Chapter 33

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The soul is healed by being with children.- PROVERB

Barely one week had passed but a lot changed in that time frame. Fola wasn't sure if it was for the better or the worst.

The events of the last week tormented her. Her mind kept traveling back to Bisi's statement.

You just have to leave him.

Her stomach flipped and she shivered as she thought about the consequences of leaving Chief Naade.

She would lose everything and might find herself at the place she was nine years ago. Impoverished and helpless.

Fola shook her head as hot tears stung her eyes. She couldn't allow her family to go back to the squalor they were in before.

The hem of her nightdress swished at her ankle as she padded to her room window. She opened the curtains slightly and peered out. The scenery was the same as it was for the last week with armed guards patrolling around the compound, making sure there was no chance for her to escape.

She sighed and let the curtain fall. There was no point watching her jailers. She turned away from the window and her eyes traveled around the room. A feeling of suffocation welled within her and her chest tightened.

The day she returned from Bisi's house was the day her jail sentence began. Everything was taken away from her including her freedom to go to work.

She had not seen her office in seven days. Whatever documents she had to sign were delivered to the house and Nora perused through them before letting her have access to them.

Fola dropped to the edge of the bed and rubbed the back of her neck. Not having something to do was foreign to her. Being buried in work was a means to distract herself from her problems. Without those distractions, she was hanging on by a thin string of sanity.

The opening of her room door jolted her back to the present. A frown marred her face as her new bodyguard, Acantha marched into her room without knocking.

Acantha's face was in a constant scowl.

"It's time for breakfast. Go and get ready. You have ten minutes." She plopped down on the armchair in front of the window.

Fola's shoulders dropped. She was used to Nora bossing her around but Acantha proved to be worse than Nora. Nora at least gave her some breathing space but Acantha hovered around her and followed her everywhere.

With Nora, she dared to break some rules but the vicious expression Acantha always sent her dashed all thoughts of rebellion from her mind.

Two days ago, she was reluctant to eat the bland food they laid out for her but Acantha shoved the food into her mouth and left her choking for a few minutes.

A tremor coursed through her as she thought of the fear she felt when the bony chicken lodged in her throat. The thought forced her to stand up and trudge towards the bathroom. She knew if she delayed any further Acantha would probably storm inside and bathe herself. That was something she never wanted even if she became an invalid.

Moments later, Fola returned to the room clad in jeans and a black halter-neck shirt. An outfit chosen by Acantha. The jeans were so tight that she felt the blood circulation in her lap had stopped.

Her eyes traveled to Acantha who stood stiffly beside the door. Their eyes connected and they glared at each other.

Fola struggled not to squirm under Acantha's scrutiny as she waited for her to approve her looks.

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