Chapter 27

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Every day is another chance to change your life.  — Unknown

With adrenaline pumping through her veins, Fola jumped out of bed the next day and sashayed into the bathroom to prepare for the day. She dedicated a few minutes to washing every part of her body. The hot water cascading down her body rejuvenated her spirits. After her long shower, she sauntered into her dressing room and did something she wished she had done more in the last eight years. She ignored the black dress Nora had chosen and slipped into a sleeveless sky-blue dress tucked in the back of her closet.

Satisfied with how she looked, she strutted out of the room with her head held high. Her heels clicked against the tiles as she climbed down the stairs. Nora came into view and her face morphed into a scowl.

"What are you wearing?" she shrieked.

"A dress," Fola stated and produced a wide grin.

Nora's lips thinned. "I know it is a dress but it is not the one I chose for you."

"The one you chose didn't vibe with me." Fola tried to move past her but Nora's grip on her arm stopped her.

"Go and change this instant!" Nora commanded in a loud voice.

"That's not happening." Fola tried to move but Nora held her tighter.

"Your arms are showing and you know that Chief won't like it."

"I don't care," Fola spat out with dark eyes. She yanked her hand from Nora's grip and marched off.

Good job, Glen. A smile graced her lips as she realized that for the first time in eight years, she referred to herself as Glenda. With her smile intact, she ambled into the dining room. Disgust filled her eyes as they fell on the plate of food waiting for her. The plate of egg and the glass of low-fat milk repulsed her. She shook her head and marched out of the dining room and into the kitchen. She brought out the ingredients she needed and went to work.

A few minutes later, she walked out of the kitchen armed with a plate piled with pancakes and a glass of juice. She took her seat and smiled. However, she had barely taken a bite when a shriek startled her. She looked up and frowned.

"You can't eat that!" Nora raced to her and pushed the plate away.

"Why?" Fola glared at her.

"Because it can make you fat. And Chief doesn't like fat women."

Fola rolled her eyes. "Well, thank God he has another wife who is as thin as a broomstick." She pulled the plate back to her and began to eat. However, Nora stopped her again.

"You don't get it, do you?" Nora's voice was tainted with frustration.

"No, I don't," Fola said and took a gulp of juice.

"If you keep this up then you are incurring the anger of the Chief."

Fola shrugged and took another bite of pancake. "I will deal with it when the time comes."

Nora heaved a sigh. "You are playing with fire so you are guaranteed to get burned," she stated and walked away.

Fola glanced at her receding figure and shook her head. It can't be worse than it already is.

She forced the thought aside and returned to her food. Moments later, she had eaten every bite of pancake on the plate and drained every drop of juice in the glass. After clearing away her dishes, she went back upstairs to get her bag. She returned and slipped out of the house. As usual, the car and driver assigned to her were waiting in front of the house. She sent the driver a smile and slid into the car.

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