a smile and took a seat on the couch parallel to her.  

"Good afternoon, how can we assist you today?" She said while struggling to keep eye contact. 

Banke's mascaraed eyes fell on her. "I want to change my wardrobe and Chief suggested I patronize you. He said you could use the money." Her lips curled into a smirk. 

Fola clenched the jotter she held. The insult didn't escape her but she chose to ignore it because of professionalism. So, she nodded and said, "Changing wardrobes is one of our expertise. Nevertheless, I  need to ask some questions to determine what outfits should be brought for you." 

"That's not a problem. Go ahead." 

Fola gave a short nod and dived into the questions she had written out. She scribbled the answers as Banke gave them. Minutes later, several pages were covered with all the information she needed. Her fingers ached from all the writing but it was something she was used to. She wriggled her fingers to erase the tightness.  

"Thank you for your answers. They will prove to be very helpful." Fola closed the journal and rose to her feet.  "Just a minute, I need to speak with my staff."

Banke produced a stiff nod. "Don't be long."

"I will be back before you know it. Excuse me," Fola said and slipped out of the room. 

She puffed out a breath as the door closed behind her.  For the first time in her years in the business world, being civil and professional was tasking. But what could she do? She pushed away from the door and entered the boutique attached to the building.  The bell hanging over the door chimed as she stepped in.

As she entered, all the conversations stopped and many pairs of eyes landed on her. The silence didn't last long because the staff rounded up in a greeting. 

Fola smiled and exchanged pleasantries with them.  She also sent a word of greeting to the customers. 

"What can we help you with, ma'am?" asked the head sales attendant.  

"Nothing much, Lorraine. I just have a client who wants to change her wardrobe. But the problem is that she has a long wishlist." Fola rolled her eyes and heaved a sigh.  

 "Ah, she's one of those." Lorraine chuckled. "Let me see that." She reached out for Fola's journal. 

Fola handed it to her and watched as she flipped through it. If she wasn't feeling so tense she would have laughed at Lorraine's expression.  

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