Chapter 31

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  An adult should not be forced into marriage as a child is forced to eat his peas. Peas are only part of a meal. Marriage is a life’s work.Loretta Chase,


Flashback- Eight and a half years ago 

Six months had passed since Glenda decided to work with Mr. Akande. She worked from morning to late afternoon for five days a week and got her paycheck on time at the end of the week. The task she was assigned varied from modeling the clothes from his women's fashion line and appearing in the advertisements for his lady's beauty products. 

So far so good, nothing disastrous had occurred. But she couldn't stop feeling anxious every time she stepped into the company.  Maybe it was because of the look Mr. Akande sent her way every time their paths crossed. 

The look made her shiver. It was a look the roadside drunkards sent her way when she passed them on her way home after a night trip to the grocery store.  

At twenty years old, Glenda was worldly enough to give a name to the look Mr. Akande sent her. It was nothing but lust. 

The mere thought made her nauseous. How could he think of her like that? She wondered in bewilderment.  

He was her boss. 

And not only that, he was several years older than her. Old enough to be her father.  

Her bafflement slowly changed to anger.  

What a lecherous old man! She thought in disgust. 

In hindsight, maybe she shouldn't have been surprised about the shock she got that fateful day.  

That unfortunate day, she was seated in front of a mirror preparing for a photo shoot when Mr. Akande's secretary came to meet her.  

"Mr. Akande wants you in his office now," the lady announced.  

"Now!" Glenda exclaimed and turned away from the mirror. "We have a shoot in less than ten minutes."

The lady shrugged her shoulders. "It's better you meet him first. It's urgent."

Glenda heaved a sigh. "Alright. Thanks."

The lady nodded and left, leaving Glenda to her thoughts.  Glenda's stomach became queasy and nervousness coursed through her. Different thoughts raced through her mind but she couldn't come up with a reason why he wanted to see her.  

Suddenly the hungry look he sent her that morning flashed before her and she shivered. A sick feeling welled within her.  

What if he wanted to fire her? Fright immediately filled her. 

He may want to commend you for your beautiful work," said a little voice.  

But you won't know until you go," the voice added.  

The voice prompted her to get up. Her legs trembled as she stood. 

Oh Lord, help me.  She prayed and forced her legs to move.  She took tentative steps to his office situated at the end of the hall.  A lump lodged in her throat as she stared at the wide oak door.  She forced her nervousness down and gave a swift knock. 

"Come in," came his muffled response.  

She clutched the cold doorknob and took a deep breath before opening the door.  Her heart pounded as she stepped inside and gently closed the door behind her. She forced herself to look at him.  

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