Chapter 8

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Siblings are like branches on a tree. We grow in different directions, but our roots remain as one. — Unknown

The pastor's words never left Fola and two weeks later, her questions remained unanswered. Two consecutive Sundays passed but Bisi didn't show up to force her to go to church and Fola wondered why. When she saw her at work, she felt tempted to ask her. But she stopped herself because she didn't want to give the impression that she wanted to continue going to church.

As she stood in front of the mirror, she forced all thoughts to the back of her mind. Because It was a big day for her and she didn't want any distractions. It was the day she had been waiting for. A day to show the city of Lagos the designs she and her staff had slaved over.

Such days were the days she felt the most alive. Watching her designs come to life gave her a reason to smile. Seeing people looking gorgeous in her outfits gave her a new drive. Living her dream gave her a reason to live and she tried not to think of the price she had to pay for her dreams to become a reality.

A knock sounded on the door and she called out "come in". The door creaked open and the head of the seamstresses walked in.

"You look lovely, ma'am!" The lady's eyes crinkled at the side as she smiled.

"Thank you, Loveth!" Fola sent her an appreciative smile. "Your sewing and finishing were splendid." Her hand ran down her sequined peach dress with a bow at the side.

"You look beautiful as well!" Her eyes traced the lady's turquoise mermaid dress.

"Thank you, ma'am. I am just trying to uphold your dignified reputation."

Fola's smile widened. Her staff had always been her rock and she showed them gratitude by making sure all of them had an outfit from the star collection. She believed everyone deserves a day to dress fancy and look pretty.

Another knock sounded on the door and the company's PRO sauntered in gorgeously dressed in a red A-line dress with a plunging neckline.

"Ma'am, the event is about to start and you are going to make the opening speech."

"Okay, let's go!" Fola strutted out of the room with the ladies following behind. They slipped through a door and entered a room backstage. Fola departed from the room and hid in the shadows of the hall. Amazement welled within her as she stared at the people who came to witness her creation. The hall was filled to the brim and the walls were lined with cameramen hired to capture every moment.

"Please I would like to welcome Mrs. Folake Akande, the CEO and Managing Director of Fola's Fashion House," the anchor of the event announced.

Fola heaved a sigh and slipped out of the darkness. She gingerly climbed the steps leading to the stage. Butterflies fluttered in her stomach as she faced the audience. Over the years, she had learned to hide her nervousness. So she sent the audience a smile and moved closer to the microphone.

"Good evening everyone. It's an honor to have you all here. I hope you would love all the outfits that would be showcased today. The theme of this show is Glamorous Chill." A smile graced her lips. "The theme was inspired by the rainy season which is upon us. The season is known to be cold and dreary. But who says you can't look chic in long sleeves, jackets, sweaters, and raincoats?" She spied a few people nodding in agreement and satisfaction filled her.

Her smile widened and she resumed speaking. "We have three collections that will be exhibited. They are Chic Freeze, Cold Night, and Sweet Chill. The Chic Freeze collection would consist of jackets and coats for when the weather is extremely cold. The Cold night collection has to do with warm pajamas and night dresses for cold nights. And lastly, The Sweet Chill would have cozy fashionable dresses, tops, and skirts that can be worn daily and for special occasions that arise during the season."

Her heart danced as interest gleamed in the eyes of the audience.

"So I hope you will enjoy what we have for you. Thank you all for your presence and time." Fola smiled and moved to get off the stage. As she clambered down, her eyes stopped on something and her happiness doubled.

Sitting in the right corner of the hall was her family. Her four siblings sat together with huge grins on their faces. Fola felt her smile increase and she wanted to rush over to them. However, her responsibilities withheld her. She turned away from them and the audience and headed backstage to make sure everything was ready and going smoothly.

A couple of hours later, all the clothes in the different collections had been exhibited by her talented models. Fola couldn't be happier with the outcome of the event. The guests cheered and gushed at every outfit that was modeled. And by the time the event rolled to an end, they had several bookings.

Fola was finally able to do what she had been longing to do for days and months. She opened the door of the lounge area backstage and rushed in. A grin split on her face as she stared at the faces of her younger ones. The people that made up her family.

"Sis!" They cried and raced towards her.

Her arms automatically opened as they fell into her arms. The force was so much that they all tumbled to the ground. But no one cared. They didn't care that their beautiful designer dresses could get dirty. At that moment, all that mattered was their little family reunion.

As they squeezed each other, the bridge caused by distance was closed. Tears of joy stung Fola's eyes as she held them in a bone-crushing hug. She had longed for this day for days and months and she was finally getting the reward of her endurance. The siblings clung to each other for a few more minutes before they redrew.

"Let me look at you," Fola choked out and cupped the face of the family's fourth born, Jordan.

"You have grown so tall," she remarked through teary eyes.

"That's because I'm a young man now." He smirked.

"Is that so?" She laughed and embraced him.

"Yes. I am 17 years old, you know." He puffed out his chest and produced another smirk. "And please, stop crying. Your tears can ruin my suit."

Fola shook her head. "Sorry, young man." She chuckled and released him.

"You can ignore him, Sis. I am here to be showered with all your love."

Fola smiled as she turned to her youngest sister, Marilyn. "Come here, Lyn," she said and opened her arm.

She didn't have to wait long because Marilyn immediately flung herself at her. Fola wrapped her arms around her and cradled her. She leaned her head against Marilyn's head. Tears sprung into her eyes and rushed out. Fola didn't do anything to stop them. Tears had become a major part of her life. It served as her coping mechanism.

As she rocked her youngest sister and the family's present lastborn, grief stabbed her heart as a thought filled her head. She shared a look with Kala and Emma. Pain shimmered in their eyes as they shared a knowing look. The three sisters grieved their parents and the brother they had lost.


Ahh, I would definitely love to attend a fashion show one day😁

What about you? Have you attended one or would you like to attend one?

I look forward to your answers. 
If you have attended one don't hesitate to share your experience 😂

Apart from all that, leave comments about the rest of the chapter. And then before leaving, press the little star ⭐ in the corner. 

Thank you all. I love you all💖

Until next time, be fashionable. 😂

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