Chapter 39

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 “I am tired of being tired and talking about how tired I am.” — Amy Poehler


A week had passed since Timi's unexpected appearance. Unfortunately, Fola was unable to answer his question because barely two minutes later Bella stormed in with Melissa and Boma struggling to handle the heap of clothes hanging on their arms.  

Although she couldn't talk to Timi after Bella's return, she tried to send him a friendly smile every time their eyes connected from across the room. However, his lips twitched but he didn't reciprocate any of her smiles. 

Disappointment welled within her. Was his cold attitude a result of Bella's presence or was he hurt she didn't consider him a friend? Such questions floated in her mind throughout the duration of his presence. 

As she wished him and his mother goodbye, she decided to tell him the truth once everything had settled down.  

The sudden bright light in her eyes brought Fola back to reality. She released a groan as she sat up from her lying position on the bed. A grimace marred her face as pain shot through her body.  She covered a yawn and her heavy eyes roamed around. Her face morphed into a frown as she realized she had dozed off again.  And much to her dismay, it was barely afternoon.  

What's wrong with me? Fola ran a hand down her face.  No matter how long she slept, her body still felt sore and weary. She wondered if it was a result of her constant sleeplessness or maybe because of the vigorous investigation of the missing fabrics going on in the office.  

It could be your nightly visit to Chief Naade's room," whispered a small voice.  

Fola's blood chilled and her heart raced.  

I hope not. She thought with fright.  Different scary thoughts flooded her mind and her heart pounded faster. Luckily, the squeaky sound of her room door shattered her thoughts.  

"Don't you think you are sleeping a bit too much lately?" Acantha's familiar voice filled her ears.  

She shook her head.  "I am just tired, that's all." She dragged herself up to her feet. 

"Hmm, I hope so." Acantha drew closer and looked at her.  

Fola squirmed as Acantha scrutinized her.  Subconsciously, she rearranged her brown skirt and made sure her white shirt wasn't too wrinkled.  Satisfied with her look, she waited for Acantha to give her approval. 

Finally, Acantha produced a curt nod. "Let's go. It's time for lunch. You slept through breakfast."

Fola didn't know how to respond so she remained silent and followed Acantha out of the bedroom.  The clicking of their shoes against the floor filled the silence as they headed to the dining room.

"Walk fast," Acantha snapped from in front of her.

Fola gritted her teeth. The game of playing the docile captive was getting harder for her. However, the goal of gaining her freedom gave her the strength to stop herself every time she wanted to rebel against her captors.  She discarded her thoughts and forced her legs to move faster. By the time they reached the dining room, beads of sweat had formed on her forehead and her legs throbbed.  

She made a beeline to her seat and gulped down a glass of water.  The coolness of the water soothed her parched throat.  So lost in the euphoria, she didn't hear Acantha's loud snicker. 

"You are behaving as though you ran a marathon." Acantha's mocking voice broke her tranquillity.  

Fola's lips thinned and she turned to face her.  "And you were walking as though the house was on fire." Her lips curled into a smirk. 

"Is that so?" Acantha arched her brow, daring her to continue.  

Fola grimaced and she scolded herself for losing her calm. She forced out a smile and waved a hand dismissively.  "Ignore me.  I am not feeling too well." 

"That's quite obvious," Acantha said and sipped her glass of apple juice.  

Fola ignored her and quietly drummed on the table while waiting for the food to arrive.  A savoury aroma announced the arrival of the food and Fola sat up straight in anticipation.  However, as the food drew closer something unfamiliar stirred in her stomach. The sensation grew stronger as a bowl of chicken noodle soup was placed in front of her. Ignoring the growing sensation in her stomach, she picked up her spoon and took a spoonful of soup.  

The soup had barely gone down her throat when the urge to vomit suddenly surged through her.  She clamped a hand over her mouth and shot up from her sitting.  Without looking at Acantha, she stumbled out of the dining room and flew up the stairs. Her room door banged against the wall as she flung it open and ran inside the bathroom.  She fell to her knees in front of the toilet bowl and bent over.   

She spent the next few minutes losing the contents of her stomach.  After her stomach was emptied, she flushed the toilet, rinsed her mouth and dragged herself back to the bedroom.  Her bed beaconed her and she moved towards it.  Too weak to keep standing, she dropped onto the bed and buried her face into her pillow. 

The need to cry overwhelmed her and hot tears stung her eyes.  Her body shook as waves of sobs racked her body. 

Finally, her tears dwindled to light sniffles and her eyes grew heavy. Slowly her eyes flickered closed as sleep claimed her. 

When she woke up several hours later, the sun was beginning its descent. She rolled on her back and stared at the ceiling. Her face morphed into a scowl as fearful thoughts crept into her mind. 

Am I dying? She wondered as panic welled within her.  She placed her hand on her forehead and choked out a sob. Although praying had not become a habit, she silently said a prayer, asking for healing.  

If not for me, then heal me because of my siblings. They need me.  Tears blurred her vision. The sound of her door opening filled her ears and the familiar minty fragrance that followed Acantha around wafted into the room. 

"I think you need to see a doctor," Acantha blurted after a few moments of silence.  

"No. I am okay," she said in a weak voice and struggled to sit up. "I just need to rest." She swallowed hard to moisten her dry throat. 

"I don't think this tiredness and vomiting will go away anytime soon."

"Why?" Fola turned to her with wide eyes and dread coursing through her.  

Acantha remained quiet and gazed at her with an unreadable expression. "Because you might be pregnant." 


Oh my word, could Acantha's suspicion be true? 🤔

Do you want to it be true?

I am really eager to see what you all think about that. XD

So hit the comment section and tell me what you think.

Also, don't skip the star in the corner 😂

Until next time, have a lot of sleep😁

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