Chapter 26

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The only place you're sure to find love is at the end of a letter from your mother. -Bruce Lansky

Fola's heart raced as she unfolded the paper. Her breath hitched as her eyes roamed over the familiar handwriting scrawled across the paper.

Mon Cherie,

Tears gathered in her eyes as they traced over the pet name her mother used to call her. She blinked back tears and resumed reading.

Mon Cherie,

You brought me a sea of happiness when you came into my life after 5 years of waiting on the Lord for a child. The innocence in your eyes and the smile on your lips made me name you Glenda which means pure.

A slight smile grazed Fola's lips as she thought of the significance of her name. However, her smile fell when she remembered she no longer bore the name. She had lost her identity. No wonder she no longer felt pure. She whimpered and turned back to the letter.

Even as you grew up, you remained true to your name. While your age mates engaged in various mischievous acts, you quietly sat in a corner reading a book. When your younger ones came along, you took your big sister's duties seriously even at such a young age.

However, it pains me that I would not be able to watch you grow into a beautiful young woman.

Fola's breath caught and pain sliced her heart. As the letter continued, her mother's handwriting became sloppy.

I am dying, Mon Cherie. I know it. My strength is going away every day and one day it will go away completely.

Tears dripped down Fola's face and she gripped the paper. Anguish coursed through her but she forced her eyes back to the paper.

But not to worry; your Aunty Joan will come and get you and your siblings. She will take you to her house. I have confidence that she will take care of you all.

Fola cried harder because contrary to her mother's words, Aunty Joan did show up but she left the same day without taking them with her. Her excuse was that she was going to prepare her house for them, however, she never came back. Fola wondered how she could turn her back on her sister's children. She shook the thought away and turned back to the letter.

Before I go, I have to tell you something. After your father's death, you supported me in taking care of the family. I know that after I go, you will take care of your siblings. But I want to tell you that no matter what, you should never forget your dreams and sacrifice your happiness.

I see the light that shimmers in your eyes when we pass by boutiques. And I stumbled upon your diary filled with dress designs. If your dream is to be a fashion designer, then you must make your dreams come true. Only then will you be truly happy.

Things will be hard in the future, I know it. You will be torn between survival and your happiness but don't let survival make you helpless.

My hands are shaking and my eyes are closing so I would have to end the letter here. But I also want you to know that I love you, Mon Cherie. Now and always.

Your Mama

Fola crumbled to the floor and loud sobs racked her body. She clutched the paper to her chest. Why hadn't she gotten the letter years ago? She wondered as pain sliced her heart. Maybe if she did, things would have gone differently.

A loud sound split across the empty room and she swung to the side. Her phone was ringing from its place on the table. She sniffed and picked up the phone. Kala's name showed on the screen.

"Hello." Her voice came out hoarse. "Have you gotten to your hostel?"

"No. Emma and I decided to spend some more time together."

"Oh okay, that's nice," Fola remarked in a low voice.

"Have you read the letter?" Emma's voice filled the line.

"Yes." Tears gathered in her eyes. "Where did you get it?"

"It was tucked in one of our old photo albums which Kala and I decided to look at.

Fola nodded. "I am glad I got it," she whispered.

"We are glad you did too," Kala said. "We hadn't planned on reading it but we had to find out who the letter was addressed to."

"It's okay. I understand," Fola murmured, distracted by the various thoughts running through her mind.

"I guess we should let you go and rest," Emma said, "so bye," she and Kala chorused.

"Bye," Fola murmured and the line went dead.

She dropped her phone beside her on the floor and looked down at the paper sitting on her lap. A lump lodged in her throat and tears formed in her eyes. She was right. The letter was going to change the direction of her life.

Don't worry, Mama, I will follow my dreams and pursue my happiness.


Who is crying with me? 🤧

I know this was shorter than the rest but I guess it is for a good reason.

What do you think about mama's letter?

And how do you think it will impact Fola's life?

I look forward to your thoughts and opinions

Don't forget the little star in the corner ⭐

Until next time, stay happy ❤️

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