Chapter 19

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It is only in sorrow bad weather masters us; in joy we face the storm and defy it.  – Amelia Barr

A storm was coming, the weather forecast claimed. However, Fola almost laughed every time she heard the news. Because a storm had already arrived and was ravaging her soul.

One week had passed with everything going at a snail's pace. At work, two designers called in sick. Three sewing machines suddenly broke down. The mishaps caused activities to slow down and the workload of the other staff increased.

However, it was a different story in the Akande mansion. An era of change had descended upon the house and its inhabitants.

Although Nora still monitored her and bossed her around, it was done with less fervor. Fola felt amused when Nora looked nervous every time she spoke to Chief Naade about the house allowance. Bisi was right; she should have stood up to Nora long ago.

The presence of Tobi and Olivia added life to the house. The sounds of their laughter echoing across the house gave Fola a relaxed feeling. Nevertheless, she made sure to avoid them. Banke's constant glare served as a reminder. It always broke her heart when she had to turn down the children's invitations to play with them.

But things didn't change in her relationship with Chief Naade. She felt his domineering presence but hardly ever saw him, except when he wanted her to follow him to his social events which seemed to come up every other day. She wondered why he didn't take Banke along.

Apart from being his escort, she didn't fulfill any other wifely duty. Banke had taken over in that regard so she wasn't surprised that he didn't want her anymore. Nevertheless, that didn't stop him from wielding his control over her and reminding her that she was bound to him.

Fola pushed her thoughts away and dragged herself into a sitting position. She blinked away tears. Being woken up by nightmares wasn't a new thing to her. But the nightmare that plagued her that morning was more painful and tortuous than the rest. Images from the nightmare flashed before her eyes and a tremor rushed through her.

Her eyes darted to the clock on the wall and she read the time. If her heart wasn't so heavy, she would have smiled at her obvious accomplishment. For the first time in years, she had ignored Nora's command to wake up and get ready for the day. It was difficult being quiet and keeping her eyes closed as Nora shook her body. A grin threatened to appear on her lips as Nora groaned in frustration and stormed out of the room.

Although it was a Tuesday and Fola had a to-do list waiting for her at the office, the pain poking every part of her body rendered her unable to get up and face the day. The heaviness in her heart and eyes drove away any thought of going to work.

All she could think of was her siblings. She wanted to meet them, grieve with them, and comfort them. Because that day happened to be the day they all lost something precious.

Tears stung the back of her eyes and one tear snuck out of her eyes. Fola vehemently wiped it away as she held in a sob. What must her younger ones be going through? She wondered with grief.

She needed to be there for them. That conviction pumped energy into her and she jumped out of bed. Her mission for the day was decided. With rigid shoulders, she marched into the bathroom. After having a quick shower, she slipped into her dressing room. She didn't waste time wearing the dress Nora had picked. Maybe because the black dress matched her mood and the occasion. However, she ignored the black pumps and slipped into a pair of sandals.

Satisfied with her appearance, she returned to the room. She packed a bag that consisted of her phone, charger, and a jacket, after all a rainstorm storm was predicted. Her eyes swept over the room before she hurried out.

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