Chapter 5

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Animals are such agreeable friends - they ask no questions, they pass no criticisms.— George Eliot

They say time flies. Fola could testify to the validity of that statement. Two days had flown past since the visit of her sister and the disappearance of Nora. 

Life returned to normal a few hours after the departure of her sister. Nora reappeared, bossing Fola around like she always did.   Fola's mind drifted to the conversation they had after her reappearance. 


 After having breakfast, the two sisters returned to Fola's room where they shared stories about their lives.  Kala shared stories about her school life while Fola told stories of her job and office. She remained invasive when questions rose about her personal life.  

In between their discussion, they snacked on chocolate cookies Fola found in the refrigerator in the corner of her room. The refrigerator harbored her guilty pleasures.  Things hidden away from the hawk eyes of Nora. 

Finally, Fola bid Kala farewell in the early hours of the afternoon. Tears welled in her eyes as she closed the door behind her sister. The warmth she felt with her sister's presence faded away and she was left with the daunting remainder of her present life.  

Armed with her sketchbook, she retired to the smallest living room in the house.  A room that temporarily tucked her away from her harsh reality.  Although, this time she couldn't enjoy the tranquility that lived in the room.  

The sounds of heels on the tiles bounced against the walls and caused the hair on Fola's neck to rise. Fola drew in a breath as a familiar floral fragrance filled her senses.  She drew in a breath and looked up.  Nora stood at the doorway in all her glory with a smirk playing on her lips.  

Fola narrowed her eyes and blurted the only question she had. "Where were you?" 

Nora's smirk grew and she strutted into the room. "I was attending to business."

"What business?" Fola's brows wrinkled. 

Nora looked at her with dark eyes and shook her head. "You wouldn't want to know so drop it."

Fola's brows rose and curiosity welled within her but she obeyed and didn't prod for more information. Although her curiosity remained, she consoled herself that in some situations, ignorance is bliss. 


The clearing of a throat brought Fola out of her daydream. Her eyes darted to the scowling face of her husband. 

"Where were you lost? You just ignored  my presence." His forehead creased. 

Fola lowered her eyes as embarrassment washed over her. "I'm sorry," she muttered. "I got lost in some thoughts.,"

He grunted.  "Save it," he said in a cold voice.  

Fola stopped herself from flinching at the harshness of his voice. His bitterness towards her increased as the years went by and Fola was gradually getting used to it.  She gazed at him from under her lashes. Wrinkles marred his face and strands of gray hair covered parts of his hair. All evidence of the age difference between them.  

A thought swirled in her head as she stared at him.  "Why are you here?" She blurted but immediately regretted it as a deep scowl marred his face. 

"Uh..sorry…I mean…" She scrambled for words to salvage the situation, "what work do need me for?" She held her breath as she waited for his response. 

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