Chapter 20 Part 1

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When a sibling dies, it is like a deep hole implodes inside of you. It’s as if the hole penetrates you and leaves you gasping for air.” – Alan D. Wolfelt


Waves of loud sobs ravaged Fola's body and she slumped to her knees. Her siblings followed and fell beside her.  They hunched over and wept for the brother they lost. They cried for the gem that was snatched from them. 

As Fola wailed, images from that tragic day flooded her head and she was transported back to that dreadful day twelve years ago. 


In a dimly lit room lay a shivering figure on a saggy mattress.  A threadbare blanket covered the figure.  

Somewhere in the room, a fire cracked and then a sniffle followed.  

"Sis, will he be okay?" 14-year-old Kala asked with terror in her eyes. 

Glenda's heart churned. "I don't know, Kala." Tears shimmered in her eyes.  

Pain mingled with fear marred Kala's face and she clutched the cross necklace wrapped around her neck.  "He has to be okay. We promised Mama we will take care of him." Her voice cracked and tears rolled down her face. 

Glenda nodded, too weak to speak. She turned to face the pale face of her brother. His swollen eyes were closed as he slumbered. Ragged breaths drifted from his mouth and nose. Glenda placed her hand on his warm forehead. After hours of wiping away the sweat on his forehead, his temperature finally reduced, much to the happiness of everyone.  

"Where are the rest?" she whispered. "They have been oddly quiet." 

"They are outside. Emma is keeping Marilyn and Jordan distracted." 

"That's good," she murmured as she played with Kit's hair.  

Moments later, she redrew her hand and rose from her sitting position on the floor beside the bed.  "Stay with him; let me make some soup for all of us. If there is any change, call me immediately, okay?" 

Kala nodded and shifted closer to the bed. 

Glenda padded over to the opposite side of the room which served as a kitchenette with a cabinet for storing their cooking utensils.  A kerosene stove sat to one side. The smoke from the stove had blackened the walls surrounding it. 

She opened the cabinet and her eyes roamed around. Her heart squeezed with pain as she gazed at the empty space. 

I want to make food but there are no ingredients.   She thought with sorrow. 

It was getting closer to dinner time and very soon her siblings would be hungry. Kit also needed to take his medicine after eating something.  

She needed to do something and she had to do it quickly.  

Just like other times, she found herself faced with another problem but no solution.  

Her brows wrinkled as she thought of what to do. She rubbed her forehead to numb the throb forming in her head. Her legs carried her to the bag hanging on a nail beside the dingy door. She opened the bag and pulled out a money pouch. Her eyes peered into the purse and a frown marred her face. She poured out the contents on her hand and stared at them with dismay.  

A few coins and one fifty naira note would not be enough to make a decent meal. 

Her stomach churned and disappointment washed over her. 

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