Chapter 29

23 16 6

Jesus promises in Psalm 23 that peace, victory, and freedom will come in the midst of problems, pain, and loss. That's how we develop an 'even though' kind of faith. We live by knowing that, in the midst of a broken world, God Almighty is with us.—Louie Giglio

Fola had kept up her streak for three days. Nora's choice of clothes remained hanging on the hanger every morning. The plate of food waiting for her in the dining room was left untouched. She couldn't suppress the pride swelling within her.

The sounds of her footsteps bounced against the walls as she departed from the room at the back of the boutique after completing a meeting with some of her salespersons. She nodded her head in greeting the customers scattered around. However, as she walked past the dressing room, a familiar voice stopped her in her tracks. Her feet carried her to where the voice was coming from.

She stalled at the entrance of the lounge in front of the changing rooms. "Timi!" she exclaimed as her eyes fell on a familiar face.

Timi looked up from his iPad and grinned. "Glenda!" He dropped the iPad and rose to his feet. "It's good to see you."

She gave a short nod. "What are you doing here?"

"Definitely not to buy ladies' clothes, if that's what you're thinking." He smirked.

She rolled her eyes and opened her mouth to speak but the opening of a door stopped her midway.

"Glen!" said a female voice.

Her brows wrinkled and she whipped her head to the side. "Timpo!" she squealed with sparkling eyes as she gazed at Timpo Tokunbo, younger sister of Timi Tokunbo and her one-time friend.

"It's so good to see you," Timpo gushed and they exchanged a hug. "I couldn't believe it was you splashed all over the recent fashion magazines," she said as they pulled back. "Life has been good to you."

Fola withheld a snicker. Little do you know. She forced a smile onto her lips. "How have you been?" she asked to change the subject.

"I've been splendid." Timpo beamed. "I came to shop for a dress for my birthday party on Saturday which you are invited to." Her smile widened. "Timi will give you the details. Now I need to continue my shopping, bye," she rushed out and hurried back into the changing room.

Fola stared at the empty space in front of her. She struggled to put her thoughts together as she digested all that happened in the last few minutes.

"So are you coming?" Timi's voice jolted her back to the present.

She turned to him with a questioning look. "Coming?" Her brows furrowed. "To where?"

"To Timpo's birthday party on Saturday, remember?" He arched a brow.

"Oh?! I am not sure." She shrugged her shoulders. "I will think about it."

He nodded his head. "It would be nice if you come. Everyone will be glad to see you after so long."

She bobbed her head in agreement. "It would be nice to meet everyone."

A fond smile played on her lips as her mind drifted to the other members of the Tokunbo family. Mrs.Titi Tokunbo was in charge of the warehouse where Fola worked. The older lady made it her duty to take care of her. Fola vividly remembered her making sure she had the least jobs and ensured carried the smallest boxes.

Unfortunately, Timi used that as an avenue to taunt her and tag her as a weakling. Fola shook away her straying thoughts and spied a look at Timi from the corner of her eye. He had returned to his iPad and his forehead wrinkled in concentration.

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