Chapter 25

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To write is human, to receive a letter: Divine!Susan Lendroth

"Will someone answer me?" She gritted out and made a fist.

"I invited him," Bisi declared.

"And why would you do that?"

"Because he wanted to wish you a happy birthday. Now please have your seat."

Fola shook her head vigorously. "I won't have dinner with him."

"Come on, Sis." Emma groaned. " If it bothers you so much then ignore him."

"Exactly!" Kala asserted.

Fola ground her teeth together and glared daggers at Timi Tokunbo who sat with a pained expression. She watched as he got up and came to meet her.

"I know you are angry with me but I honestly wanted to wish you a happy birthday. If I came to your office, I knew you would kick me out without listening to me."

"Of course, I would. I can't stand you." She narrowed her eyes.

Hurt flickered in his eyes but he quickly schooled his expression. "Anyway, I don't want to ruin the fun time with your loved ones so I will leave. Happy Birthday." He sent her a smile and proceeded to move past her.

You better stop him, said a little voice.

Why? She countered.

Because you would regret turning him away.

Fola's brows furrowed in confusion.

No, I won't.

You better stop him, the voice said again.

Fola's lips formed into a thin line. Fine.

She turned to her friend and sisters. "You can call him back," she muttered and marched to her seat.

The excited squeals of Bisi and her sisters drifted in her ears but she ignored them. She crossed her arms over her chest and her face morphed into a scowl. A minty scent wafted into her nose and her nose scrunched up as Timi took a seat beside her. From the corner of her eyes, she spied her sisters and Bisi as they occupied the remaining chairs.

"So...what are we ordering?" Bisi grinned and peered at the menu in front of her.

"The sweet and sour pork sounds delicious," Kala smiled.

"I would like to try the Kung Pao," Bisi remarked.

"Hmm, I think I would go for Chow Mein," Emma said.

"That's great." Bisi beamed. "What about you guys?" She faced Timi and Fola. "What are you ordering?"

"Chicken Fried Rice!" Fola and Timi said together.

Fola's breath hitched and she shot Timi a dark look. He looked at her with a smirk playing on his lips.

Bisi giggled. "The two of you are so in sync. It's cute."

Fola scoffed and rolled her eyes. Bisi beckoned a waiter over and the group gave their orders. Silence ensued as they waited for their food.

"So...are we going to act dumb until our food comes?" Emma asked with a slight frown.

"Definitely not!' Kala exclaimed with excitement and then faced Fola. "How has your birthday been so far?"

"Not bad." Fola shrugged her shoulders. "My team members wished me and gave me some gifts." A fond smile graced her lips.

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