Chapter 7

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No matter what storm you face, you need to know God loves you. He has not abandoned you.
— Franklin Graham


After the jarring question posed by Clarrisa, Fola wanted to disappear. However, her helplessness prevented her from getting up and leaving. So she tolerated every jab until one of the women came to her rescue by shutting Clarissa up. 

Now, two days later, Fola snuggled deeper into her bed. She didn't have to worry about going to work because fortunately, it was a Sunday. However, her sleep was disrupted when her blanket was removed from her body.  The chill from the air conditioner slapped her body.  

"Ugh, Nora, let me sleep for a little while longer," she murmured. 

A snicker sounded from above her. "Not possible. Get up, Glenda!" The person vigorously shook her shoulder. 

Glenda? She thought with drowsiness. No one called her that except her siblings and one other person.  Her eyes popped open and she stared at the person leaning over her.  A perplexed look marred her face.  

"Bisi! What are you doing here?" Her brows drew together and every trace of sleepiness disappeared from her eyes. 

Bisi smirked and rose to her full height. "I came to wake you up." 

"Really?" Fola arched a brow and dragged herself to a sitting position. "I don't believe that. Besides, how did you get past Nora's prowling eyes?"

Bisi grinned. "I hope you know that I am not scared of her?" 

"Well, you should be. She controls things around here."

"Pfft, that's because you let her." 

Fola's eyes widened. "What am I supposed to do?" 

"Stand up to her!" Bisi said in a leveled voice. 

Fola shook her head. "No, I can't do that. The consequences would be terrible."  A frightful shiver coursed through her.  

"Oh come on, you are not a prisoner."

"It feels like it," Fola muttered under her breath. 

 "What did you say?"

"It's nothing," she quickly replied.  

 "Fine. But you have to enforce your rights. You can't allow her to walk all over you."

Fola shook her head vigorously. "I can't do that. It could ruin things."

"What things?" Frustration tinted Bisi's voice. "Seriously, what does she have on you that makes you so terrified of her?"  

Fola opened her mouth to respond but stopped and her stomach churned. What should she say? As much as she wanted to confide in her friend, she couldn't tell her the truth. Her eyes briefly closed as she struggled to curtail her fraying emotions.

"Just drop it. It doesn't matter," she opened her eyes and avoided eye contact. 

"Yes, it does!" Bisi said and plopped down on the bed. "It is clear that you are not happy here and I want to know why."

"I am happy," Fola whispered. She refused to look at her friend because she feared her eyes would reveal her true emotions. 

"No. I have seen and heard enough to know that that is not true." Bisi sighed. "Why did you marry him in the first place?" 

Fola's breath hitched and her arms tightened around her body.  Her eyes dimmed and a faraway expression marred her face as Bisi's question floated in her head. 

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