Chapter 41

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Being a mother is learning about strengths you didn’t know you had, and dealing with fears you didn’t know existed. — Linda Wooten


I am pregnant.  

I am pregnant.  

Fola pranced around her room with those words ringing in her head.  She dragged a hand down her face and rocked on her feet. 

What am I going to do?  

Her panic increased and she bounded to the other side of the room. A tremor coursed through her.  Her lips wobbled and her body quaked as a myriad of emotions coursed through her.  

Tears stung the back of her eyes.  Her legs buckled and she dropped to the ground.  She bent over and closed her eyes to stop the tears from pouring out. 

Dear Lord, help me! She gritted her teeth to hold in a sob.  

Fear not, for I  am with you;  Be not dismayed, for I  am your God.  I will strengthen you,  Yes, I will help you,  I will uphold you with My righteous right hand. 

Everything stilled as the words from Isaiah 41:10 floated into her head. The Bible verse replayed in her head and slowly soothed her racing heart.  

Calm down, Fola, whispered a small voice.  

The Lord will take control.   

The Lord will take control. Fola repeated it to herself. Could she really trust God to handle everything?

Doubt clouded her mind but a feeling of peace washed over her. 

The Lord will take control. 

 Her heartbeat slowed down to its normal pace and something stirred in her stomach.  Maybe it was the life she carried or the different emotions coursing through her.  

She scrambled to her feet with more control over her emotions. She rubbed her forehead to ease the forming ache.  Although she was more composed, she couldn't stop thinking about her predicament.   

As various thoughts raced through her mind, she concluded that what she needed to do had to be done fast.  She rubbed her stomach and determination welled within her.  Determination to protect her unborn child from every problem.  

But how could she do that?

She tucked the question away and moved towards the door as she planned her next cause of action.  First, she needed to find a way to inform Bisi about her impending motherhood.  

Her trek down the hallway quickened as she headed towards the bedroom of her allies.  She stopped in front of the open door and peeked inside. A frown marred her face as she took in the empty room.  Her eyes darted to the side as a maid appeared from the bathroom.  

The maid approached her with apprehension gleaming in her eyes.  "Is there anything you need help with, ma'am?" 

Fola shook her head. "No. Where are Tobi and Olivia?" 

"They are having a sleepover at their grandmother's house.  They will be back after school tomorrow."

"Okay. Thank you ." Fola cracked a smile and walked away.  

She returned to her room with defeated shoulders. A sigh left her lips and she leaned against the door.  Tears of frustration filled her eyes but she tried to suppress them by blinking rapidly.  However, a tear managed to slip out of her eyes.  She angrily wiped it away and moved to the middle of her room.  

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