Chapter 35

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   Graduation is not the end; it’s the beginning.” —Senator Orrin Hatch

Bright and cheerful, Fola pranced around the house the next day.  There was a swag in her steps and a smile on her lips.  

In return, she got suspicious looks from everyone but that didn't deter her from her lively mood. After all, it was part of her plan to meet her aim.  

She had tossed and turned all night with thoughts of how she could get out of the house and be with her siblings.  By the time morning rolled in, she had come up with one possible solution.  Charming them into giving her freedom even if for a little while.   

There was one way to do that. Prove to them that she won't rebel anymore.  For days she had expressed resentment at their control over her but it was time to do the opposite.  

She hummed a tune as she climbed down the stairs.  As she entered the dining room, she greeted everyone with a smile.  From the corner of her eyes, she caught Nora raising a brow. 

Pleased with herself, she strutted to her seat and succeeded to school a scowl as she looked upon the food prepared for her.  Aware of the eyes on her, she wolfed down the food and downed the cup of carrot and celery smoothie placed beside her plate.  

She bid everyone farewell with a smile and she almost giggled when Chief Naade frowned in response.  With her head held high, she walked out and went to her study.  Her journal of designs beaconed her over. She plopped down on the armchair and threw herself into what she loved to do. Create designs of clothes.  

Nevertheless, her eyes never strayed from the clock on the wall.  An hour and a half later she closed her journal and returned it to its former position. She cracked her knuckles to ease the stiffness in them.

With a determined glint in her eyes, she left her study.  It was time to put her next plan into play.  

Her sandals clicked against the tiles as she approached the place she hadn't visited in a long time.  

She stopped in front of a huge mahogany door. Her stomach squeezed and her heart raced. A deep sigh left her lips. Her nerves were in a bundle of mess. However, everything else paled when it came to getting out and being able to see her siblings.  Her back straightened and she gave a swift knock on the door. Time seemed to drag as she waited for a response. 

"Come in," said a muffled voice.  

Her breath hitched and she pushed the door open. A shiver surged through her as she stepped into the air-conditioned room. A place she considered the lion's den. 

Chief Naade sat in all his glory behind a huge mahogany table.  A file was opened in front of him.  Fola swallowed hard as she took her place in front of his desk.  She clasped her hands in front of her and waited for him to acknowledge her presence.  However, moments passed but he didn't look up from the file he was reading.  

She shifted her weight from one leg to the other.  The urge to say a prayer washed over her but she managed to ignore it.  After all, the prayer she said last night had still not been answered.  

"State the purpose of your presence," Chief Naade's cold voice jolted her back to reality.  

She swallowed hard as she gathered her thoughts.  "I need a favor," she said in a low voice.  

"Is that so?" He finally looked up.  "You know my favors come at a heavy price." His lips curled into a smirk. 

I know

What else do you want from me? 

You have taken it all.  

Fola's body quaked from that realization.  

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