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If you walked away from a toxic, negative, abusive, one-sided, dead-end low vibrational relationship or friendship--you won." —Lalah Delia

Six months later

The waves of the sea drifted into Glenda's ears and stirred her from sleep. A smile graced her lips as she turned over on her back.  A verse in the book of Psalms said joy comes in the morning.  That statement was true in the life of Glenda for the past six months.  

Thank you, Lord. She thought with a smile on her lips. Her hand subconsciously drifted to her round stomach and her happiness doubled.  The cool breeze wafting into the room caressed her. Sounds of laughter from the living room spilled into her room and spurred her to get out of bed.  

She gently manoeuvred to a sitting position and gingerly climbed off the bed.  One of her hands supported her stomach as she waddled to the bathroom to prepare for the day.  After a long shower and clad in a bathing robe, she stood in front of her wardrobe. 

A happy glint shimmered in her eyes as they roamed over the dresses hanging in her closet. She pulled out a floral pink sundress and put it on. Her eyes danced with glee as she turned to the side and stared at her reflection in the mirror. She couldn't resist grinning every time she picked out an outfit to wear. It was a luxury she relished.  Satisfied with her looks, she sashayed out of the room.  

The scene that greeted her caused warmth to fill her.  Her eyes traced the happy faces of her siblings as they munched away on their breakfast.  She cleared her throat and beamed. "Good morning, guys!" 

All eyes shifted to her and huge smiles split on their faces.  

"Good morning, sis." Kala and Emma rushed to her side and guided her to the dining table. She leaned on them as she sat down on the chair of her choice. Marilyn hurried away and returned with a pillow she placed behind Glenda's back as a support.  Glenda watched as Jordan piled a plate with pancakes covered in honey and placed it in front of her.  

Amusement filled her as her siblings fussed over her. A habit they adopted since the day they found out about her pregnancy.  They were the happiest uncle and aunties to be. After making sure she was comfortable they returned to their seats.  

Glenda took in the sweet aroma of the pancakes and honey.  She stabbed a piece of pancake and took a bite.  The taste of the honey tickled her taste buds and she let out a moan which roused a laugh from her siblings.  The euphoric feeling stayed with each bite she took.  Minutes later, she had cleared every crumb of pancake and gulped the glass of milk standing beside her plate. She ran a hand down her stomach and produced a satisfied grin.  

She retired to the living room and flipped through the TV channels while waiting for the car that would take them to church.  Her wait wasn't long because a few minutes later, Emma alerted her that the car had arrived.    Glenda pushed herself up, picked up her purse, slipped into her sandals, and ambled outside.  

The view of the sea and the palm trees scattered around never ceased to amaze her. She greeted the driver with a smile and carefully slid into the car.  The drive to the church was a short one. Jordan guided her out of the car and up the steps leading to the church.  

The sound of melodic singing filled Glenda's senses as they arrived at the door. The usher stationed at the entrance directed them to their seats.  A warm feeling washed over her as they sang the hymn What A Friend We Have In Jesus. A hymn she had grown to love ever since she rebuilt a relationship with God. 

After the hymn came to an end, the pastor mounted the pulpit and greeted the congregation with a kind smile.  He said a short prayer and dived into the sermon of the day.  A topic based on the blessings of God.  His words drew Glenda in and nothing could distract her.

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